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Transformicons. Deduplication best practices and choosing the best dedupe technology. How to keep up to date on Front-End Technologies - The Recipe. How to map connections with great circles. Here's the technical definition of great circles on Wikipedia: A great circle, also known as a Riemannian circle, of a sphere is the intersection of the sphere and a plane which passes through the center point of the sphere, as distinct from a small circle.

How to map connections with great circles

Any diameter of any great circle coincides with a diameter of the sphere, and therefore all great circles have the same circumference as each other, and have the same center as the sphere. IOGraphica. Presión neumáticos Hyundai Galloper. PRONASIDA. Downloads. The FBI’s Top Hostage Negotiator Teaches You How to Lower Your Bills. Apache Subversion. ISO 8859-1 character set overview.

The following tables give all characters which are available in the ISO Latin 1 character set.

ISO 8859-1 character set overview

In each table, you will see four columns: Char. This is the actual character. Code. This is the decimal code number for the character. Diez preguntas sobre el Ka’a He’e - El Nuevo Agro. Git. MSPYBS - DNERHS. Campus Virtual DNERHS. Razones de por qué elijo cada día tu amor. El amor es una elección.

Razones de por qué elijo cada día tu amor

El matrimonio una institución al que cada cual se entrega voluntariamente. Pero los que creemos en el “para siempre” tenemos nuestras tácticas y estrategias para hacerlo cierto. Razones de por qu& Mi esposo no se quería casar. A pesar de su amor, tenía miedo. El rumor - sdmm85 - Gmail. Pedal South: de Alaska a Argentina, en bicicleta. AMPL - The Worlds Smartest Backpack. We are proud to have been named a 2015 CES Innovation Awards Honoree in two categories, and to have received three "Best of" awards at the show.

AMPL - The Worlds Smartest Backpack

And do you struggle with the mess of plugs and cords required to recharge your gadgets every day? The AMPL SmartBackpack can recharge all your devices, from a single power cable. Keep your gear charged and ready to go. Then when you need a boost throughout the day, it can recharge your gadgets anywhere by intelligently routing power from multiple modular batteries to USB outlets in every pocket. And yes, it can even charge your laptop with the optional LaptopBoost battery.

Easy access to 6 USB Outlets You can access USB ports in every pocket, and the convenient smartphone charging-holster on the shoulder strap. Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard. Quincy Larson was just a "guy in a suit in an office" and decided he wanted to learn how to code.

Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard

So he asked around. He started by picking up a bit of Ruby then found himself skimming through other languages like Scala, Clojure and Go. He learned Emacs then Vim and even the Dvorak keyboard layout. Periodista le da un duro golpe al Grupo Vierci - E'a. La periodista Noelia Díaz, fue despedida injustificadamente del canal Telefuturo en 2013, pese a que tenía una estabilidad laboral por sus 10 años de antigüedad.

Periodista le da un duro golpe al Grupo Vierci - E'a

Linux-file-system-hierarchy-linux-file-structure-optimized.jpg (1000×647) Para entender. Descubriendo Piwik. Sign in — Avocado. Avocado — Chat, lists, calendar and more for couples. No está disponible. WhatsApp Web. Simulate any User Agent or Bot. Shamballa Jewels - Explore the Energy of Creation. Trips of a curious penguin. Bowling Ball.

La Maldicion De Eva - Gracethrufaith Spanish. Cron & crontab, explicados. ¿Qué es cron?

Cron & crontab, explicados

The illusion of life. Transacciones Bitcoin completamente anónimas, para todos. Qué es y cómo se usa TOR. Maravillas del mercado: la bolsa de valores de Bitcoin (GLBSE) El éxito de Silk Road. Silk Road funciona como una tienda online sólo accesible vía TOR, en la cual pueden adquirirse anónimamente drogas ilegales a cambio de bitcoins.

El éxito de Silk Road

Club Internacional de Usuarios de Corel. d3Network. Attention: Development has moved to networkD3. d3Network is no longer supported.


Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R. v0.5.1 Mike Bostock’s D3.js is great for creating interactive network graphs with JavaScript. The d3Network package makes it easy to create these network graphs from R. Say Hello To WebRTC. In the world of real-time communications reliability and ease of use are two of the most important factors to building enriched applications that engage your audience.

Say Hello To WebRTC

Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) was built for web developers to using simple JavaScript APIs embedded directly in the browser. WebRTC enables applications such as audio and video chat, file sharing, messaging, white-boarding, gaming, human computer interaction, and more without any client or plugin download. What’s the magic behind WebRTC? WebRTC relies on three JavaScript APIs embedded directly into web browsers requiring no client or browser plug-in in order to communicate directly with another WebRTC enabled browser. MediaStream (aka getUserMedia)The MediaStream interface is used to represent streams of media data, typically of audio and/or video content. X.pose - xuedi.chen. X.pose is a wearable data-driven sculpture that exposes a person's skin as a real-time reflection of the data that the wearer is producing. In the physical realm we can deliberately control which portions our bodies are exposed to the world by covering it with clothing.

In the digital realm, we have much less control of what personal aspects we share with the services that connect us. In the digital realm we are naked and vulnerable. Rhinoceros. TheNNT. Foolish IT LLC. Automate.Automate numerous internal features and 3rd party applications with d7IIRelax.Take a break, maybe grab a coffee. Magic Numbers: The Secret Codes that Programmers Hide in Your PC. Ever since the first person wrote out 5318008 on a calculator, nerds have been hiding secret numbers inside of your PC, and using them to negotiate secret handshakes between applications and files. Today we take a quick look at some of the more entertaining examples. What are Magic Numbers? Most programming languages use a 32-bit integer type to represent certain types of data behind the scenes — internally the number is stored in RAM or used by the CPU as 32 ones and zeros, but in the source code it would be written out in either regular decimal format, or as hexadecimal format, which uses the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F.

C/C++ Coding Exercise - Factorial Trailing Zeroes. Submit your solution at Leet Online Judge here. Given an integer n, return the number of trailing zeroes in n! Note: Your solution should be in logarithmic time complexity. Naive Solution It is easy to get the fact that the trailing zeros totally depend on the 5 times 2 only. El primer rascacielos flotante que eliminaría el plástico del océano. La contaminación que provoca el plástico en el mar es mucho más grave de lo que te puedes imaginar. Millones de toneladas de basura van a dar al mar cada año, gran parte de ella es plástico que no sólo se amontona en el lecho marino, sino que se descompone fragmentándose en pequeñas partículas que los peces pueden ingerir creando una cadena de daños en los siguientes organismos en la cadena alimenticia.

Home - Muzli. How language can affect the way we think. Keith Chen (TED Talk: Could your language affect your ability to save money?) Might be an economist, but he wants to talk about language. Palettab. Free Survey Creator. Colours. アニメ「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」 Transactions on InnoDB. Introduction Transaction locks are an important feature of any transactional storage engine. There are two types of transaction locks – table locks and row locks. Table locks are used to avoid a table being altered or dropped by one transaction when another transaction is using the table. InnoDB Persistent Statistics at last (Transactions on InnoDB)

Note: this article was originally published on on April 11, 2011 by Vasil Dimov. Background InnoDB gathers statistics for the data in user tables, which are used by the MySQL optimizer to choose the best query plan. Ruslan Synytsky: a New Level of Automation with Jelastic. The Prevention Continuum: Preventing Silent Failure. Many of my team members know that one of my favorite parts of running CrowdStrike is meeting with customers.

CrowdInspect - Teaches You English, French, Spanish, Arabic & Hebrew. [1412.6159] Human-Data Interaction: The Human Face of the Data-Driven Society. Downloads - Raphaël Godart. Identify Tons Of Different File Types Without Opening Them With TrID. DesktopServer. VelocityPage. SOSERE. How Different Cultures Understand Time. SOA. Top Ten Signs You're a Designer. Welcome to Elefant — Elefant. Pricing - TrackingTime. Corporate. Designer's guide to DPI. Ministerios En Contacto > Radio y TV > Hoy en Radio.