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Connect. Collaborate. Organize. Donation to the Occupy Solidarity Network. Today in NYC: Revolt Against the Injustice of Low-Wage Capitalism. Posted 4 months ago on Dec. 3, 2013, 10:08 a.m.

Today in NYC: Revolt Against the Injustice of Low-Wage Capitalism

EST by OccupyWallSt Tags: dirty bird, imperialism, wage theft Want a side of wage theft with your favorite holiday dish? The restaurant Dirty Bird uses it in the special sauce. Join us today to support a cadre of fast-food workers who are standing up for their rights -- and the rights of millions across the United States. Like so many others, twenty one workers at the New York City restaurant Dirty Bird worked for years and years under unsafe, exploitative, and dishonorable conditions under abusive management who stole thousands of dollars from their wages each year.

Instead of justice, they were all fired at the same time. When: Today (12/3/2013) Where: Dirty Bird, 204 West 14th St. between 7th & 8th Aves When: 5pm View Larger Map. A New Constitution of the United States. Occupy = Terrorists? The FBI Thinks So. If this isn’t a clear sign that dissent is considered a criminal act by the government, I don’t know what is: new documents released thanks to the Freedom of Information Act requests provide conclusive proof that the FBI heavily monitored the Occupy Wall Street movement under suspicion of terrorism.

Occupy = Terrorists? The FBI Thinks So

And if that’s not bad enough, the FBI teamed with banks and financial corporations to keep tabs on the group. Evidently, the FBI’s concern over Occupy Wall Street mounted before the movement itself began. As the files reflect, the FBI monitored even the initial rumblings of the protests before a single demonstration occurred. Occupy Wall Street Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 181 Arrests. Occupy Wall Street celebrated its first anniversary Monday by taking to the streets… and winding up in jail.

Occupy Wall Street Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 181 Arrests

In total, nearly 200 protesters were arrested throughout the day, illustrating that not only are people still committed to the cause, but that authorities are still equally committed to stifling dissent in New York City. OWS’s birthday marked a resurgence in participation for a movement that the media keeps trying to declare dead (see Gothamist’s “31 Groan-Inducing ‘Is Occupy Dead?’ Headlines”). By nightfall, at least 1,000 protesters convened in Zuccotti Park, the site of the movement’s occupation until November of last year. The group was short 181 members, however, as police had been busy arresting protesters throughout the day. Citizen journalists captured the arrests — many of which were violent — on their cameras.

Among those arrested were several journalists, which reporter Josh Stearns has cataloged. Protesters Arrested In New York City During Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Event (PHOTOS, LIVE BLOG) «Occupy Wall Street»: l'esprit des luttes est toujours là - Page 3. How Do We Strip the 1% From Their Power? NY Occupiers Open "Freedom School" Summer Camp. The Occupy Wall Street movement has faced many hurdles, not the least of which are the elements, which humans have been struggling to overcome since our ancestors first evolved. When Occupy first made national headlines in September 2011, skeptics predicted that winter temperatures would kill the movement. They didn’t. Now, some may be wondering if summer heatwaves will wither OWS’s enthusiasm, but if recent actions around the nation are any indication, Occupy Wall Street’s roots run far too deep to succumb to a little heat. Nevertheless, occupiers have started to get creative in their event planning tactics.

There’s the Occupy The Hood “Rep Your Hood” Blowout BBQ coming up next weekend, and earlier this week, the opening of the unofficial Occupy summer camp. Modeled after the civil-rights-era Freedom Schools, the Brooklyn-based Paul Robeson Freedom School Summer Day Camp, is meant to keep young brains from melting in front of a video game all summer. Related Reading: 5th & Spring Downtown LA Chalk Walk Protest Draws Riot Police (VIDEO, UPDATE) Riot police formed skirmish lines in the streets of downtown Los Angeles Thursday night in response to what appeared to be a demonstration over the right to draw with chalk.

5th & Spring Downtown LA Chalk Walk Protest Draws Riot Police (VIDEO, UPDATE)

The action, called Chalk Walk, was meant to protest a slew of arrests in the past month of people who were writing with chalk on the street. A Facebook page for the event, which showed 172 people planned to attend, decried the arrests and described them as "an attempt to stifle dissent. " Event organizers also wrote: "We will chalk it out all over Art Walk letting people know about the dangers of chalking. " Cheryl Aichele, Occupy LA activist, told The Huffington Post that at first, the protest went smoothly. "Everyone was peaceful. Around 8:40 p.m., police started receiving reports of a disturbance near 5th and Spring streets, close to the monthly Downtown LA Art Walk that attracts hundreds of residents to the neighborhood. Bors Blog. Investigate NYPD Violence Against Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street Sept 17. In Spite of Elections and "Camping Bans," Revolutionary Wave Grows.

A look back at Occupy Oakland before it was razed.

