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Understand what you read. A Guide to Equity and Antiracism for Educators. 21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids. The United States has a racism problem.

21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids

The idea of tackling such complicated and hurtful topics in our homes and classrooms is daunting, but we can’t look away. We MUST face it. Fortunately, we live in a time when technology provides resources, such as the anti-racism videos below, designed to support us as we navigate these difficult and painful conversations. 15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest - Teaching Now. By Sarah Schwartz and Madeline Will As nationwide protests against police brutality continue, teachers in their virtual classrooms are once again searching for ways to help their students process the killings of black people in police custody in the United States.

15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest - Teaching Now

Speaking with Education Week on Monday, teachers said that they and their colleagues have a responsibility to address these protests, which erupted when George Floyd, an unarmed black man, died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. "Teachers cannot be silent during this time," said Patrick Harris, a 6th and 7th grade English and social studies teacher at the Detroit Achievement Academy. "Teachers have to take a stand. 10 TED classroom resources about race in America. Angélica Dass / Humanæ Teachers often use TED Talks in the classroom to introduce a lesson topic or to frame a student discussion.

10 TED classroom resources about race in America

Here are 10 TED Talks about race in America that teachers may find useful for starting difficult conversations in the classroom: 1. Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder. Developmental Language Disorder. Life of Privilege Explained in a $100 Race. Hearing Loss in the Classroom. Jackson Bird: How to talk (and listen) to transgender people.

Look for the Good Project. Think Before You Share. Trouver une ressource - Professionnels de la santé mentale - Santé mentale en milieu scolaire Ontario. Quoi faire en cas de crise. Que faire si quelqu'un a une crise d'épilepsie?

Quoi faire en cas de crise

Crises tonico-cloniques Les crises tonico-cloniques sont souvent intenses et effrayantes. Avec ces types de crise, vous devriez prendre certaines mesures de sécurité afin que votre enfant ne se blesse pas. Étape 1 : Demeurez calme et rassurez les autres Beaucoup de gens ont peur lorsqu’ils voient une personne qui a une crise d’épilepsie. Étape 2 : Éviter les blessures Gardez votre enfant éloigné de toute source de danger. Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource. Bienvenue à La santé mentale au quotidien : une ressource pour la salle de classe!

Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource

MOTEUR DE CRÉATION DE VISUELS. 1 image/page 2 images/page 4 images/page 6 images/page 12 images/page 16 images/page Visitez les liens suivants pour trouver d'autres sources qui vous permettront de créer vos propres visuels.


La relaxation. Il existe plusieurs techniques de relaxation pour apaiser les symptômes physiques du stress.

La relaxation

Cet apaisement peut être utile dans différentes situations, telles qu’un examen, une entrevue pour un emploi, un exposé oral, etc. La relaxation est en quelque sorte une leçon apprise par l’organisme et, pour être bénéfique, elle doit être pratiquée quelques fois par semaine. Vous pouvez débuter cet apprentissage dans des endroits plus calmes, puis, graduellement, utiliser la relaxation en situation de stress. Exposé oral : comment gérer son anxiété? L’idée de devoir s’exprimer en public lors d’un exposé oral peut susciter de l’anxiété chez l’enfant, qui peut alors éprouver des symptômes dérangeants.

Exposé oral : comment gérer son anxiété?

Pour l’aider à gérer cette situation, on peut lui montrer certaines techniques de relaxation qui ont fait leurs preuves, comme celles de la respiration contrôlée et de la respiration abdominale. Strategies for controlling your anger: Keeping anger in check. Wrath, fury, rage — whatever you call it, anger is a powerful emotion.

Strategies for controlling your anger: Keeping anger in check

Unfortunately, it’s often an unhelpful one. Anger is a natural human experience, and sometimes there are valid reasons to get mad like feeling hurt by something someone said or did or experiencing frustration over a situation at work or home. Controlling Anger — Before It Controls You. Relaxation Simple relaxation tools, such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery, can help calm down angry feelings.

Controlling Anger — Before It Controls You

Anger Management. Is your temper hijacking your life? These tips and techniques can help you get anger under control and express your feelings in healthier ways. Understanding anger Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, neither good nor bad. Like any emotion, it conveys a message, telling you that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. If your kneejerk reaction to anger is to explode, however, that message never has a chance to be conveyed. Dealing With Anger (for Teens) When Tempers Flare Do you lose your temper and wonder why? Dealing With Anger (for Teens) In the Mix - Lesson Plan: "Managing Anger" "Managing Anger" Estimated Time of Completion: Two 45-minute class periods;or one 45-minute class period plus one 30-minute training workshop I.

SummaryII. ObjectivesIII. Materials NeededIV. I. For grades 9-12. Emotional Health and Anger Management for Adolescent Men. Teens can exhibit a variety of intense emotions during adolescence. In fact, this stage of life is characterized by being more emotional versus rational, more impulsive versus cautious. However, it seems that males have a tendency of exhibiting their emotions more than female teens. Anger Management Tips for Teens. At one time or another everybody gets mad. Anger is a normal human emotion, and it is the way that your subconscious mind releases mental and emotional pressure. But sometimes this normal psychological function can run amok and lead you astray. Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury.

