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1 juillet. LA VÉRITÉ SUR LES CHEMTRAILS : Lettre Anonyme + PODCAST GRATUIT. “Pour des raisons que vous comprendrez au fur et à mesure que vous lirez ceci, je ne peux pas divulguer mon identité.


Je suis un mécanicien d’aviation travaillant pour une ligne aérienne importante. Je travaille dans une de nos bases d’entretien situées dans un grand aéroport. 2 juillet. Une planète proche de la Terre et (peut-être) habitable. VIDEO. Un robot marche à l'aide de cellules musculaires. 3 juillet. 10 juillet. 11 juillet. Tisa : un accord trop secret. WikiLeaks a publié fin juin des documents confidentiels concernant l'Accord sur le commerce des services (Tisa en anglais).

Tisa : un accord trop secret

Le caractère secret de ce texte, visant à déréguler l'économie mondiale, suscite les inquiétudes des syndicats et de certains partis. Cinquante pays, représentant près des deux tiers de l'économie mondiale, négocient en dehors du cadre de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) depuis 2013 dans le but de concevoir un accord de libéralisation et de dérégulation sur le commerce des services. Le 19 juin dernier, WikiLeaks a diffusé les annexes de ce traité, spécifiques à la dérégulation des activités financières.

"Les multinationales et les gouvernements voulaient conclure le Tisa en laissant les consommateurs, les syndicats, les écologistes et la plupart des entreprises à l'écart. Grâce à WikiLeaks, ils ont échoué", se félicite Al-Jazeera America. Les Britanniques se lancent dans la protestation contre le TTIP. DARPA Successfully Demonstrates Self-Guiding Bullets. Bientôt un contingent d'Iron Man. Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question. Two top astronomers from the SETI Institute (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) recently appeared in front of the congressional House Science and Technology Committee for a hearing regarding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question

They told the committee that extraterrestrial life most certainly exists, without question, one of those scientists is Seth Shostak, a well-known senior scientist at the SETI Institute. They said that the chance of discovering life on other planets is inevitable and will most likely occur within the next 20 years.(1)(2) Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet. “In the last 50 years, evidence has steadily mounted that the components and conditions we believe necessary for life are common and perhaps ubiquitous in our galaxy. Scientists are discovering billions of Earth like planets on our Milky Way galaxy alone. . (1) (2) Disclosureprojectufo > ROSWELL: UN NUOVO VIDEO IN RETE? Fonte: Prendete la notizia con estrema cautela, anche perché le immagini non sono sicuramente delle migliori e non aiutano a capire.

disclosureprojectufo > ROSWELL: UN NUOVO VIDEO IN RETE?

Il sito ufologico portoghese ETSEETC.COM ha pubblicato nei giorni scorsi un breve filmato d’epoca nel quale si intravedrebbe un corpo esanime trasportato su una barella da alcuni militari all’interno di un’installazione (forse una base aerea). Fin qui nulla di anomalo se non fosse ventilata l’ipotesi che alcune peculiarità fisiche del soggetto trasportato sembrerebbero conciliare con quelle dell’essere umanoide presente nella famosa “autopsia dell’alieno”, creando quindi un possibile collegamento col famoso crash di Roswell avvenuto nel 1947.

Arecibo Radio Telescope Confirms Extra-galactic Fast Radio Pulses. The Missing Continent - Hollow Earth. 14 juillet. Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question. By Arjun Walia Two top astronomers from the SETI Institute (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) recently appeared in front of the congressional House Science and Technology Committee for a hearing regarding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question

16 jullet. Les physiciens russes rendent réelle la téléportation. Dans un proche avenir, on pourra se déplacer sur les grandes distances sans application d’une force physique et se trouver simultanément dans deux lieux à la fois.

