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Makerbook - The best free resources for creatives. Make your own font! 17 Underseen Sci-Fi Films From Recent Years You Need To Watch. There are a lot of great science fiction films out there, but they do not all get the same exposure.

17 Underseen Sci-Fi Films From Recent Years You Need To Watch

Here are a number of films from the past ten years that may have been given high regard from critics but have been sorely underseen by audiences. RELATED: Film Review For ‘Ex Machina’, Another Great Sci-Fi Film Aaron Neuwirth is a Staff Writer for RantHollywood. Follow him on Twitter @AaronsPS4, “Like” him on Facebook, or add him to your network on Google+. 17. Pinterest 16. Facebook 15. 14. 13. YouTube 12. 11. 10. 9. La luce solare in casa grazie ad una lampada led! Accendere e spegnere la luce sole semplicemente con un interruttore, portando l’estate nelle stanze ogni volta che lo si desidera: non è fantascienza, ma è realtà grazie alle fonti luminose a Led progettate da CoeLux.

La luce solare in casa grazie ad una lampada led!

Non poteva che essere italiana l’idea di portare il sole in casa in qualsiasi momento della giornata, e italiano è anche il gruppo di studiosi che ha messo a punto questa tecnologia. sistemi di illuminazione in grado di imitare la luce solare Paolo di Trapani, alla guida di un gruppo presso l’Università dell’Insubria, ha permesso di sviluppare questi sistemi di illuminazione in grado di imitare la luce solare propagata attraverso l’atmosfera, per punti luce in grado di gettare fasci luminosi caratteristici di diverse zone del mondo.

La luce solare in casa grazie ad una lampada led! 6 links that will show you what Google knows about you — Productivity in the Cloud. Broadcast Yourself. If you have an Android phone, try these secret codes! Various hidden menus, diagnostic, look at the state of wireless networks, all available without installing special applications, it is necessary only to take advantage of the possibility that the numeric keypad is revealed when activating the phone part of the device. photo/ google images Even in the age of of ordinary mobile phone users are aware of the existence of a “secret codes” that would allow them access to things normally hidden from sight, a variety of tests designed mobile operators and the like.

If you have an Android phone, try these secret codes!

Of course, this should be borne in mind that not all Android devices support all codes, and some are intended only series or individual devices, but you should definitely try: Banned’s Tuesday Picdump (49 Pictures) 20 Best Creative Products You Can Actually Buy. Creativity refers to a person creates something new that has some kind of value.

20 Best Creative Products You Can Actually Buy

It can be a product, solution, artwork, etc. What counts as “new” may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as “valuable” is similarly defined in a variety of ways. Today we have showcased 20 Best Creative Products You Can Actually Buy. Science Experiments You Can Do At Home or School. Gadgets Gifts. 25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen Pt. 3. Mr.

25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven’t Seen Pt. 3

Nobody Who would you have been when, at crucial moments in your life, you chose to walk a different path? That thought experiment is explored brilliantly by this amazing science-fiction movie as we follow Nemo(s) for 118 years. Set in the past, the now and in the future, we follow different branches of his life through time, covering the topics of technology, love, human fragility and how decisions shape who we will end up being. Spectacular. Yo, También You haven’t seen a romance story like this before, and you don’t have to like them to fall deeply in love with this one. A Scanner Darkly Based on the book by Philip K. They Live This 1988 Hollywood movie is counter-culture classic. Un prophète (A Prophet) Gritty, raw, dark. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring This is perhaps my favorite movie of all time. The Act of Killing This is a deeply disturbing movie that has to be seen by everyone. A Single Man You can watch this movie just for the cinematic beauty alone.

Barry Martin's Hopalong Orbits Visualizer - WebGL Experiment. 818686_460s.jpg (JPEG Image, 460 × 4837 pixels) - Scaled (13. Draw a Stickman. 57 maps that will challenge what you thought you knew about the world. THERE’S SO MUCH MORE to the world than we can usually glean from a map of a place.

57 maps that will challenge what you thought you knew about the world

Sure, you’ve got the political and topographical maps we’re all familiar with, and from those we can see the boundaries we’ve created and those that were naturally imposed…but what about burning questions like, “How does my country rate on the global attractiveness scale,” or “Where are all the redheads of the world hiding?” Thanks to the wealth of data floating around for free use on the internet, with these maps we visual learners can finally get a better sense of the global scheme of things, and perhaps find answers to several questions we never even thought of asking. 63134_542187805809636_594975694_n. 30 Clever Gadgets Every Geek Should Have ~ Bionic Goodies. We all have tons of things at home that are compulsive buys, or just straight up decorations that have no use other than to look good.

30 Clever Gadgets Every Geek Should Have ~ Bionic Goodies

This sweet bike pizza cutter is both functional and nice to look at. This is the Fixie Pizza Cutter and it does a hell of a job cutting up your pizza to enjoy or just sitting there to look fancy. The rest of these gadgets have similar form and function that any smart geek would enjoy. God.