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Digital Activism Through the Lens of Social Movement Theory. When I first became interested in digital activism in 2004-5 I was convinced it was an entirely new phenomenon.

Digital Activism Through the Lens of Social Movement Theory

The longer I’ve studied it the more I’ve become convinced that understanding digital activism means having a foundation in a variety of related fields, most of them relating to the “activism” rather than the “digital.” I’ve looked to the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) and people like Meta-Activism Project advisors Hardy Merriman and Patrick Meier for a deeper understanding of nonviolent civil resistance. Digital Activism. Web 2.0 has become a major site of political and social movement activism.

Digital Activism

This includes much traditional organizing work -- recruiting members, planning demonstrations and other events, educating publics, writing letters (or in this case often emails) to politicians and so on. Such work is sometimes called "Net roots" organizing, in contrast to the grassroots kind, and has in many cases merged well with traditional modes of movement activism.

In addition to augmenting older modes of organizing, digital activism also includes forms unique to cyberspaces, such as alternative online news sites, web meeting/discussion spaces, culture jamming, hactivism and other forms of digital civil disobedience, and the use of tweeting, flash mobbing, and other new media modes during protest events. Bibliography Bey, Hakim. Is digital activism an effective medium for change? Información Cívica » A Survey of Digital Activism in Latin America. Digital Protest - 7- Open Gov & E Democracy. I International Congress on Net-Activism Digital Networks and New Practices of Democracy. Digital Activism 101: The 6 Activist Functions of Technology. UPDATED: February 13th and June 24th, 2012.

Digital Activism 101: The 6 Activist Functions of Technology

Digital Activism versus Traditional Activism. Image via Wikipedia One may suspect that a lot of confusion might be avoided in debates such as those listed at the bottom if those participating in the debates chose to compare like with like.

Digital Activism versus Traditional Activism

Digital activism is a communication activity. Digital activism is really about spreading messages, consciousness raising, and other communication activities. Quelle idée stupide de se déconnecter pour retrouver le réel. Maximilian C. Forte: A War on Wikileaks? By MAXIMILIAN C.

Maximilian C. Forte: A War on Wikileaks?

FORTE In the interest of full disclosure, I am one of Wikileaks’ many financial donors. I have downloaded their entire Afghan War Diary, and numerous other documents in the past, and I have shared them. I am also one of the critics of some aspects of the Wikileaks review process. Beppe Grillo: comment monter un mouvement politique sur Internet… et avoir des élus ! » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism.

E-Advocate. Vision: How Hacker Activists Are Risking Jail for Everyone's Right to Internet Freedom. Excerpt from NetActivism:How Citizens Use the Internet. By Ed Schwartz During the month of September 1960, 70 million Americans watched a young Senator from Massachusetts debate the Vice President of the United States four times, in what became the centerpiece of the Presidential campaign.

Excerpt from NetActivism:How Citizens Use the Internet

Up to that point, Richard Nixon was nominally ahead, but polls in October showed that 75 percent of those who watched the debates thought that Kennedy had won. Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime? A man attends a demonstration organized by hacker collective Anonymous in Tokyo, July 7, 2012.

Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime?

(YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/GettyImages) Other online activists have increasingly turned to computer networks and other technology as a means of political protest, deploying a range of tactics — from temporarily shutting down servers to disclosing personal and corporate information. The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution. This site uses cookies.

The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution

By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Review our cookies information for more details A virtual counter-revolution. "Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime" The Next Net. The moment the "net neutrality" debate began was the moment the net neutrality debate was lost.

The Next Net

For once the fate of a network - its fairness, its rule set, its capacity for social or economic reformation - is in the hands of policymakers and the corporations funding them - that network loses its power to effect change. The mere fact that lawmakers and lobbyists now control the future of the net should be enough to turn us elsewhere. Of course the Internet was never truly free, bottom-up, decentralized, or chaotic. Yes, it may have been designed with many nodes and redundancies for it to withstand a nuclear attack, but it has always been absolutely controlled by central authorities. From its Domain Name Servers to its IP addresses, the Internet depends on highly centralized mechanisms to send our packets from one place to another.

Internet activism. Types[edit] Sandor Vegh divides online activism into three main categories: Awareness/advocacy, organization/mobilization, and action/reaction There are other ways of classifying types of online activism, such as by the degree of reliance on the internet.

Internet activism

Thus, internet sleuthing or hacking could be viewed as purely online forms of activism, whereas the Occupy Wall Street movement was only partially online. The Internet is a key resource for independent activists, or E-activists, particularly those whose message may run counter to the mainstream. "Especially when a serious violation of human rights occurs, the Internet is essential in reporting the atrocity to the outside world,"[1] Listservs like BurmaNet, Freedom News Group help distribute news that would otherwise be inaccessible in these countries.

Development processes[edit] Facebook, porte-voix des révoltes arabes. Facebook et Twitter, énormes moyens de pression pour les internautes. Cyber-activistes contre dictateurs. Pros and Cons of Facebook activism. Imran Jamal is at the Berkman meeting in Istanbul as the “unofficial UK representative” of the Burma Global Action Network, a group that advocates for the monks and citizens who protested the Burmese junta during the “Saffron Revoluion”. His focus is on the use of Facebook for digital activism, reporting his experiences using Facebook during a recent campaign. Cory Doctorow’s » News. Manifesto for a virtual revolution: Cyber-activist Cory Doctorow's new novel imagines a revolt of online slaves - Features, Books. Cory Doctorow. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Cory Doctorow Cory Doctorow en 2009 Œuvres principales. We need a serious critique of net activism. Evgeny Morozov's The Net Delusion is the first book from the Belarusian-born foreign policy writer and blogger. Morozov has built a reputation as a sharp and sometimes caustic critic of the internet and "cyber-utopianism" and Net Delusion expands the arguments he's made elsewhere. I read my review copy with interest; I like Evgeny – the times we've met and corresponded, he's struck me as smart and committed. At its core, there is some very smart stuff indeed in The Net Delusion. Morozov is absolutely correct when he forcefully points out that technology isn't necessarily good for freedom – that it can be used as readily to enslave, surveil, and punish as it can to evade, liberate and share.

The role of Twitter. Nous avons besoin d’une critique sérieuse de l’activisme sur le Net.