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Google Image Result for. Pillowcase Nightgowns & Free Tutorial - Gingercake. We spend many summer time mornings staying in our PJs until lunch.

Pillowcase Nightgowns & Free Tutorial - Gingercake

I decided to make some pretty nightgowns so the girls would at least look nice and sweet on these lazy days. I have been shopping lots of thrift stores lately & found such pretty vintage sheets and pillowcases. I listed a bunch in my other etsy shop gingercake. Here are the night gowns I made from some of the ones I kept. that one was from a sheet. Details + Decor, DIY Wedding, Favors + Gifts. Bunny Ornament–A Quick Tutorial. Keyboard Cat. Little Cottage Mug Rug. Holder for Charging Cell Phone (made from lotion bottle) My husband and I both have cell phones.

Holder for Charging Cell Phone (made from lotion bottle)

And both of us have phone chargers. And that means lots of obnoxious cords. You never know when one of us may be moving phone cords around, to give our phones an extra charge while we’re chatting away……… or trying to charge our phones up before running errands or something. Needless to say, those phone cords seem to be everywhere…..and are generally in the way and hanging all over the floor. (Okay, and how about when you’re in a hotel or visiting family/friends. How to sew a mini bunny sachet. According to Lunar Calendar and Chinese astrology, the world has entered into Rabbit year starting from this spring (立春), that’s today, February 4th, 2011.

How to sew a mini bunny sachet

As a memento of the year, I made some bunny sachets. I filled them with silica gel (in bead form) and turn them into desiccant bags for my metal notions stored in the glass bottles. The silica bead will help in controlling the humidity in the glass bottle, hence to protect the metal from oxidation and degradation. This project is ideal if you have a lot of fabric scraps that you want to de-stash. It is quick and easy to sew, I am able to complete a dozen of them within hours including taking photos for all the steps. This bunny sachet pattern is not confined only as a desiccant bag, you can fill it with other ingredients and turn it into personal amenity, for example: 1. Get the pattern and step-by-step instructions with photos after this jump: Material: 1.

Download the bunny pattern in pdf format. Repeat the same to the other ear. Bounding Bunnypins - a Freebie for Friday! - allsorts. Happy Friday!

Bounding Bunnypins - a Freebie for Friday! - allsorts

Wow, you guys outdid yourselves on the comments about my cleaned-up studio! I don't think I've ever had that many comments on one post before. Thanks!!! All those warm fuzzies made the effort seem a lot more worthwhile. {Valentines day} pixelated popup card. I‘ve been scratching my head trying to come up with a card for my hubby {AKA the non-romantic type}.

{Valentines day} pixelated popup card

I finally decided to make this pixely popup heart card! Easter is in the air. I had one of those moments in Target the other day while walking (well running, actually, as I had a screaming toddler in my cart) by an endcap, and instinctively, reflexively even, bent down and grabbed this fantastic cake platter as we sped past.

Easter is in the air

The first thing that popped into my head to describe it was "Barnyard Chic" -- check out the chicken wire detail on the foot! Completely fantastic -- Driving home, this strange urge to make Easter eggs came over me. Strange in that I don't usually get this kind of inspiration until either, a) after the holiday has passed, or b) it's so close to the holiday that there isn't enough time to complete the project. Owl be Green! - Upcycled owl purse. My 13-year-old daughter is huge into owls right now, so I thought I would make her an owl purse for Christmas.

Owl be Green! - Upcycled owl purse

Ssshhh! Being the thrifty-green sort, I found a wool tweed suit jacket that had seen better days. The moth holes on the collar and ripped up lining made it undesireable... not to mention the ginormous elbow patches and the leather braid buttons. So... old wool jacket, wool scraps, thread, and dye on hand, and those nifty leather buttons from the coat - all I needed was some lining fabric. Valentines: Heart Sachets. Good things come in small packages, and they are good if the package is oh-so pretty and smells wonderful to boot. Our Valentines Heart Sachets are a little bits of elegance you can make to give away as indulgent gifts. They can hang on a closet rod, hook on a doorknob, slip into the lingerie drawer or simply show off on top of the dresser or vanity.

Doesn't that sound sweet? Vintage Dresser Cloth Uses Layer Cake Squares & Button Accents. My grandmother, an immigrant from Lithuania, was an unbelievably talented seamstress. She did everything by hand, including free-hand embroidery, tatting and crocheting. She never needed a pattern; you could just sketch something and she would create it. It was the sewing equivalent of the musician's ' .' Squeaky Doggie Bone Tutorial. My lil’ terrier Gus is a fetcher.

Squeaky Doggie Bone Tutorial

I mean he can play fetch ALL DAY long! *lol* Squeaky toys are among his favs. Fabric Labels Tutorial. Many people have asked me how I make my labels so I have decided to make this little tutorial including pictures and any little tips that I have learned along the way.

Fabric Labels Tutorial

You will find that making your own labels is quite simple and much cheaper than purchasing custom labels. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy. Something Special Card + Envelope Tutorial. We hope Jennifer Casa’s Something Special Card + Envelope Tutorial inspires you to create something beautiful for someone you love.

Something Special Card + Envelope Tutorial

Learn more about Jennifer in her introduction, and make a visit to JCasa*handmade part of your daily routine. After you make the basic card + envelope as a foundation piece you can then embellish, embroider, quilt, print… Do something to make it unique! Mix things up, and personalize your card to make it the perfect something for your special someone. Duck Tape Covered Boots. Duck tape or Duct tape? "I've heard it both ways" (25 bonus points if you know the tv reference)("Duck" is the brand, "Duct" is the type of tape used for duct work) I used Duck brand tape (about $3 at Michaels after coupon) in this cool houndstooth pattern to fix up my black boots that were starting to fall apart. The leather was starting to wear near the zippers, there was a small tear here, and the toes where all scuffed up. I wiped them down and then applied black scuff cover all over the bottom and heel of the boot to spruce them up a little.

Then I started slapping strips of tape on the boots, making sure to leave about an inch of overhang on top to fold down into the top of the boot. Inspiring crafts. Paper bird painting.