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Fake News from Reuters

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Reuters Fake Factcheck. By Paul Homewood Reference was made in yesterday’s post on Naomi Seibt to a so-called Factcheck by Reuters, which supposedly debunks her side of the story. Not only is the Reuters’ whitewash inaccurate, it poses more questions about their own reliability than the original story: A widely shared post on social media makes the claim that 19-year-old German climate change skeptic Naomi Seibt has been fined and banned from social media for expressing disagreement with climate activist Greta Thunberg, known for organizing youth climate strikes ‘Fridays for Future’. This claim contains some inaccurate information. The post makes the claim that while Thunberg has been praised by the media, Seibt is now “banned from YouTube, Facebook and many other social media platforms”, as well as “fined the equivalent of $400 by authorities in her region of Germany for the crime of being ‘not climate friendly’.” ( here ) “Ms.

“Ms. False. So I ask once again, who put Reuters up to this? Like this: Like Loading... Reuters Invents Fake Seaweed Crisis As Harvests More Than Double. Published on April 6, 2020 Written by Tiffany Taylor Reuters published a March 30 article claiming climate change is causing a crisis in seaweed growth and harvesting. However, the facts say just the opposite. According to a 2018 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report, the global seaweed harvest more than doubled between 2005 and 2015.

Reuters is inventing a fake climate crisis and hoping people will simply believe the claim without bothering to check the facts. The Reuters article, titled, “India’s women seaweed divers swim against the tide of climate change,” claims climate change is changing ocean conditions and reducing the seaweed harvest. “The women talk about the harsh conditions of the sea, the rising tides and the great physical strength required to hold one’s breath and go down to the depths. To bolster its claim, Reuters quoted a climate-activist scientist. But objective facts say just the opposite.

Read more at Climate Realism Trackback from your site. Pakistan’s cotton crop damaged by ‘climate change’… or just weather? – Fake Climate News from Reuters. Will Google down-rank Reuters for spreading fake climate news? I spoke at Heartland’s America First Energy Conference, held in New Orleans on Tuesday, August 7, 2018. A young Reuters reporter was there, who asked me before I spoke to tell him what I was going to say. I simply replied, why don’t you come and listen to my talk to find out? The result was a news story with this headline: Sea level rise ‘overblown,’ solar energy ‘dumb,’ climate change deniers tell forum “Climate change deniers“?

As readers here know, I don’t deny climate change. I don’t even deny recent warming could be mostly human-caused. The following photo of me speaking had the caption (emphasis added): Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama, said the presence of Trump administration officials at the conference gave a boost to climate change deniers. The mainstream news media (MSM) is treading on dangerous ground as Google is now deciding what web content is climate-denying and what isn’t.