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Conscience quantique

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Consciousness. Quantum and Multidimensional Explanations in a Neurobiological Context of Mind. Jakob Korf1 Jakob Korf, University Centre of Psychiatry, Room 4.14 CC 10, UMC Groningen, P.O.

Quantum and Multidimensional Explanations in a Neurobiological Context of Mind

Box 30,001, 9700 RB Groningen, Netherlands. Email: Abstract This article examines the possible relevance of physical–mathematical multidimensional or quantum concepts aiming at understanding the (human) mind in a neurobiological context. Some typical features of the quantum and multidimensional concepts are briefly introduced, including entanglement, superposition, holonomic, and quantum field theories. Article Notes Declaration of Conflicting Interests The author(s) declared no potential interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. . © The Author(s) 2014. The Quantum Human Central Neural System. [1505.00774] Modelling Microtubules in the Brain as n-qudit Quantum Hopfield Network and Beyond. Quantum cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain.

Theoretical and Experimental Evidence of Macroscopic Entanglement Between Human Brain Activity and Photon Emissions: Implications for Quantum Consciousness and Future Applications. Open Access Subscription or Fee Access Theoretical and Experimental Evidence of Macroscopic Entanglement Between Human Brain Activity and Photon Emissions: Implications for Quantum Consciousness and Future Applications Michael A.

Theoretical and Experimental Evidence of Macroscopic Entanglement Between Human Brain Activity and Photon Emissions: Implications for Quantum Consciousness and Future Applications

Persinger, Christina F. Lavallee Abstract Entanglement has been described as excess correlation between separated parts of a quantum system that may exceed the boundaries of light velocity across space and time. An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie. This site uses cookies to improve performance.

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The cosmic energy bridge, cellular quantum consciousness and its connections. A Quantum Theory of Consciousness May Require a Paradigm Shift in Biology. Abstract It is often assumed that the known physical laws form a closed system and are complete.

A Quantum Theory of Consciousness May Require a Paradigm Shift in Biology

It is also assumed that biological theories require no additional principles that are fundamental other than those we already know. Assumptions such as these are acting as a barrier to progress in biological theories and an understanding of consciousness. This paper examines the unexplained inconsistencies among fundamental particles and forces and the fundamental gaps in our knowledge of biology and the cell in particular that may impact on such progress. Also, the laws of quantum mechanics are examined and found to be grossly incomplete. NeuroQuantology. Twitter @NeuroQuantology.


Urn:nbn:se:his:diva-10973 : Is there room in quantum ontology for a genuine causal role of consciousness? ReferencesLink to record Permanent link Direct link.

urn:nbn:se:his:diva-10973 : Is there room in quantum ontology for a genuine causal role of consciousness?

Econtent.hogrefe. 2003 17. 506 2231 1 PB. Dualité onde-corpuscule. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Dualité onde-corpuscule

Les impacts des particules rendent visible l'interférence des ondes, comme dans l'expérience des fentes de Young, par exemple. Animation pour comprendre le concept de dualité onde-corpuscule Un paquet d'ondes qui représente une particule quantique Interférence d'une particule quantique avec elle-même Cette dualité tente de rendre compte de l'inadéquation des concepts conventionnels de « particules » ou d'« ondes », pris isolément, à décrire le comportement des objets quantiques. Onde ou particule, c'est l'absence de représentation plus adéquate de la réalité des phénomènes qui nous oblige à adopter, selon le cas, un des deux modèles alors qu'ils semblent antinomiques (voir infra).

Approches vulgarisées[modifier | modifier le code] Introduction[modifier | modifier le code] Un des grands problèmes de la physique quantique est de donner des images. La métaphore du cylindre[modifier | modifier le code] What Is Consciousness? What Is Consciousness?