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All That We Share. Educating The Whole Child in Waldorf Schools - SGWS Blog. Waldorf Educators say they focus on “educating the whole child.”

Educating The Whole Child in Waldorf Schools - SGWS Blog

They also say the curriculum engages the student’s “head, heart and hands,” and uses “multi-disciplinary” methods of teaching. Melissa Peet: Integrative Knowledge and Learning. The Radical Art of Learning from Within. “We have an inner teacher who wants to lay a claim on our lives.”— Parker J.

The Radical Art of Learning from Within

Palmer How would our lives and society change if education began with going inward? That is the project of the Open Master’s, a program for self-directed and community-supported wayfinding. Co-founders Sarah Bradley and Alan Webb set out to connect learners to their own inner teachers, nurturing personal transformation by inviting each participant to design their education around a vision of the person they want to become. From information to relationship. #ULKOLUOKKA. Suomen nuorin yrittäjä sai hevosrahat kasaan – KoruMies Arvin hurja vuosi. Lumilapiotaiteilija piirsi hankeen huikeita eläinhahmoja – lopputulos hivelee... Sanat liikkeeksi. Laulamalla opettaminen tehostaa suomen kielen oppimista (Väitös: KM Jenni Ali...

The Latest School Reform in Finland Introduces a New Way to Look at Subjects. Taking education reform seriously since the 1970s, Finland has climbed the international education ratings by doing several things: 1) it bets on highly competent teachers, 2) it recognizes the huge importance of early childhood education, 3) it gives local schools the autonomy to address local needs by decentralizing administration, 4) it guarantees a uniform and free (including meals, transportation and school materials) education for all students.

The Latest School Reform in Finland Introduces a New Way to Look at Subjects

As a result, Finnish students score higher than most of their peers on international assessment tests, despite peculiarities like having minimal homework and tests, and also a curriculum that puts a big emphasis on music, the arts, and outdoor activities. In its latest efforts to keep improving the curriculum and making its pupils more equipped to succeed in the modern world, Finland has rethought the concept of a subject for its basic schools (students aged 7 to 16).

Photo: Phillipe Put (Flickr) Macro photos of snowflakes show impossibly perfect designs. One of the true wonders of the world are snowflakes, tiny designs made of ice that are so individually unique, so detailed, and so spectacular it's hard to comprehend that they happen naturally and aren't pulled from the depths of our own imaginations.

Macro photos of snowflakes show impossibly perfect designs

Photographer Alexey Kljatov has a special talent for capturing the brief life of these beautiful ice creations. He features many of his snowflake photos on Flickr. Kljatov says, "I capture snowflakes at open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by LED flashlight from opposite side of glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woolen fabrics as background. " Repullinen vinkkejä - Opas monialaisiin oppimiskokonaisuuksiin.pdf. How Forests Heal People. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Extreme Weather. The United States has had its fair share of extreme weather calamities in recent years, from Hurricane Katrina, to multiple tornadoes, to flooding and severe storms.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Extreme Weather

This table from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration lists every billion-dollar weather and climate disaster from 1980 to present. The prevalence of extreme weather, and how communities respond to it, have led to a unique collaboration between scholars from two fields that usually occupy buildings far apart from each other on college campuses: Sheila Steinberg, a professor of social and environmental sciences at Brandman University, and William Sprigg, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Arizona. The two recently released a book titled Extreme Weather, Health, and Communities: Interdisciplinary Engagement Strategies through Springer.

How Life Organizes. Drawn from Coming Back to Life Instead of looking for basic building blocks, these life scientists took a new tack: they began to look at wholes instead of parts, at processes instead of substances.

How Life Organizes

They discovered that these wholes--be they cells, bodies, ecosystems, or even the planet itself--are not just a heap of disjunct parts, but are dynamically organized and intricately balanced "systems," interdependent in every movement, every function, every exchange of energy and information. They saw that each element is part of a vaster pattern, a pattern that connects and evolves by discernible principles. The discernment of these principles gave rise to general living systems theory. By shifting their focus to relationships instead of separate entities, scien-tists made an amazing discovery--amazing at least to the mainstream western mind.

