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Greywater Recycling

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Water Plants With Your Air Conditioner. Greywater - What It Is, How To Treat & Use It. Recycling Greywater + Biodegradable Soaps — COMET CAMPER. Grey Water (also spelled greywater, graywater, gray water) What is grey water?

Grey Water (also spelled greywater, graywater, gray water)

Any washwater that has been used in the home, except water from toilets, is called grey water. Dish, shower, sink, and laundry water comprise 50-80% of residential "waste" water. This may be reused for other purposes, especially landscape irrigation. (This is the definition common in Europe and Australia. Free Books: Water Sanitation Books. Reed Bed System & Composting Toilets. One of the characteristics that separates 21st century homo sapiens from the other species with which we share the planet is that we relentlessly take from the natural world but seldom give back.

Reed Bed System & Composting Toilets

The flawed economic system by which we imagine we sustain our lives places a commercial value on the planet’s resources but not an ecological one. It is almost a cliché now to say that when we throw our waste away, there actually is no away but only someone else’s door step or some other life form’s habitat. But raised awareness does not seem to have reduced our disposable habits.

Our dilemma is that we must consume natural resources to live, yet these resources are finite and many are rapidly depleting. We have belatedly begun to re-cycle but far from enough. In Paris and London and other European cities, it was once common to gather night soil - what Joseph Jenkins calls ‘humanure’ - to be returned to the land.

Reed Beds & Grey Water. How To Build A Greywater Filter For $30 Or Less. My wife, of course, likes to take baths. My son is afraid of the shower so he takes baths. I try to conserve water wherever I can and even take a 5 Gallon Bucket into the shower with me to collect the water when it’s heating up, and while I’m lathering up (5th paragraph down in the post). In a way I am a bit hypocritical in the sense that I have a pool, and pools aren’t eco-friendly or promote water conservation. Biological DIY Greywater System (With No Reedbeds) Our criteria for building the greywater system for the tinyhouse was pretty simple: cheap, made from readily available materials, and effective.

Biological DIY Greywater System (With No Reedbeds)

We also wanted to use the outputs to irrigate a grove of important fruit trees, as water is very precious here, especially in a dry year. After many, many hours of research on systems involving reed beds, infiltration trenches, fancy UV zappers and all the rest, we decided, on the advice of permaculture and greywater specialist Ross Mars, to keep it simple, and let the biology do the work. Laundry To Landscape Graywater Systems; Design & Parts. Complete information from the original inventors by Art Ludwig We originated the Laundry to Landscape Greywater System and published it unpatented into the public domain in 2008 for the good of all.

Laundry To Landscape Graywater Systems; Design & Parts

This site has the most up-to-date, reliable, and complete information, and is the source of much of the info replicated on tens of thousands of other pages on "Laundry to Landscape. " Washing Machine Greywater Resources. Pantyhose filter For those of you attending our Wednesday night greywater workshop at Good and for those of you who can’t, here’s a list of resources for using your washing machine as a irrigation source: The New Create an Oasis with Greywater: Choosing, Building and Using Greywater Systems by Art Ludwig.

Washing Machine Greywater Resources

This is the bible of greywater. Follow Ludwig’s instructions and you can’t go wrong. Ludwig’s open source Laundry to Landscape system. 1″ polyethylene tubing–an alternative to PVC pipe. Oasis Biocompatible detergent, the only laundry detergent we can find that’s appropriate for greywater use. A selection of three way diverter valves. A local Los Angeles source for drums, the Apex Drum Company: DIY Reedbed. The reed bed is really just a pond filled with gravel of different sizes with reeds growing on the surface.

DIY Reedbed

We built our DIY reed bed from the broken concrete we had from our work on the property, bedded together with mud and with turfs on the outer walls. Our reed bed is raised above ground to give enable to outflow to enter the pond at the right level. The bed is lined with carpet and pond liner and filled with layers of gravel and pea gravel with a thin layer of sand at the surface.

Reed beds are categorised as horizontal beds where the water enters at one end and flows horizontally to the outlet collector and vertical beds where the water flows down vertically through the bed. Constructed wetland. Vertical flow type of constructed wetlands A constructed wetland or wetpark is an artificial wetland created as a new or restored habitat for native and migratory wildlife, for anthropogenic discharge such as wastewater, stormwater runoff, or sewage treatment, for land reclamation after mining, refineries, or other ecological disturbances such as required mitigation for natural areas lost to a development.

Constructed wetland

Biofiltration[edit] Newly planted constructed wetland Same constructed wetland, two years later Vegetation in a wetland provides a substrate (roots, stems, and leaves) upon which microorganisms can grow as they break down organic materials. Wetlands types[edit] See also General application below Natural wetlands[edit] Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type—Ramsar Convention Subsurface-flow wetlands[edit] Surface-flow wetlands[edit] Tidal-flow wetlands[edit] General contaminants removal[edit] Constructed Wetlands (Reedbeds) - US EPA. Envirosink - Graywater Recycling.

10 Awesome Gadgets To Reuse Water. We like the concept behind this.

10 Awesome Gadgets To Reuse Water

Small space apartment dwellers would appreciate the utility of having a washing machine option in their bathroom (we know we would). But then again, the toilet in the concept photo above looks like it's giving a piggyback ride to a reject from The Transformers. Create An Off The Grid Source Of Water. For any off-the-gridder or survivalist, having a safe, adequate, and reliable source of water is just about as basic as it gets.

Create An Off The Grid Source Of Water