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Magic Makers. 3 minutes pour coder - Francetv Éducation. 10 block demos for Scratch. Sean McManus shares some 10 block demos that demonstrate popular techniques in Scratch When I first started programming on the Amstrad CPC computer, magazines used to publish short listings.

10 block demos for Scratch

People could use them to learn how to program, and as building blocks for their own programs. One of the magazines had a feature called 10-liners, where programmers were invited to show what they could do in 10 lines of Basic. I thought I'd see what I could do in up to 10 blocks of Scratch, and created a series of program cards. Click the cards below for more information and working demos, and feel free to share the cards on your social media channels or with the Scratch coders in your family, class or club. 10 things to try right now with your child on Scratch and ScratchJr. By Saskia Leggett and Kaitlyn Leidl Creating projects with Scratch and ScratchJr can be a way to reflect on experiences that you and your family have shared.

10 things to try right now with your child on Scratch and ScratchJr

Here are 10 things to try with your Scratchers right now before you get ready for the next school year. Use these hands-on activities and accessible tips to dive into new and creative projects together! 1. Browse the Getting Started page Aptly named, the Getting Started page is a great place to start! Try this: Use the Animate Your Name tutorial and to create a lively project that makes your nickname, surname, or initials come to life! 25 Resources To Teach Programming with Scratch. Scratch is a fast, fun, and easy way to get started in computer science Do you want to make cool games, impressive animations, and become an all-around Scratch super star?

25 Resources To Teach Programming with Scratch

You've come to the right place! Packed with full-color photos and easy-to-follow instructions, Scratch For Kids For Dummies makes it easy to get started—even if you've never attempted computer programming or coding. Inside, you'll find out how to design and develop your own games, create amazing animations, interact with the online Scratch community, and much more! There's no doubting that Scratch is fun, but it also helps you learn to think creatively, reason symmetrically, and work collaboratively—essential skills for life in the 21st century. Best of all, the software is completely free and runs right in your web browser! Anyone Can Learn to Program with Scratch. One of the most powerful things about the Leap Motion platform is its ability to tie into just about any creative platform.

Anyone Can Learn to Program with Scratch

That’s why we’ve launched a Platform Integrations & Libraries showcase where you can discover the latest wrappers, plugins, and integrations. Whether you started programming at four years old, or yesterday afternoon, there’s nothing like that first time when something you coded springs to life and says “Hello World!” Scratch is a simple programming language that aims to bring that experience to more people than ever, with simple building blocks that make programming fun and accessible for beginners of all ages. ith the new Leap Motion ScratchX extension, students can bring hand data into ScratchX – an experimental space that lets you try extensions in the Scratch programming environment.

ScratchX extensions make it easy to program physical devices like Arduino boards, or build simple web apps. Activities - Barefoot Computing Barefoot Computing. Additional Scratch Projects — Code Club World Projects. Community Contributed Scratch Projects — Code Club World Projects. Computer Science for Homeschool Students by Richard G Baldwin. The New Face of Computer Science Education - The Scratch Generation Professor Baldwin discusses the potential impact of Scratch-like products on computer science education in the future.

Computer Science for Homeschool Students by Richard G Baldwin

Published: August 7, 2008Revised: February 17, 2010By Richard G. Creative Computing. 7 units44 activitiesremixing encouraged.

Creative Computing

Creative Computing. Scratch 3.0 is here!

Creative Computing

In celebration of Scratch 3.0, we are hard at work developing a new version of our Creative Computing Curriculum Guide to be released in early 2019! The new guide will be full of activities for exploring the intersection of creativity and computing. In the interim, we're delighted to share an updated version of the second edition. The changes made to this edition include images of blocks and projects, and minor content revisions to reflect the new Scratch 3.0 website. This edition of the full curriculum is available as Google Slides. The CaTaPuLt Project. The goal of the UW CATAPULT project is to introduce children to Computer Science.

The CaTaPuLt Project

We match UW undergraduates who are interested in educating others about Computer Science with younger students in Madison-area schools. One of our primary goals is to show children that programming is creative and engaging. We teach the children how to program with Scratch, a visual programming language developed at MIT for novice programmers. Scratch enables beginners to create sophisticated programs by simply dragging and dropping predefined instruction blocks.