(120) This is What It's Really Like to Have ADHD. Jessica McCabe: This is what it's really like to live with ADHD. Documents sur le TDAH à imprimer. Premiers pas vers la lecture : la conscience phonologique sur le Web. Dès le préscolaire, mais aussi en 1re année ou même plus longtemps pour les élèves éprouvant des difficultés d’apprentissage, ce type d’exercice a intérêt à être intégré au quotidien des enfants.

Cette conscience (définie ici ou ici. ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and LD. Celebrities With Dyslexia, ADHD and Dyscalculia. Some of the biggest names in movies, music and sports are people who struggled in school with learning and thinking differences. Here are a number of the celebrities who found their passion and overcame their challenges. Whoopi Goldberg (dyslexia) Daniel Radcliffe (dyspraxia) Famous People Talk About Learning and Attention Issues. Celebrities with learning and thinking differences are often willing to share what those challenges have taught them.

Here’s what 9 famous people with ADHD, dyslexia and more have to say. “If you have kids who are struggling with dyslexia, the greatest gift you can give them is the sense that nothing is unattainable. With dyslexia comes a very great gift, which is the way that your mind can think creatively.” —Child Mind Institute, Grammy-winning singer and producer. Study Break Tips: How To Take A Study Break That Works.

True North Aid Projects Past & Present - TRUE NORTH AID. Introduction à la planification de la transition pour les élèves ayant des TA. Ajouter aux Favoris Article rédigé par Cindy Perras, M.Ed., OEEO. Conseillère pédagogique, AOTA. Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities - Transition to Post-Secondary Education. L'autisme. Recherche avancée. Université Laurentienne. Pour s’inscrire aux Services d'accessibilité, les étudiants doivent fournir de la documentation qui confirme la présence d'un handicap ou d’une condition médicale et qui indique si la condition est permanente ou temporaire.

The Glenn Crombie Centre for Student Support. Free Head Start on College. Service aux étudiantes et aux étudiants ayant des besoins particuliers. Afin de pouvoir aider vos élèves ayant des besoins particuliers à bien planifier leurs transitions au Collège Boréal, vous pouvez remettre à l’élève la documentation suivante ou nous l’acheminer directement par courriel à : Veuillez-vous assurer que l’élève a une copie récente des documents suivants : (Inclure tous les documents de cette liste que vous possédez) Pour les étapes à suivre pour s’identifier auprès de notre service, cliquez sur l’hyperlien suivant. Pour des informations supplémentaires au sujet de la transition au Collège Boréal, cliquez sur l’hyperlien suivant. Si vous avez plusieurs étudiants qui sont inscrits au Collège Boréal pour le mois de septembre prochain, il est possible de faire une requête pour qu’un membre de l’équipe se rende à votre école pour faire des présentations et discuter avec vos étudiants.

Transitions - Grades 8-9. Transitioning from elementary to secondary school is a very exciting time for all students. There are a lot of opportunities available to students during their grade 8 year that will help to make this transition a smooth and enjoyable experience. Below is some information about events, activities and opportunities that may occur throughout the year.

Knowing yourself is the best way to make decisions and set goals for your future. The Ontario Ministry of Education has identified the following Learning Skills as an integral part of a student’s learning: EduSource. Enseigner besoins spéciaux. Canadian Epilepsy Alliance. Positive Psychology & Science of Happiness - 7 Habits of Happy People. The 7 Most Counterproductive Learning Habits and How to Fix Them. Example Late Work Policies for Teachers. Edutopia. T'es Trop Jeune. All That We Share. Three ways to help any kid be more creative. Les 7 bénéfices de la gratitude: comment la gratitude peut changer votre vie - Therapeutes magazine. La métacognition dans l’utilisation des fonctions d’aide technologiques. Can Video Games Make You Smarter? The Scientific Power of Meditation. 5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now.

Is ADHD An Advantage? How To Learn Faster. The Scientific Power of Thought. Drug Free Kids Canada. Home - Dear Everybody. Programmation AFPED 17 18. Stratégies d’enseignement pour les élèves ayant des besoins spéciaux. ATTENTIX. Home Page. My.happify. Le fabuleux pouvoir de la gratitude. Présent Pour Toi. 9 TED Talks recommended by students, for students. Dear Class of 2017… Rosie King: Comment l'autisme m'a libérée pour être moi-même. Créer des choses merveilleuses. To The Girls Who Mocked My Son At The Mall – Scary Mommy. Mindfulness for Your School, Teachers, Students. "Release" Original Film on Middle School Anxiety - Mindful Schools. A Life Story In Five Chapters - Gary Ryan Blair. - This video is truly amazing! Big message... Struggles of our Life - Moral Stories. The Science of Character (8min "Cloud Film") Michael Jordan 'Maybe It's My Fault' Commercial. Odell Beckham makes catch of the year! Commercial on DeRozan's busy offseason shows why he's on top of the NBA. Odell Beckham Jr. Practices One-Handed Catch (Pre-Game) Michael phelps ADHD. Teaching Good Study Habits, Minute by Minute. How to Teach Happiness at School. Strategies to Help Slow-Working Students. Quotes and Pictures - Beautiful Thoughts, Inspirational, Motivational, Success, Friendship, Positive Thinking, Attitude, Trust, Perseverance,

Every Parents must watch this video!! (Hosted by Jay Shetty) Pensées positives. The Critical Thinking Consortium - Accueil. Austin's Butterfly: Building Excellence in Student Work - Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback. Student Participation Strategy: Talk Moves. Alternatives to Free Time at the End of Class.