Les physiciens russes rendent réelle la téléportation

Par exemple, à Moscou et à Pékin ou bien en Sibérie et sur les îles de la Nouvelle-Zélande. 20 juillet. Christine Lagarde a t-elle lancé un avertissement en langage occulte ? 20 juillet 2014 ? Christine Lagarde a-t-elle révélé la date du prochain Krach en langage occulte ? - Wikistrike. Responsable du FMI, doit-elle bien connaître ses chiffres.

20 juillet 2014 ? Christine Lagarde a-t-elle révélé la date du prochain Krach en langage occulte ? - Wikistrike

L'astronaute américain Buzz Aldrin, 2e homme sur la Lune, a vu un "ovni" dans l'espace. 11.07.2014, 12:53 - Monde.

L'astronaute américain Buzz Aldrin, 2e homme sur la Lune, a vu un "ovni" dans l'espace

25 juillet. This water wheel is the most promising solution to ocean plastic. The city of Baltimore has installed a solar-powered water wheel that can process 23 metric tonnes of floating garbage every day.

This water wheel is the most promising solution to ocean plastic

28 juillet. Tourist Films A UFO From A Bus In Nevada By Area 51. 30 juillet. Les fonds vautours qui dépècent l'Argentine se jettent sur l'Espagne. En mars 2013, la presse économique signalait qu’Elliott avait acquis 300 millions d’euros de crédits à la consommation en souffrance de Santander Consumer Finance, avec un rabais d’environ 96%.

Les fonds vautours qui dépècent l'Argentine se jettent sur l'Espagne

Le prix payé laisse songeur : près de 12 millions d’euros, selon la presse (Cinco Días). En août de la même année 2013, Bankia, l’entité nationalisée qui a le plus profité du sauvetage bancaire espagnol, ce qui a considérablement élevé la dette publique, informait qu’elle avait vendu 3 portefeuilles de crédits défaillants pour un volume total de 1,35 milliards d’euros de dette. Orkney Excavation Reveals 5000 year old Temple Complex, page 1. 31 juillet. NASA Confirms New EM Thruster Violates Laws Of Conservation, page 1. Wired reports: Nasa is a major player in space science, so when a team from the agency this week presents evidence that "impossible" microwave thrusters seem to work, something strange is definitely going on. Either the results are completely wrong, or Nasa has confirmed a major breakthrough in space propulsion.

British scientist Roger Shawyer has been trying to interest people in his EmDrive for some years through his company SPR Ltd. Emdrive - Home. Articles & Patent. FAQ. Improbable Thruster Seems to Work by Violating Known Laws of Physics — NOVA Next. Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. It’s perhaps the best known law of physics, and Guido Fetta thinks he’s found a way around it. According to classical physics, in order for something—like a spaceship—to move, conservation of momentum requires that it has to exert a force on something else.

A person in roller skates, for example, pushes off against a wall; a rocket accelerates upward by propelling high-velocity combusted fuel downward. In practice, this means that space vessels like satellites and space stations have to carry up to half their weight in propellant just to stay in orbit. That bulks up their cost and reduces their useful lifetime. With that in mind, Fetta designed what he called the “Cannae Drive,” which he claims creates momentum without pushing against seemingly anything at all. [1202.6415v2] Repulsive Casimir and Casimir-Polder Forces. 1202.6415v2.pdf. Shocking Results: Woman Replaces 40 Medications With Raw Cannabis Juice. Battery Life 'Holy Grail' Discovered. Plants Are Talking & These Sensors Let Us Hear What They’re Saying! Video screen capture YouTube/Euro News A group of Italian, British and Spanish researchers are working on developing a network of microsensors that can be embedded in plants, sending us information on how plants respond to changes in temperature, humidity, air pollution, chemicals and many other changes in their environment.

