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Teaching Debate

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Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy? Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate. Evidence Citations: A Review. Debate Evidence: Guide to Making Evidence Cards Evidence in debate comes from passages taken directly from articles, reports, books, speeches, and transcripts.

Evidence Citations: A Review

Sometimes evidence is called “cards” because we often put one piece of evidence on a 4x6 index card. There are 3 parts to an evidence card: 1) The Tag/Claim—a brief statement summarizing the point of the evidence. The tag must be a complete idea (subject and verb). 2) The source citation (see “Tags” below) 3) The exact passage as copied from the article (cut and paste) and placed in a document to be copied and shared. Sample: People of Western Sudan are Victims of Atrocities Simon Robinson, NQG, Time, October 4, 2004, p.44 Aid workers and human-rights researchers say the violence that has convulsed western since February 2003, and the ensuing hunger and disease, has killed up to 50,000 people and forced some 1.4 million from their homes. Obtaining Evidence What Makes A Passage Good Evidence?

1. 2. 3. 4. Evidence Citations § Publication. Lecture - Argument & Debate Textbook for Non-Debaters - Korry Harvey & Paul Bingham - 3rd Better World Conference 2010. Lecture - Introduction to Argumentation for Debaters - Alfred Snider - WSDA 2011. This is entitled "Introduction to Argumentation for Debaters.

Lecture - Introduction to Argumentation for Debaters - Alfred Snider - WSDA 2011

" The presenter is Dr. Alfred Snider of the University of Vermont. This took place at the Third World Schools Debate Academy, held 2-9 July 2011 in the beautiful Julian Alps, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia and held at the lovely Hotel Kompas, a fabulous four star hotel in a wonderful location. The event was attended by over 130 people from 19 countries, including Macedonia, Italy, Sweden, Czech Republic, Ireland, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Germany, Qatar, Venezuela, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, the USA, Italy, Hong Kong and the UK. The program is sponsored by ZIP Slovenia (​user5582136) and the World Debate Institute University of Vermont USA (​debateblog/​wdi/​). High school students, trainers, teachers and coaches are welcome to attend future sessions. Student Resources. The Importance of Communication Skills Communication skills—both oral and written—are consistently ranked at the top of the list of skills that employers find most attractive in new college graduates, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and their annual Job Outlook Surveys.

Student Resources

However, the primary complaint from employers about new college graduates is that they lack the requisite speaking and writing skills necessary to perform well in their jobs. Therefore, communication skills can easily be the deciding factor for hiring or not hiring a job candidate, not just in communication intensive positions, but across professions. Resources Public speaking Working in groups Argument and deliberation Audience adaptation. Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies.

Rbutr – facilitating online discussion. Using Xtranormal Against Straw Men. When my wife and I decided to team-teach this semester, we were mindful of several challenges: keeping the class from turning into a marital soap opera, modeling for students not only divergent academic perspectives, but how those perspectives connect (see this helpful Tomorrow’s Professor post), and keeping the focus on the class on the Honors program learning objectives.

Using Xtranormal Against Straw Men

The biggest challenge, at least at first, seemed to be about technology and pedagogy: How would we balance her preference for papers and exams with my own interest in a variety of born-digital assignments? It turns out that this has been less of a problem than we expected. In part, this is about sequencing. My wikified class notes assignment lends itself well to an exam, so that fit. And a regular blogging assignment helps generate lots of ideas for papers, so that was ok, too. Kairos. Oregon-oxford debate. Cross-Examination/Oregon-Oxford/Forensic Debate- traditional debate format used in elementary, high schools and colleges all over the country.- There are 2 sides in this format : the Affirmative and the Negative.

oregon-oxford debate

The Affirmative proves the validity of the issue or topic called the Proposition while the Negative disproves it. Each team has two speakers and one scribe. A Debate Moderator enforces the rules to ensure the debate’s smooth conduct.- Each speaker delivers one Constructive speech, one Rebuttal-Summation speech and gets to cross-examine his opponent.- This is the format of choice for topics requiring more than superficial research.

Forensics. Rules on an Oxford-Oregon Debate: Format of Debate - Oxford-Oregon Type Three Speakers from each side.


Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion. 21W.747S10_assn08. Rhetoric. Classical Rhetoric 101: An Introduction by Brett & Kate McKay As many of you know, I read a lot of biographies on the lives of great men from history.


The part of a man’s life I enjoy learning about the most is their education. What books did they read as young men that influenced them later on in life? Where did they travel? | Read the full article → The 35 Greatest Speeches in History If a man wishes to become a great orator, he must first become a student of the great orators who have come before him. About « RCM 401: Oral Rhetoric. The Power of Oratory in the United States. Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy Files. Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric. Analysis.

Mock Trial