Systeemiäly karttuu työelämässä - tästä siinä on kyse. Vahvuudet yhteiskuntapoliittisina ja yksilöllisinä luonnetaitoina — Juhani Rä... Julkaisussa: Eila Jeronen (toim.): Perustietoa. Systeemiajattelu koulussa. Oppiminen ja sivistys — Timo Järvilehto. Joustavasta koulupäivästä hyötyvät kaikki - Mielipide. Systems Thinking Speech by Dr. Russell Ackoff. Left-Brain Schools in a Right-Brain World: Lack of Play in Schools, Rise in L... I need you to start by imagining the following scene: A paintbrush scratches across the canvas, staining deep blue waves in its wake.

Left-Brain Schools in a Right-Brain World: Lack of Play in Schools, Rise in L...

The scent of paint hangs thick in the air, coating the painter’s nose and lungs with its familiar chemicals. She reaches over her shoulder, grasping at an itch and leaving a smear of white fingerprints on the already paint-caked t-shirt. No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really ... Finland’s plans to replace the teaching of classic school subjects such as history or English with broader, cross-cutting “topics” as part of a major education reform have been getting global attention, thanks to an article in The Independent, one of the United Kingdom’s trusted newspapers.

No, Finland isn’t ditching traditional school subjects. Here’s what’s really ...

Stay calm: despite the reforms, Finnish schools will continue to teach mathematics, history, arts, music and other subjects in the future. But with the new basic school reform all children will also learn via periods looking at broader topics, such as the European Union, community and climate change, or 100 years of Finland’s independence, which would bring in multi-disciplinary modules on languages, geography, sciences and economics. A Systems Story (Systems Thinking) Turns Out, Counting on Your Fingers Makes You Smarter. Erillisyysajattelusta yhteisajatteluun! Regenerative Design and a Science of Qualities – Daniel Wahl – Medium. (First published in The Network Review of the Scientific and Medical Network, Summer 2016; pp.10–12) Your body, your family, your community, the team you work with, as well as, cities, economies and ecosystems, can all be understood as complex dynamic systems.

Regenerative Design and a Science of Qualities – Daniel Wahl – Medium

Generally speaking, all systems with more than three interacting variables are complex dynamic systems and better described by non-linear mathematics and circular rather than linear causality. Understanding the dynamics of change within complex dynamic systems has critical implications for our understanding of health. Conceiving of health as an emergent property of complex systems can inform salutogenic — health- generating — design. Powercouples - Oslo Innovation Week. The future of innovation lies in your mind.

Powercouples - Oslo Innovation Week

And in someone else’s A powercouple consists of great minds of different disciplines, complementing each other in solving the world’s challenges. They’re not opponents. They will drive the future of innovation.They say great minds think alike. We believe in the power of different minds, as radical innovation happens when connecting previously unconnected bodies of knowledge.The future lies in bridging differences. The mind isn’t locked in the brain but extends far beyond it. Where is your mind? Where does your thinking occur? Where are your beliefs? René Descartes thought that the mind was an immaterial soul, housed in the pineal gland near the centre of the brain. Nowadays, by contrast, we tend to identify the mind with the brain. We know that mental processes depend on brain processes, and that different brain regions are responsible for different functions. Ideakilpailun voittajat selvillä. The Restless Multidisciplinarian – E-180 Mag. How many people do you know who don’t work in the field they studied for?

In my case—and it’s probably skewed by having worked around technology for years—it sure feels like most people I know have jumped (or carefully transitioned) to other fields. People who know many domains, who work and play across a variety of disciplines, who repeatedly develop targeted skills and broad knowledge, are everywhere and kind of fascinate me. What chemical elements would look like if they were people. We at Bright Side are certain that any subject, no matter how complicated, can be made interesting for children provided it’s explained in an accessible way.

Take chemistry for example, which is often considered one of the toughest subjects for a child to learn at school. We suggest beginning with the most famous chemical elements and their characteristics. Meet the mathekniticians - and their amazing woolly maths creations. In 1996 two British maths teachers active on an internet knitting forum were asked by a US yarn firm to design it an afghan. “We were sent into a panic!