In Spite of Elections and "Camping Bans," Revolutionary Wave Grows

In a world devastated by poverty, austerity cuts, and bank foreclosures, community action like Occupy Oakland’s recent attempt to turn a derelict building into a vibrant social center for the needs of the 99% should be applauded. Instead, the agents of the 1%, in this case the Oakland police – already under investigation for excessive force – once again attacked. Using flash bang grenades, projectiles, batons, tear-gas, and other weapons, police arrested over 400, bringing total US Occupy-related arrests to over 6,300. As the Occupy Oakland Media Committee said: “With all the problems in our city, should preventing activists from putting a vacant building to better use be their highest priority?

Earlier this month, we celebrated 2011 and declared 2012 would be even bigger. But we aren’t dormant; we're escalating. Bank-beholden politicians created this economic crisis. Occupy protests have reached across the globe. Occupy Wall Street s’attaque à la dette. Après de longues semaines d’action, le mouvement Occupy Wall Street tente de trouver un nouveau souffle.

Occupy Wall Street s’attaque à la dette

Pour cela, un certains nombres d’intellectuels tentent de théoriser les idées défendues par les militants. Un travail peu évident quand il s’agit de regrouper les revendications de ce qu’ils appellent « les 99%». Le Ben Franklin Post est allé à la rencontre de l’anarchiste David Graeber. Cet intellectuel est également docteur en Anthropologie de l’université de Chicago et s’affirme comme l’un des penseurs du mouvement révolutionnaire. Occupiers Convince City Of Buffalo To Ditch JPMorgan Chase. If you only paid attention to the mainstream media, you might think that the Occupy Wall Street movement in America was dead and gone, but if you know where to look, there are signs that the global uprising inspired regular people to re-involve themselves in their communities, holding local leaders and institutions accountable for their actions.

Occupiers Convince City Of Buffalo To Ditch JPMorgan Chase

Just ask members of Occupy Buffalo in upstate New York. Following concerns raised by members of the movement, the City’s Comptroller recently announced that the city would be pulling $45 million in funds from an account with JPMorgan Chase. In late 2011, JPMorgan Chase was one of five major banks accused of a myriad of financial negligence, from robo-signing documents and writing loans and modifications they knew their clients could not afford to foreclosing on mortgages they didn’t even own. Then, in mid-May, it was found that continued irresponsible behavior caused JPMorgan to suffer a $2 billion trading loss. Related Reading: Veteran & Ron Paul Supporter Arrested at Bilderberg. Occupy_Oakland_GAS 2012. "99 Percenters Occupy Wall Street" By Amy Goodman. You're Invited To Join The "Virtual March On Wall Street" Across the United States, something is happening.

You're Invited To Join The "Virtual March On Wall Street"

It might be too early to call it a revolution, but it’s definitely a movement. People are mobilizing, remembering that they have a say in how they are governed. Remembering that the numbers are in their favor. Remembering that enough voices, raised in solidarity, cannot be ignored. Across the nation, regular, hard-working, law-abiding citizens are taking a stand. Who Are the 99 Percent? Occupy Wall St. #2. Who Are the 99 Percent? Occupy Wall St. Stories #8. We are a military family. My husband has fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. His pay JUST covers the expenses for a family of 3. I just graduated college in May. I earned a 4.0 GPA, went to an ABA-Approved paralegal program, and did a semester-long internship with the county.

However, now I cannot find a job. Thank God my husband still has a job and that it provides health insurance! So it is deeply offensive when our politicians hold military pay hostage as a bargaining chip to keep tax cuts for the rich. Who Are the 99 Percent? Occupy Wall St. Stories #4. Who Are the 99 Percent? Occupy Wall St. Stories #6. Who Are the 99 Percent? Story #10. Who Are the 99 Percent? Story #27.

Manif des jeunes à Wall Street 17 sept 2011. Révolte anti-banquiers sur Wall Street ignorée par les merdias. Occupy Wall Street Sept 17: Protester speaks out. “Occupy Wall Street” arrests – strategic attack. Published time: October 07, 2011 16:45 Edited time: October 09, 2011 18:33 Los Angeles : Protestors sit in the street and demonstrate during an anti-Wall Street protest in downtown Los Angeles.

“Occupy Wall Street” arrests – strategic attack

(AFP Photo / Robyn Beck) Echoes from the 'Occupy Wall Street' protests have reached the US capital as crowds march through downtown Washington DC. Activist Yotam Marom was arrested in downtown Manhattan and shared his views with RT. How Goldman Sachs Exploits Student Debt For Profit. There’s a reason why the investment bank Goldman Sachs is called “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity” — it will do anything to make a quick buck.

How Goldman Sachs Exploits Student Debt For Profit

Goldman, though, has reached a new low in its craven pursuit of profits: targeting college students. The investment bank took over the for-profit college company Education Management Corporation (EDMC) and then forced them to take up exploitative and cravenly opportunistic practices to get students to take on debt, according to a new report by Huffington Post reporter Chris Kirkham. For-profit colleges make money for every student that comes to their school. Goldman Sachs executives realized that they could make more money by shifting resources out of teaching and into recruitment. Arrested For Trying To Withdraw Money From A Bank? - VIDEO. As part of Saturday’s global day of action against Wall Street and corporate power, in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, protesters in New York and elsewhere organized groups to go to the major banks to withdraw their money. The day started off smoothly, with a group of people organized by the Labor Outreach working group from Occupy Wall Street arriving at a Chase bank to withdraw their money.

