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HOMMES ET FÉMINISME. 12 suggestions 12 suggestions pratiques destinées aux hommes qui se trouvent dans des espaces féministes PDF mis en page A poil les machos – Des inégalités constamment niées – Cent raisons d’être encore féministe – Penser le non-genre – Une différence essentielle?


– Fuck le genre! Publié par Chiche! PDF mis en page Au delà du personnel Pour une transformation politique du personnel Trente ans après mai 68, Au-delà du personnel reprend le slogan féministe « le privé est politique » et propose de réexaminer les comportements, convictions et sentiments produits par une société patriarcale et autoritaire. Il aborde les questions suivantes : – Quelle est la fonction de l’hétérosexualité dans une société patriarcale? Une vingtaine de femmes et quelques hommes vous proposent d’emprunter un chemin certes difficile, mais bien plus juste et libre que les autoroutes que la société nous impose. Baby, I’m a manarchist This zine is the experiences of two wymyn with one particular man in our community. What Is White/Male Privilege? You've heard of rape culture, but have you heard of pedophile culture? Dear Todd Nickerson, Over at Salon a few days ago, you wrote an article provocatively entitled “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster.”

You've heard of rape culture, but have you heard of pedophile culture?

Presumably, a lot of people are now asking questions such as “Is pedophilia natural?” Or “Can pedophilia be cured?” But I’m not going to attempt to answer those particular questions. Rather, I’d like to further this discourse by filling in some major holes in your article. Let’s start with this missing piece: the vast majority of pedophiles are men. That said, pedophilia may seem taboo and despised by the masses, but an honest appraisal of our culture at large reveals otherwise. In pedophile culture, women are expected to maintain a near-impossible level of thinness, prepubescent in their almost-androgynous lack of curvature and body fat.

In pedophile culture, the top Pornhub category is “Teen.” Influenced by the porn industry, labiaplasty, a surgery that carves the labia minora down to porn-sized slivers, is rapidly gaining popularity. Erika Christakis: Why Mass Killers Are Overwhelmingly Male. There’s a predictable cycle of mourning and recrimination that follows a massacre like the shootings last week in Aurora, Colo.

Erika Christakis: Why Mass Killers Are Overwhelmingly Male

First come the calls for unity and flags flown at half-mast. Then the national fissures appear: the gun lobby stiffens its spine as gun-control advocates make their case. Psychologists parse the shooter’s background, looking for signs of mental illness or family disarray. Politicians point fingers about “society run amok” and “cultures of despair.” We’ve been down this path so many times, yet we keep missing the elephant in the room: How many of the worst mass murderers in American history were women? (MORE: Christopher J. Imagine for a moment if a deadly disease disproportionately affected men.

Quand le sexisme se veut bienveillant... Le sexisme bienveillant. Quand on évoque le sexisme, vient immédiatement à l’esprit l’image d’un macho, misogyne et ouvertement hostile à l’égard de la gent féminine.

Le sexisme bienveillant

Il existe pourtant autre forme de discrimination, bien plus subtile et qui cause insidieusement du tort aux femmes, allant jusqu’à influer leurs performances cognitives. Il s’agit du sexisme bienveillant. Difficilement identifiable, il considère les femmes comme des êtres faibles qu’il faut protéger, chérir et placer sur un piédestal. Difficilement identifiable, il peut être facilement confondu avec de la galanterie. Récemment, le président Obama, pourtant connu pour sa politique progressiste envers les femmes, s’est illustré par une saillie transpirant le sexisme bienveillant en décrivant ainsi Kamala Harris, le procureur général (ministre de la justice de l’état fédéral) de Californie : «Elle est brillante et investie et elle a de la poigne. Alors qu’il pourrait paraître anecdotique, le sexisme bienveillant est lourd de conséquences. 4 Things Men Are Really Doing When They 'Play Devil's Advocate' Against Feminism.

Why As A Man, I Need Feminism. Originally published on The Sanctuary of Reason and cross-posted here with their permission.

Why As A Man, I Need Feminism

“I am a feminist.” This statement has caused several kinds of reactions when coming from me, a male. Ranging from an inquisitive if not suspicious “why?” To sweet praise borne not out of understanding, but rather out of amazement if not amusement. Le féminisme n’est pas un humanisme. 4 Things Men Are Really Doing When They 'Play Devil's Advocate' Against Feminism. Moi, ça va. MisandryBestGif. Le féminisme n’est pas un humanisme. 5 Simple Ways Men Can Better Respect Women. I’m noticing a trend lately — over the past couple of years especially — where we feminists really want to get dudes on board.

5 Simple Ways Men Can Better Respect Women

“Come on, guys,” we’re collectively calling. “It’s time to get your shit together.” Based on the countless outlets and publications I’ve seen boasting headlines along the lines of “10 Really Awesome Feminist Guys You Should Follow on Twitter” and “20 Ways to Be a Super Cool Feminist Man,” I get the impression that we’re fed up with the microaggressions committed against us on the daily and want to show how fun being on the right side of social change can be.

And all right.