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Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate

Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate

TEDx: Fracture-Critical Design / Tom Fisher Thomas Fisher, Professor in the School of Architecture and Dean of the College of Design at the University of Minnesota, discusses the subject matter of his most recent book, Designing To Avoid Disaster: The Nature of Fracture-Critical Design. Fisher believes we have been engaged in a “Ponzi scheme” with our planet, as fracture-critical design has lead to a number of recent catastrophic events in our infrastructure, politics and economy. The I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, New Orleans’ flooding, the BP oil spill, Port au Prince’s destruction by earthquake, Fukushima nuclear plant’s devastation by tsunami, the Wall Street investment bank failures, and the housing foreclosure epidemic are all examples of fragile systems that were created by this failed system. The solution? Integrating resiliency back into our lives. Watch the video to learn more. via TEDxUMN

Communicate if Your Government Shuts Off Your Internet From Wired How-To Wiki Scenario: Your government is displeased with the communication going on in your location and pulls the plug on your internet access, most likely by telling the major ISPs to turn off service. This is what happened in Egypt Jan. 25 prompted by citizen protests, with sources estimating that the Egyptian government cut off approximately 88 percent of the country's internet access. What do you do without internet? Step 1: Stop crying in the corner. This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Preventive measures Make your network tangible Print out your contact list, so your phone numbers aren’t stuck in the cloud. Broadcast on the radio CB Radio: Short for "Citizens Band" radio, these two-way radios allow communication over short distances on 40 channels. Ham radio: To converse over these radios, also known as "amateur radios," you have to obtain an operator's license from the FCC. Packet Radio Back to the '90s: There do exist shortwave packet-radio modems. Phone Fax

pour une Constitution écrite par et pour les Citoyens Bonjour :o) Ici, depuis le 1er janvier 2006, nous parlons d'un sujet que les politiciens de métier voudraient bien garder pour eux : nous parlons de la Constitution, de ce texte absolument fondamental pour tous les citoyens (et pourtant complètement négligé par eux), de ce texte qui pourrait nous protéger tous contre les abus de pouvoir si nous le faisions nôtre au lieu d'en abandonner la maîtrise à ceux-là mêmes qu'il est censé contrôler. Nous discutons principe par principe, méthodiquement. Nous avons d'abord suivi le plan de mon document "Les grands principes d'une bonne Constitution", mais nous avons ensuite élargi nos thèmes à partir de vos réflexions, critiques et suggestions.

Escalation. This week in Developmental Psychology class I presented a paper on dating violence in teenage relationships. I'm not going to rehash the paper here, because it's boring and Google-vulnerable, but I wanted to share the most interesting conclusion I found. How much conflict there is in a relationship, or the seriousness of the conflict issues, are not predictors of whether there will be violence. The studies I read looked at dating violence, which is not the same thing as dating abuse, although obviously there's lots of overlap. The takehome is that we shouldn't be teaching teenagers (and grownups) to avoid conflict. De-escalation means bringing someone down from an irrational, emotionally hyperaroused, screamy-hitty state, but it does not mean appeasement. A full method for de-escalation is really a whole class, but here's some pointers for dealing with someone who's upset to the point that they're losing control: •De-escalate yourself first. •Project calmness.

Les fuites Wikileaks que vous aviez manquées - Le roi de Thaïlande Bhumibol Adulyadej, suivi de la reine Sikirit (au centre) et du prince héritier Maha Vajiralongkorn (à gauche). REUTERS/Damir Sagolj - DEPUIS LES QUELQUES MOIS de 2011 saturés en infos sur Julian Assange, les médias américains ont délaissé le scandale déclenché par le site WikiLeaks au profit des révolutions arabes et d’autres affaires de mœurs. Mais depuis, WikiLeaks n’a cessé de diffuser des télégrammes diplomatiques —jusqu’ici, sur les plus de 250.000, moins de 16.000 ont été publiés. Après avoir, dans un premier temps, noué des partenariats —aujourd’hui usés— avec le Guardian et le New York Times, le site WikiLeaks collabore désormais avec des journaux de pays tels que le Pérou, Haïti et l’Irlande, pour mettre au jour des documents confidentiels d’intérêt national. publicité Dimanche 3 juillet ont eu lieu des élections législatives thaïlandaises (largement) anticipées. Mais c’est loin d’être le clou. Joshua E. Traduit par Micha Cziffra Devenez fan sur

untitled Monthly donors (our Guardians of Liberty) enable us to respond to urgent threats to our civil liberties. They provide us with the resources to stop: Attempts to suppress free speech Politicians from denying women reproductive freedom Racially-biased practices in our criminal justice system Join today with a monthly donation. Frequently Asked Questions about the Guardians of Liberty Program Where does my money go? What payment methods do you accept? When will I be charged? Can I change my donation? Can I cancel? Will I still need to renew my membership? Are my monthly gifts tax-deductible?