La Quant e-Sportlimousine de la firme allemande NanoFlowCell. Dévoilée en mars dernier lors du Salon de Genève, la Quant e-Sportlimousine de la firme allemande NanoFlowCell a récemment été approuvé par Tüv Süd pour une utilisation sur les routes d'Allemagne et d'Europe. Cette élégante et sportive monocoque quatre places (de 5,24 x 2 mètres pour un poids de 2300 kg réservoirs pleins) est dotée d'une carrosserie en fibre de carbone, de portes papillon et d'un système de propulsion Nanoflowcell fonctionnant à l'eau salée faisant toute la particularité du véhicule.

The 2014 Roswell UFO Festival - Spacing Out! Ep. 81. Non-Human DNA Discovered During Biopsy Of Ötzi The Iceman. Blackest is the new black: Scientists have developed a material so dark that you can't see it... - Science - News. Puritans, Goths, avant-garde artists, hell-raising poets and fashion icon Coco Chanel all saw something special in it. Now black, that most enigmatic of colours, has become even darker and more mysterious.

A British company has produced a "strange, alien" material so black that it absorbs all but 0.035 per cent of visual light, setting a new world record. Crop circle appears in Dorset field sparking interest in who or what made it. Intricate design is the first one of the year and has emerged in a field near Blandford Forum in DorsetThe number of crop circles appearing in Britain is declining: 2012 produced 50 while 2013 produced just 15Some believe this is because of a recent crackdown by farmers as trespass and destruction of crops is illegalSceptics believe crop circles are entirely man-made, while others believe they are the creation of aliens By Harriet Hernando Published: 12:46 GMT, 14 July 2014 | Updated: 15:36 GMT, 14 July 2014 The first crop circle of the year has appeared in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset leaving locals stumped over who or what created it.

Covering an enormous stretch of wheat field, the 400ft pattern, which is made up of geometric lines and circles, emerged overnight. Solar Pole Flip, Ice, Electric Space Form. Un séisme de magnitude 4,9 touche la Bretagne. Solar Tsunami, Gamma Blast x2. Spectacular 'Supermoon' Rises This Weekend. You might want to step outside tomorrow night (July 12), when a bulging "supermoon" will rise in the evening sky. Tomorrow's supermoon, which will be bigger and brighter than most other full moons this year, will be the first of three such moons in consecutive months. The next supermoons will occur on Aug. 10 and Sept. 9, according to NASA. The moon follows an oval or elliptical orbit, and a supermoon occurs when the moon is in the part of its orbit closest to Earth.

At this point, known as "perigee," the moon is about 30,000 miles (50,000 kilometers) closer to the planet than at its farthest point, or "apogee. " [In Photos: Glitzy Images of a Supermoon] Tomorrow and Sept. 9, the moon will be full on the same day as perigee, and on Aug. 10, it will be full during the same hour as perigee, making it especially bright. Supermoons gained attention last year, when a June 2013 full moon was 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than other full moons, according to NASA. Hot spot: Yellowstone road melts, sites closed. CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The ever-changing thermal geology of Yellowstone National Park has created a hot spot that melted an asphalt road and closed access to popular geysers and other attractions at the height of tourist season, officials said Thursday.

As they examined possible fixes, park officials warned visitors not to hike into the affected area, where the danger of stepping through solid-looking soil into boiling-hot water was high. Gregg Braden en FRANCAIS!!! This Morning: 'Teleporting isn't just possible, it's already happening' A comment made at the end of today's ITV This Morning programme by the gorgeous and brilliantly clever Professor Brian Cox was an astonishing bit of news that I would have thought was newspaper headline stuff. He told Phil and Holly that yes, we can already teleport things. That means, he said, that you destroy something in the place where it is now, and then make it appear somewhere else. Not a copy, but the actual same thing. Un présentateur météo décrit le danger des chemtrails en pleine TV (média vidéo) - Média Alternatif. Sarkozy mis en examen : ses partisans en pleine crise de paranoïa.

Depuis le placement en garde à vue, puis la mise en examen, de Nicolas Sarkozy notamment pour corruption active, ses partisans et défenseurs se lâchent. WikiLeaks Documents Discuss Extraterrestrials, UFOs. The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.