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10 Inventions That Changed the World. If you think that the world's greatest inventions came from the fevered minds of solitary geniuses, think again.

10 Inventions That Changed the World

As you scan this list of the 10 inventions that changed the world, note how many of them perfected workable designs. Start the Countdown When you imagine inventors, you probably picture a lone genius in a laboratory concocting brilliant devices, experimenting and redesigning until some concept or contraption works perfectly. At that point, the new invention is unveiled to the world, a stunning piece of new technology that instantly changes everything. Well, you've got part of it right. As you'll see when you read about these 10 world-changing inventions, no invention is created in a vacuum. Thinkstock scientist with test tubes. Pourquoi la Loi de Programmation Militaire 2014-2019 est dangereuse.

Mardi 3 décembre, par 292 voix pour et 251 voix contre, l'Assemblée Nationale a adopté en première lecture le nouveau projet de loi de programmation militaire, en abrégé LPM.

Pourquoi la Loi de Programmation Militaire 2014-2019 est dangereuse

L'objet principal de cette loi est de définir sur le long terme les évolutions de nos forces de défense, des budgets et plans d'investissement qui leur sont dévolues et des effectifs qui les constituent. Mais le projet voté cette semaine s'intéresse aussi à Internet et à la vie privée des citoyens, en imposant un contrôle renforcé de l'ensemble des communications électroniques transitant par les réseaux, et donc par Internet.

Que dit exactement la Loi de Programmation Militaire ? L'article 13 de ce projet de loi, tel qu'il a été adopté, modifie le Code des Postes et Télécommunications, en déclarant que. Grace Hopper. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Grace Hopper

Grace Murray Hopper, née le à New York et morte le dans le comté d'Arlington, est une informaticienne américaine et amirale de la marine américaine. Elle est la conceptrice du premier compilateur en 1951 (A-0 System) et du langage COBOL en 1959. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Grace Brewster Murray est née le 9 décembre 1906 à New York. Elle épouse en 1930 Vincent Hopper, dont elle divorce en 1945. Comic Book Resources - Daily Comic Book News, Previews, Reviews, Commentary and Message Boards.

Zack Whedon sheds light on 'Serenity: Leaves on the Wind' - Firefly&Serenity. "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." - Wash; Serenity. Welcome to the Webby Awards. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. The Weirdest Experiments Scientists Performed on Themselves. It’s not science if you don’t test your hypotheses, but sometimes there’s no test subject in the lab.

The Weirdest Experiments Scientists Performed on Themselves

That didn’t stop these valiant men and women, who went balls-out in the name of scientific progress and used their own bodies as guinea pigs. Read along as we explore the ten weirdest experiments scientists performed on themselves. Stubbins Ffirth When there’s a disease epidemic ravaging the land, doctors sometimes step outside the boundaries of good science to find a cure. Stubbins Ffirth was a doctor in training in Philadelphia during the Yellow Fever outbreak of the early 1790s. THE ROCKYRAMA VIDEOCLUB ULTIMATE GUIDE - Geek. Ce titre est une manière politiquement correcte de dire les choses.


La vérité, c'est que nous sommes une belle bande d'allumés oui ! Des passionnés, des fous de pop culture, biberonnés et élevés à Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Street Trash et autres Akira... What If The Super-Heroes Were Super-Manatees? Thanks to the wonderful Joel Harris for a rather unique take on the leading superheroes of our day.

What If The Super-Heroes Were Super-Manatees?

Man.. Or Super Manatee? DC Comics have started running “themed” variants cover promotions. Could this be a possibility for the whole of the New 52? If so, they should contact Joel right here. Thanks to Timothy Carson for pointing these out. Lines-of-code.png (1276×3656) 10 Inventions That Changed the World. The 1931 Histomap: The entire history of the world distilled into a single map/chart. The Vault is Slate's history blog.

The 1931 Histomap: The entire history of the world distilled into a single map/chart.

Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @slatevault, and find us on Tumblr. Find out more about what this space is all about here. This “Histomap,” created by John B. Sparks, was first printed by Rand McNally in 1931. (The David Rumsey Map Collection hosts a fully zoomable version here.) This giant, ambitious chart fit neatly with a trend in nonfiction book publishing of the 1920s and 1930s: the “outline,” in which large subjects (the history of the world!

The 5-foot-long Histomap was sold for $1 and folded into a green cover, which featured endorsements from historians and reviewers. The actual picture of the march of civilization, from the mud huts of the ancients thru the monarchistic glamour of the middle ages to the living panorama of life in present day America. This stunning geological map of Europe was produced in 1875 by Andre Dumont, a Belgian scientist and mapmaker. It’s unclear what the width of the colored streams is meant to indicate. All the Evidence that Time Travel is Happening All Around Us.