Scratch enables students to be creative and design and implement their own animations, games, stories, and interactive media. Another one of our goals is to teach children about Computational Thinking. Are You Interested in Helping? If you are a UW student interested in teaching younger students, we have a number of opportunities. We are currently looking for several UW participants. Complete Introduction Course - Designing a Platform game in Scratch. Dr.Scratch. Edmodo Spotlight - 25 Resources To Code With Scratch. Educational Technology. Educational Technology - Home. Evolukode, coding avec Scratch. Skip to content Tel: 0171046934 | Email: Planning des classes virtuelles gratuites Les classes virtuelles gratuites seront animées par nos animateurs de l’Evoluteam mais aussi grace a notre partenaire (que l’on remercie), l’ESTIAM.

Evolukode, coding avec Scratch

Game Design Gold Resources. Home of Scratch. Scratch is a programming language which allows you to create amongst other things games.

Home of Scratch

You can create characters that dance, sing, and interact with one another. Scratch allows you to create images that whirl, spin, and animate in response to movements of the mouse. The name Scratch comes from the scratching technique used by hip-hop disc jockeys, who spin vinyl records back and forth with their hands to mix music clips together in creative ways. At the core of Scratch is a graphical programming language that lets you control the actions and interactions among media on their computers today. Coding in Scratch is much easier than in traditional programming languages: to create a script or program, you simply snap together graphical blocks, much like LEGO bricks or puzzle pieces.

How To Teach Primary Programming Using Scratch. This is the book I have been wanting to write for ages. Based on teaching computing science in six schools for the last three years, over 1300 hours of lessons. I have evolved my approach and philosophy based on what works for my pupils. Combining computational thinking, real programming projects from a wide spectrum of genre and clear instruction followed by re-purposing or investigation. Many of the modules are based on my Primary Scratch plan but they have all been re-written as I teach them now. I would love to remove the online versions as the book versions are much better but that wouldn’t be fair to those who use the site, so rest assured I won’t. Invent with Scratch! - Programming screencasts and tutorials for kids with MIT's Scratch 2.0.

Learn Scratch. Making Meaningful Connections in 2016 — Scratch Foundation Blog. Making Meaningful Connections in 2016 Reflections from the Scratch Foundation: Q1 Millions of Scratchers Recently, Scratch became home to more than 10 million users worldwide. This is a big deal, considering Scratch had roughly half that number of users this time last year! Also noteworthy, the free ScratchJr app (for younger children ages 5–7) surpassed the 2 million download mark last month! We believe these numbers will continue to grow, as more young people discover the creative potential of Scratch and ScratchJr to create their own stories, games, and animations. We also know the numbers will grow based on education efforts we’re seeing around the world that are using Scratch. Here in the US, President Barack Obama recently announced the CS for All campaign in the final State of the Union address of his presidency.

Media MashUp. Module 1. Playful Programming and Cool Code: From Tech User to Tech Creator. A move is on in the worlds of tech and education, a push to show students that learning to code is important, fun, and maybe not as hard as they think! Exploring code is easier today than ever, and even students who may not be thinking yet about career paths stand to gain valuable thinking and reasoning skills from learning, practicing, and using fundamental programming skills. Getting Started with Scratch Interested in exploring what is means to create a computer program?

Scratch makes it easy to get started. See our review of Super Scratch Programming Adventure! Spinner Art Scripts. Science Buddies: Scratch User Guide: Installing & Getting Started with Scratch. Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing.

<a href="/science-fair-projects/javascript_help.php">Here's how. </a> Science Buddies: Scratch User Guide: Help, I'm Stuck! Troubleshooting a Program in Scratch. Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing. <a href="/science-fair-projects/javascript_help.php">Here's how. STS-2020-Home. Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share. Scratch. Scratch videos and resources for students. Scratch Programming. Screachers. Welcome to Screachers A companion site for Screachers on SCRATCH. Created for educators, students and all lifelong learners. Are you an educator on Scratch? Would you like to become a Screacher and learn more about what we do click here to get more details and volunteer.

What is Scratch? Scratch is a programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations--and share the creations with others around the world. Scratch Programming Tutorials. Scratch tasmccarthy. Scratch Programming. ScratchEd. Scratch for Budding Computer Scientists: Table of Contents. Scratch Curriculum. SCRATCH - E&P SAREA - RED E&C.

