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Cerveau et conscience

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Francois Guite (francoisguite) sur Twitter. Being bilingual 'boosts brain power' 1 May 2012Last updated at 02:49 ET Differences were seen in the brainstem (coloured orange in this picture) Learning a second language can boost brain power, scientists believe.

Being bilingual 'boosts brain power'

The US researchers from Northwestern University say bilingualism is a form of brain training - a mental "work out" that fine-tunes the mind. Speaking two languages profoundly affects the brain and changes how the nervous system responds to sound, lab tests revealed. Experts say the work in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides "biological" evidence of this. For the study, the team monitored the brain responses of 48 healthy student volunteers - which included 23 who were bilingual - to different sounds. They used scalp electrodes to trace the pattern of brainwaves. Under quiet, laboratory conditions, both groups - the bilingual and the English-only-speaking students - responded similarly.

But against a backdrop of noisy chatter, the bilingual group were far superior at processing sounds. VOIR DANS LE CERVEAU : "Le singulier cerveau des dyslexiques. Les chemins de l'intelligence. L'intelligence ne dépend pas de la génétique mais de l'aptitude à utiliser pleinement les possibilités de notre esprit.

Les chemins de l'intelligence

L'important est la façon dont nous traitons et organisons les informations, dont nous interprétons nos expériences, et plus globalement, la façon dont nous nous représentons la réalité. Voici donc quelques clés pour devenir "plus intelligent"... Penser par soi-même Ne pas faire son jugement en fonction de celui des autres, et ne pas prendre pour argent comptant ce qui est dit ou suggéré par les médias, la publicité, les responsables politiques. Faites usage de votre libre-arbitre et de votre discernement.

Conscience quantique - Accueil. L'actualité autour des Chemtrails ! Quantum Approaches to Consciousness. 1.

Quantum Approaches to Consciousness

Introduction The problem of how mind and matter are related to each other has many facets, and it can be approached from many different starting points. Of course, the historically leading disciplines in this respect are philosophy and psychology, which were later joined by behavioral science, cognitive science and neuroscience.

In addition, the physics of complex systems and quantum physics have played stimulating roles in the discussion from their beginnings. As regards the issue of complexity, this is quite evident: the brain is one of the most complex systems we know. The original motivation in the early 20th century for relating quantum theory to consciousness was essentially philosophical. Quantum theory introduced an element of randomness standing out against the previous deterministic worldview, in which randomness, if it occurred at all, simply indicated our ignorance of a more detailed description (as in statistical physics). 2.

[ma] [me] 3. 3.1 Neuronal Assemblies 4. 5. LE CERVEAU À TOUS LES NIVEAUX! Brain Gym® Exercises. By Kenneth Beare Updated December 16, 2014.

Brain Gym® Exercises

Brain Gym® exercises are exercises designed to help the brain function better during the learning process. As such, you can think of Brain Gym® exercises as part of the overall theory of multiple intelligences. These exercises are based on the idea that simple physical exercise helps blood flow to the brain and can help improve the learning process by making sure the brain stays alert. Students can use these simple exercises on their own, and teachers can use them in class to help keep energy levels up throughout the day. These simple exercises are based on the copyrighted work of Paul E. Continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Below is a series of movements called PACE. Drink Water As Carla Hannaford says, "Water comprises more of the brain (with estimates of 90%) than of any other organ of the body. " Drinking water is very important before any stressful situation - tests!

Les performances du cerveau sont liées à l’éducation. Le cul ne mène plus le monde. Si la santé a été au cœur des obsessions collectives depuis 30 ans, on peut présumer que l'économie va devenir notre bobo préféré.

Le cul ne mène plus le monde

Espérons seulement qu'elle réussira à quitter les soins intensifs après qu'un groupe multidisciplinaire se sera penché sur les entrailles du patient. Constipation chronique ou cancer colorectal, il faudra davantage qu'un lavement pour régler le problème de la crise du crédit qu'annonçait le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada cette semaine. S'il fut un temps où l'économie était réservée aux riches, aux puissants et aux diplômés de ce monde, elle est désormais l'affaire de tous, comme la politique, sa grande soeur. Autrefois, le cul menait le monde; aujourd'hui, c'est l'économie et le PIB. Voilà pourquoi je couche avec un économiste de gauche: mon PIB est en paix avec mon cul.

Ma bête économiste est un peu social-démocrate, un peu féministe et un peu onaniste.