We had no idea what an afghan was!” Remembers Pat Ashforth, who with partner Steve Plummer is known in the crafts community for maths-inspired knits. The couple soon discovered that an afghan was a knitted or crocheted blanket or throw. They produced four designs for the US firm, and it began a journey that has defined the rest of their lives. David Greenwood introduces an approach to place-based education. "Tytöille annetaan helpommin anteeksi" – tällaisiin ennakkoluuloihin törmätää... The Value of Interdisciplinary Education. On the Wildness of Children — Carol Black. Values. Espoon Steinerkoulusta elämäntaitojen koulu.

Kasvokkain: Luontopäiväkotiketjun johtaja: "Toivottavasti jumppasalit eivät t... Why Cognitive Empathy Matters and How it Works in Tandem with Reason. Saara Aalto - Let It Go (Frozen) Multi-Language, 15 languages. Vanhuksia hoidetaan taiteella ja elämyksillä luonnossa – ”Ulos lähteminen kuu... Finnish pop UP SCHOOL ke 17.08 Ystävyys. Integrative Education. ERIC Digest. STEM vs. Liberal Education: A False Choice. How do we move towards an education platform where passion guides learning? I... Israeli schools offer alternative integrative education system for Arabs, Jews. Integrative Education. ERIC Digest. Suomen kieli on mieskeskeinen ja muita sukupuolia syrjivä, ja asialle pitäisi tehdä jotakin, sanoo kielentutkija - Kieli ja tapakulttuuri. The Building Blocks of Learning. Lt2-3_16_10-15_lowres. Virkamieskoirat valmiina työhön! - Eläinavusteinen pienryhmä Mikaeliin. Two strangers were asked to pose in a photograph together. You won't believe ...

Kaikki koulut eivät enää jaa ekaluokkalaisia luokkiin heti – näin halutaan te... Hs. Koulupappa ei selviä ilman haasteita: "Olen nyt yrittänyt laskea neliöjuuria ... Esikouluvuosi sujuu metsässäkin – uni, ruoka ja oppi maistuu paremmin. The Ekmans' Atlas of Emotions. Kehollinen oppiminen 2. Kehollinen oppiminen. Texas School Triples Recess Time, Sees Positive Results. The Big Picture. The Overview Effect. When Words Aren't Necessary. Suomi 100 – pian juhlitaan satavuotiasta Suomea. STEM Is Our New Religion, But It's Probably a False God. Open fires and pointy sticks: The rise of Scandi-style nurseries in the UK. Ilmiömäistä oppimista! The Finnish Boys Who Cook. Sitra Ratkaisu 100 Haastekilpailu - What would you like to see us do? N kilpailu on saanut suomalaiset liikkeelle ratkomaan yhteiskunnan epäkohtia.

Check out these photos a father took with his son over the course of 26 years. Hand-Drawn Coloring Book Reveals Mathematical Beauty Of Nature’s Designs With... Pedagogiikkaa ja koulupolitiikkaa II: Monialaiset oppimiskokonaisuudet- Uuden... Tulevaisuuden yliopisto — Vertaisoppimisen tulevaisuus. The 11 Laws of Systems Thinking – Heart of the Art. Christine Ortiz aikoo räjäyttää yliopiston – ja meidän kannattaisi kokeilla s...

Positiivinen pedagogiikka. How to Fine-Tune Your Moral Compass. How Science Reveals That “Well-Being” Is a Skill. Socially Acceptable. Miksei meille koulu opettanut tätä? Nykylapset oppivat tunnistamaan miltä toi... Inho tuntuu vatsassa, ilo koko ihmisessä – jo pieni lapsi kokee tunteet kehos... The fascinating history of modern numbers. NASA Space Sounds. Sometimes Confusion Is A Good Thing : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture. Kokonaisuudet haltuun ilmiöoppimisen avulla – Sanoma Pro. Interviews with Innovation Experts and Authors: Thinking Together, Part 1. How Nature Boosts Kindness, Happiness, and Creativity. Emotion Regulation through Movement: Unique Sets of Movement Characteristics ...

Arto O. Salonen - Koulu ja tulevaisuuden yhteiskunta. From Liberal to Integral Education. Roots of Empathy: Introduction. Nyt. Arto Salonen - Ekososiaalisen sivistyksen idea. The Science of Being in the Flow. David Birchfield: Embodied Learning: Origins and Implications.