Australie : pourquoi Obi-Wan Kenobi aura un vote A 20 ans, Luke Binney, étudiant en psychologie à l'université de Sydney, s'apprête à voter pour la première fois de sa vie pour des élections législatives, samedi 7 septembre. Anarchiste convaincu, le jeune homme est un fervent détracteur de la politique australienne et organise régulièrement des réunions - peu fréquentées, de son propre aveu - pour "réfléchir à des solutions alternatives". Alors que l'Australie célèbre déjà la victoire des libéraux et de leur chef de file, Tony Abbott, l'étudiant sait déjà pour qui il va voter : Obi-Wan Kenobi, l'un des chevaliers Jedi de la saga "Star Wars". "Au moins, il n'a jamais trahi ses idéaux", ironise-t-il. Dans ce pays de 22 millions d'habitants, le vote est en effet un devoir pour les citoyens, mais aussi une obligation. Instaurée en 1924 après un scrutin boudé par les citoyens, cette originalité du système électoral australien permet aujourd'hui au pays d'afficher des taux de participation records. Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié

Chart Porn Vote Pirate: The World’s Next Great Political Party? While we in the United States are accustomed to choosing between Democratic, Republican, and maybe an unlikely handful of Libertarian or Green candidates for political office, Australian voters faced a list that was more like a fast-food menu for their recent September 7 election. Beyond the Labor, Liberal, and Green party politicians that make up most of the country’s government, Australia hosts the Sex Party, Julian Assange’s newly formed Wikileaks Party, and even the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, all of which competed in the 2013 national elections. While most of these efforts are just jokey vanity projects, one micro-party is quietly building an international support network, fielding candidates all over the world under the banner of open-internet utopianism. Enter the Pirate Party. In the early 2000s, Falkvinge noticed that European Union legislators were clamping down on copyright regulation and passing anti-privacy laws.

From Capitalism To Democracy How the cops watch your tweets in real-time Recent leaks about the NSA's Internet spy programs have sparked renewed interest in government surveillance, though the leaks touch largely on a single form of such surveillance—the covert one. But so-called "open source intelligence" (OSINT) is also big business— and not just at the national/international level. New tools now mine everything from "the deep Web" to Facebook posts to tweets so that cops and corporations can see what locals are saying. For instance, consider BlueJay, the "Law Enforcement Twitter Crime Scanner," which provides real-time, geo-fenced access to every single public tweet so that local police can keep tabs on #gunfire, #meth, and #protest (yes, those are real examples) in their communities. BlueJay allows users to enter a set of Twitter accounts, keywords, and locations to scan for within 25-mile geofences (BlueJay users can create up to five such fences), then it returns all matching tweets in real-time. Do people really tweet about things like #meth?

Reino Unido quiere implantar “cajas negras” que permitan espiar a los ciudadanos en la red La privacidad de los usuarios en el Reino Unido está en entredicho con el controvertido proyecto de ley que se debate en el Parlamento de Londres. De aprobarse, la ley permitirá que el Gobierno acceda a todo lo que se escribe y publica en la red. Mientras las autoridades hablan de un proyecto de ley sobre comunicación y datos que identifique diferentes tipos de crímenes, los críticos y defensores de derechos temen que el proyecto de ley sea capaz de crear un régimen totalitario online en el país. De aprobarse, la regulación permitiría el acceso de la inteligencia británica a toda forma de comunicación online de los ciudadanos, el Gobierno sería capaz de monitorear quién está hablando con quién, cuándo y dónde en el país. ¿Y cómo? Mientras, el Ministerio de Interior del Reino Unido dice que sólo se recopilará información y datos sobre el remitente y el destinatario pero no el contenido de la comunicación. Tal y como está escrita, le da al gobierno un poder demasiado amplio.
