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How to View Your DNS History for Free - woorkup Working with clients over the years, there is always that possibility that someone will change a DNS record on a website and then need to change it back. Sometimes people forget to document things, and so you might arrive in a situation where you are trying to find out what the old nameservers were, or what IPs your custom nameservers were set to. Below are 6 great websites that will show you your DNS history for free and a premium alternative. Color Theory for Web Designers – How to Choose the Right Color Scheme for Your Website You have decided to create a website. One of the first questions that you will face sounds like “What colors should I choose to make it professional and at the same time visually appealing?” This is not surprising because color is the first things that attract your visitors’ attention, that’s why a color scheme is considered to be the foremost thing every designer should know. Color affects not only the appearance of a website, but also its effectiveness. It means that an average time spent on site, a number of returned visitors, and even conversion depend on the choice of the color scheme. Moreover, taking into account visualization of modern technologies, color plays one of the main roles on the Internet.

Three WordPress Security Mistakes You Didn't Realize You Made Considering the amount of malicious activity that takes place on the internet, it’s no surprise that successful attacks on WordPress sites are launched across a wide variety of vectors. Whether outdated plugin code is to blame, or password reuse, or any number of other security flaws, no site owner sets out to introduce a vulnerability into their environment. Ultimately any security issue begins with a mistake, and while mistakes are forgivable there’s still risk involved if they’re not discovered and remedied. In today’s post, we’ll look at a few common mistakes made by owners of WordPress sites that can create security concerns. These mistakes aren’t strictly application-specific, but are issues many WordPress users will encounter in the course of running their site.

8-free-apps-for-picking-a-colour-scheme?ref=webdesignernews As a visual creative, colour is one of the most important tools at your disposal. But how do you go about creating the perfect colour scheme for your design? These apps can all help you pick the perfect palette, to make your design sing. And the best news is, they’re all completely free. Helping a Beginner Understand Getting a Website Live By Chris Coyier On September 6, 2018 deployment, domains, hosting I got a great email from a fellow named Josh Long the other day. He is, in his words, "relatively new to web design" and was a bit stuck on the concept of getting a site live. I should say that I'm happy to get emails like this an I always read them, but I typically can't offer tech support over email. If I can respond at all, I normally point people to other community resources.

This SVG always shows today’s date For my contact page, I wanted a generic calendar icon to let people view my diary. Calendar icons are almost always a skeuomorph of a paper calendar, but I wondered if I could make it slightly more useful by creating a dynamic icon. Here it is, an SVG calendar which always display's today's date: 10 “Hidden” Divi Features You Need to Know About In recent years, many convenient and powerful features have been added to the Divi Theme. And, some of these features may have snuck in to your theme without you realizing it. In fact, they are lurking right now, hiding in plain site (an impressive survival tactic maybe, but an unfortunate one). That is why I’m taking some time to shed some light on ten Divi features that should not remain hidden or ignored. RGB color model A representation of additive color mixing. Projection of primary color lights on a white screen shows secondary colors where two overlap; the combination of all three of red, green, and blue in equal intensities makes white. Additive color mixing with CD covers The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.

Social Image Resizer Tool Resize and crop your images for web use Today there are innumerable uses for photos and images on the web. Websites need favicon and content images, people need Twitter profile pictures and Facebook profile banners, others want to create custom-sized photos for other uses – the need is endless. To optimize images for web use, you likely need to resize, crop or change their file format type from the source image for their final use. And to optimize your website for site speed, it is best to not resize large images on the fly, but to use properly sized images in the first place, which are typically smaller.

Color Chart Color Chart (HTML Color Codes, Color Names, Colors) - Color Chart - HTML Color Codes - Colors - Colores Codigo - Code de Couleur - Farbcodes - Renk Kodlari - カラーコード - اللون - 颜色 - 顏色 - цвет - Farbe