Chase went off without a hitch, but by the time the protesters made it to a Citibank branch there was trouble. Twenty-three Customers Of Citibank Placed Under Arrest Twenty-three customers of Citibank allegedly found themselves under arrest after being locked in the bank at 555 La Guardia Place, New York by security guards who even forced legitimate Citibank customers going about their daily business back into the bank. Little Girl Questions Occupy Participants in Edmonton. Tahrir Vets Encourage OWS: Care2 Members Respond. NOTE: Comments on this post were so interesting we thought we’d turn them into a post, in precisely the same order. I have been disabled for some time and manage to take a train with my walker to Chicago once a week to support occupy Chicago.

Perhaps if he considered making the world better for his children we would all be better off. I am grateful for any support from anywhere, especially from those who are similarly afflicted.. If you can’t get out there to march, send a few bucks to feed those who are marching for you. If you can’t afford a few bucks, then send letters to the aggressors. We don’t do this just for ourselves; we do it for our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren as well as for you and yours. Le mouvement des "indignés" prend de l'ampleur aux Etats-Unis.

Occupy Austin: Signs of Solidarity [Slideshow] I was in Austin this week for the inaugural SxSW Eco conference. Luckily, this happened to coincide with the first official day of the Occupy Austin demonstration. So after the closing presentation, I grabbed some friends and headed down to see what the occupation looked like. Le monde contre Wall Street. Common Enemy Links Keystone XL and Occupy Wall Street.

The time has come for members of the 99% to realize we have more in common than we think. For years, Americans have been divided over the issues that matter the most: conservation, climate change, civil rights, education, health care, reproductive rights, etc. Occupy Wall Street Movement Goes International On Oct. 15th. It only took 3 weeks for the Occupy Wall Street protests to fan out across America. Right now, there are at least 118 active, ongoing Occupations in the United States thus far, and 1,367 communities in some stage of planning or preparation.

Occupy Austin Launches Revolutionary Radio Station. Since October 6th, Austin, Texas, has been home to a growing occupation of 99%-ers who are fed up with the corporate control of our government and financial system. Occupy Edmonton Plans to Defy Eviction from Park. Occupy Edmonton protesters decided in a general meeting Monday evening that they will not vacate the park they occupy on Jasper Avenue by the 10 A.M deadline on Tuesday.

Melcor, who owns the property, asked the protesters to vacate, giving them a deadline to leave but not a reason why they wished them to do so. Occupy Kelowna Joins the Movement. Veterans Of 4 Wars Support Occupy Wall Street [Videos] November 11th is Veteran’s Day, a time when the American people honor the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that made the United States a great country. One could argue that this Veteran’s Day is different than those in years past. This year, the U.S. is facing an economic crisis of unprecedented proportions. There is greater economic disparity between the ultra wealthy and the middle class than ever before, and if some get their way, that disparity will only continue to grow.

Unlike many veterans of previous wars, young adults today are unlikely to enjoy a higher standard of living than their parents. Meanwhile, Wall Street and its politicians whine about slight tax increases that could help save this country from another Great Depression. Just like past generations, however, Americans have shown that they will not allow this country to be dismantled by the unending greed of the 1%.

Right Wing Media Infiltrates Occupy Wall Street To Discredit It. Occupy Wall Street. Guerrilla Gardening Project Blooms At Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street works to awaken American minds to the corruption that has brought our country to the brink of economic ruin. But another goal of the OWS movement is to prove that by working together, we the people can be the solution to society’s most dire crises. With the population cruising past 7 billion just days ago, there are more mouths to feed on this planet than ever before. Experts say that if the agriculture and food production systems stay the way they are, millions will go hungry, and our soil and water will continue to bear the consequences.

Le maire de New York s'en prend au mouvement Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street Uses Green Energy, Composting. Occupation Of Wall Street Enters Fifth Day [Videos] Occupy Wall Street: Peaceful Protesters Beaten By NYPD. Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party. « I love you ! » Naomi Klein @ Occupy Wall Street (4) How To Move Your Money Out Of The Big Banks [Video] Bank Transfer Day Is A Success! One Million People Move Their Money. You Can Help Overturn Citizens United [VIDEO] OWS Protesters 'Detain' Sen. Carl Levin For Sponsoring NDAA. Time To Occupy The Corporations [VIDEO] The first reason to OWS.

Peace Walk 2012: No More Fukushimas. FEBRUARY 28 \ UNION SQUARE RALLY TO "STAND WITH OCCUPY" AGAINST SUPPRESSION. Naomi Klein : « Le mouvement Occupons Wall Street est actuellement la chose la plus importante au monde » - Mobilisations. OWS Sustainability Group To Build 'Farm In The Sky' Occupy Wall Street Inspires DIY Solar Technology.