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GitHub - milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library: Arduino plug and go library for the Maxim (previously Dallas) DS18B20 (and similar) temperature ICs. GitHub - PaulStoffregen/OneWire: Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips. UniPi Heating and cooling - UniPi. Do you want to use energy efficiently? Reduce the energy consumption? Increase your comfort? UniPi brings the solution.

It will help you control your heating and ventilation system, and do all the work for you. You don’t need to worry about coming home after vacation anymore. Advantages of automatic heat controlling Heat exactly as much as you need, precisely when you need. No more overheating. And the best part is you don’t need whole new equipment.

Home page. City. OpenWeatherMap current weather and forecast. PiDome Home automation. Home Assistant. Send notification based on sensor - Home Assistant. Foscam Recording during Away Mode Only using Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control and Motion Detection - Home Assistant. This requires a Foscam IP Camera camera with PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) and CGI functionality (Source) Foscam Cameras can be controlled by Home Assistant through a number of CGI commands. The following outlines examples of the switch, services, and scripts required to move between 2 preset destinations while controlling motion detection, but many other options of movement are provided in the Foscam CGI User Guide linked above.

The switch.foscam_motion will control whether the motion detection is on or off. This switch supports statecmd, which checks the current state of motion detection. switch: platform: command_line switches: foscam_motion: oncmd: 'curl -k " The service shell_command.foscam_turn_off sets the camera to point down and away to indicate it is not recording, and shell_command.foscam_turn_on sets the camera to point where I’d like to record. h of these services require preset points to be added to your camera. Owntracks - Home Assistant. This platform allows you to detect presence using Owntracks. OwnTracks allows users to track their location on Android and iOS phones and publish it to an MQTT broker.

This platform will connect to the broker and monitor for new locations. This component requires the MQTT component to be set up and works very well together with the zone component. To integrate Owntracks in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file: device_tracker: platform: owntracks max_gps_accuracy: 200 Configuration variables: max_gps_accuracy (Optional): Sometimes Owntracks can report GPS location with a very low accuracy (few kilometers). Using Owntracks with other device trackers Owntracks can also be used with other device trackers, such as Nmap or Netgear. Using Owntracks regions Owntracks can track regions, and send region entry and exit information to Home Assistant(HA). Home Assistant will use the enter and leave messages to set your zone location.

Device Tracker - Home Assistant. Home Assistant can get information from your wireless router to track which devices are connected. Please check the sidebar for a list of brands of supported wireless routers. There are also trackers available which uses different technologies like MQTT or Nmap to scan the network for devices. To get started add the following lines to your configuration.yaml (example for Netgear): device_tracker: platform: netgear host: username: admin password: YOUR_PASSWORD track_new_devices: yes interval_seconds: 12 consider_home: 180 Once tracked, a file will be created in your config dir called known_devices.yaml. Multiple device trackers can be used in parallel, such as Owntracks and Nmap. To add Nmap tracking just add the MAC address to the OwnTracks or iCloud device mac: configuration. Website - Home Assistant.

The website you’re reading now is the home of Home Assistant: This is the place where we provide documentation and additional details about Home Assistant for end users and developers. uses the Octopress framework for Jekyll. To get more details, please checkout the Octopress documentation. That means that creating a new page is simple. The pages are written in markdown; you don’t need to care about HTML or the like. The process for working on the website is no different from working on Home Assistant itself. To test your changes locally, you need to install the Ruby dependencies (gems): Install Ruby if you don’t have it already.Install bundler, which is a dependency manager for Ruby: gem install bundlerIn your root directory, run bundle to install the gems you need.

Then you can work on the documentation: For a platform page, the fastest way is to make a copy of an existing page and edit it. Code Images, icons, and logos. Automation for rainy days - Home Assistant. Installation on Docker - Home Assistant. Installation with Docker is straightforward. Adjust the following command so that /path/to/your/config/ points at the folder where you want to store your config and run it: $ docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /path/to/your/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant This will launch Home Assistant and serve the web interface from port 8123 on your Docker host. When using boot2docker on OS X you are unable to map the local time to your Docker container. Replace -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro with -e "TZ=America/Los_Angeles" (replacing America/Los_Angeles with your timezone) Troubleshooting If you run into any issues, please see the troubleshooting page.

In addition to this site, check out these sources for additional help: Forum for Home Assistant discussions and questions.Gitter Chat Room for real-time chat about Home Assistant.GitHub Page for issue reporting. Next step: Configuring Home Assistant » PiDome Home automation. Pushbullet - Your devices working better together.