Scratch 2.0 Starter Kit. S C R A T C H. Scratch Lesson Plan. This lesson plan has been fully revised in September 2009 and is being used to help structure classes in several primary schools in Sussex in the south of England. Originally we devised written notes for teachers and parents but have now moved to providing video lessons for direct communication with the adult or child learning Scratch. Scratch – Shall We Learn. You never know what will happen next in life. translation. Teach Me Scratch for Kids (Intro) Teach students to learn by doing with Google school coding clubs. By Janice Mak April 23rd, 2015 Google’s CS First clubs open up new worlds for novice coders A few months ago, I was searching for resources to support computer science education for middle school students—girls in particular—when I came across Google CS First.

View Materials. These short, hour-long activities allow you to try out CS First and introduce your students to computer science without committing to a complete 8-activity theme. They're perfect for special events such as Hour of Code or CSEdWeek, or as practice to help you familiarize yourself with CS First before starting a normal theme. Scratch. Scratch, BYOB & Snap. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch resources. Curso scratch. Scratch.

Programmation codage Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Programes Scratch emprats al taller. Scratch. 6 Minutes Scratch. Apprendre à programmer avec Scratch : Site collaboratif, pédagogique et autoformation. Voici un site collaboratif bien utile : un Wiki consacré à la découverte et à la prise en main de Scratch (logiciel de programmation objet pour les enfants et adolescents) pour des besoins pédagogiques : Squeaki. Le projet Squeaki a été lancé en septembre 2006 en Outaouais suite à des discussions autour des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication qui permettent de placer l’élève au centre de ses apprentissages. Apprendre à utiliser Scratch. Apprendre à coder avec Scratch : Tutoriels et guides pratiques. Jean-Paul Bricard (enseignant en technologie dans l’Aube) signe pour Dé un tutoriel sur le logiciel Scratch : Un logiciel à tout faire!

Plateforme libre d’apprentissage de codage, ceci avec des exemples pratiques qui différent quelque peu d’un apprentissage classique ludo-pédagogique. Applications pratiques avec la vidéo et l’automatisation Ici, on n’apprend pas à créer des jeux mais à réaliser une alarme en utilisant une caméra vidéo comme capteur, à créer un dispositif de vidéosurveillance ou encore à programmer un distributeur de croquettes pour chat et à simuler un éclairage automatique. Aprende matemáticas y mucho más con Scratch 3.0. BricKodeurs scratch links. Campus Junior. Un cours en ligne pour apprendre à vos élèves à coder – Les Outils Tice. Campus Junior est une sorte de mini mooc en ligne qui se donne comme ambition d’initier les enfants de 7 à 13 ans aux bases de la programmation avec le langage Scratch. Scratch est un langage de programmation créé par le célèbre MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology).

Il simplifie la création d’histoires interactives, de dessins animés, de jeux, de simulations numériques et leur partage sur le Web. Campus Junior va accompagner les codeurs en herbe dans la prise en main de ce langage informatique pour qu’ils puissent créer eux-mêmes leurs propres histoires. La plateforme joliment réalisée propose de découvrir pas à pas Scratch à travers une trentaine de petites vidéos. Club Code, le club des codeurs en herbe. Coder un jeu avec Scratch - Mon classeur de maths. Code, Scratch e altro. Des cartes pour s'initier à Scratch - School(Re)mix.

Enseigner avec des apps: Initiation à la programmation à l'école- Partie 1. Dans ce post, je vais expliquer comment j'intègre la programmation dans ma classe de CM2 et donner quelques pistes pour les cycles 1 et 2. Je pense que donner des bases aux élèves en programmation, cela fait aussi parti de notre rôle d'éducateur. C'est important de les initier, de leur donner envie, de leur montrer que c'est facile, et de les motiver sur le chemin de la technologie. Elle fera partie de leur futur. Programmer des personnages. Educode - ressources éducative pour l'apprentissage du codage. Formation réforme du collège - Journée 2 - Scratch. Groblog Odysseus: faites vos jeux! (page 1) - Forums Grospixels. Google Translate Catalan scratch wiki ideas. Scratch] Auteur : Pierre Lachance. Introduzione a SCRATCH. Jeux scratch. OpenClassrooms - Découvrir la programmation créative.

Programmation Scratch - Ressources pour l'école. Projet Scratch - (carte mentale à voir) Programmer avec Scratch - L'Atelier Canopé 78 – Marly-le-Roi. Programmation créative en scratch. Réaliser un serious game (jeu sérieux) avec Scratch. Ressources pour enseigner l'algorithmique et la programmation- Mathématiques. Résultats de recherche » scratch. Retour sur... l'atelier Scratch "Créez votre aquarium numérique" Clones en Scratch: Efecto nieve en videojuegos – Programamos.