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Applications Android pour aider les Dys

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Abi 1. Synthèse vocale Google. Domino des Mots Free. Try for FREE, full version -- 66% OFF Sale -- TODAY: April 22 - 27, 2014Kids Animal Preschool Word Puzzles, developed by well-loved educational experts with more than two-decade old teaching experience, is a wonderful tozzle preschool playground for all toddlers learning to assemble pictures of animals, match pictures to their silhouettes, and associate the pictures with their written names.

Domino des Mots Free

Try it and enjoy how your kids make progress while being entertained! A must-have for every busy parent and curious kid! Domino des Mots - Jeu. Try for FREE, full version -- 66% OFF Sale -- TODAY: April 22 - 27, 2014• Sight Words Reading Learning Games for Kids - overabundance of words!

Domino des Mots - Jeu

Features over 300 SIGHT WORDS from the popular Dolch word list! • Sight Words Reading Learning Games for Kids - great learning reading games for Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade.


Confusion m/n Démo. Citra, the first portable communication app, makes language, time and tasks visible & accessible for kids with speech delays.

Confusion m/n Démo

More than a communication app, we enable your child to develop independence and confidence, & their entire care teams to stay connected. Built for: Kids with speech delays and impairments, children who have difficulty speaking, children with ALS, apraxia, autism, down syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s disease, neuromuscular disorders, traumatic brain injury, learning disabilities, and other disorders that cause speech delays or impairments. Confusion c-q-k / g. **Mentioned by the American Speech-Langugage-Hearing Association in their article 'Apps: An Emerging Tool for SLPs'** **Reviewed in the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Bulletin magazine:4* "this app is a fun, interactive way of working on comprehension language targets [...]

Confusion c-q-k / g

I used the game with children aged 6 to 11 with auditory memory and semantic difficulties and all enjoyed the app immensely" An exceptionally high-quality, interactive game designed by Speech and Language Therapists/Pathologists to help children learn listening and language skills. Confusion p/t. Citra, the first portable communication app, makes language, time and tasks visible & accessible for kids with speech delays.

Confusion p/t

More than a communication app, we enable your child to develop independence and confidence, & their entire care teams to stay connected. Confusion f/v. Confusion b/d. Anatomy 4 Kids es un juego gratis de preguntas para que los niños puedan aprender anatomía humana de forma muy sencilla en inglés y en español.

Confusion b/d

Hay tres niveles de dificultad haciendo preguntas sobre huesos, músculos, órganos del cuerpo y anatomía en general.Modos de juego:* Quiz: Preguntas sobre dónde están localizados los órganos y partes del cuerpo, huesos, músculos, órganos como el corazón, aparato digestivo, etc* Aprendizaje: Parecido al modo anterior pero la aplicación no hará preguntas, pulsa en cualquier parte y te dirá como se llama.

En esta aplicación puede hacerse zoom en las imágenes para ver los detalles de las fotografías. Este juego educativo de anatomía de gray (no grey) está orientado a niños de primaria secundaria. Los niños de educación infantil pueden jugar también. Válido para niños, niñas y adultos, con nivel desde infantil/primaria/secundaria hasta la universidad. Esta aplicación sirve para aprender todos los huesos y músculos del cuerpo de forma muy divertida. Confusion t/d. Confusion t/d - Une application développée par un orthophoniste pour entraîner les enfants qui confondent le "t" et le "d".

Confusion t/d

Six exercices sont proposés : 3 visuels, 3 sonores avec une synthèse vocale. Des scores sont affichés pour encourager l'enfant à répondre de mieux en mieux et de plus en plus vite. Sur l'activité de mots-flashs, la durée d'affichage est réglable. N'hésitez pas à télécharger la VERSION DEMO de "Confusion m/n" si vous voulez vous faire une idée précise de nos logiciels d'entraînement sur les confusions ! Le petit conseil de l'orthophoniste : commencez par insister sur les exercices "pour les oreilles", qui développeront l'attention auditive de votre enfant. Améliorations envisagées : mode "progression", augmentation du nombre de mots (actuellement 224 : 112 vrais mots et 112 distracteurs).

Confusion p/b. Confusion ch / j-g. Confusion m/n. She's back!

Confusion m/n

- Did you enjoy Meet Heckerty? Do you believe learning really can be funny? Would you like to laugh while you learn English? Our award-winning friend Heckerty™ — the hilarious 409 year old green-faced witch with a heart of gold — is back with her second adventure storybook. Homonymes. Homonymes PRO. Ecrire l'alphabet. Lib' - Belin.