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The unprofitable SaaS business model trap by. Marketo filed for IPO with impressive 80% year-over-year growth in 2012, with almost $60m in revenue.

The unprofitable SaaS business model trap by

Except, they lost $35m. WTF? It’s not impressive when you spend $1.60 for every $1.00 of revenue, force-feeding sales pipelines with an unprofitable product. Don’t tell me this is normal for growing enterprise SaaS companies. 30 Quick Conversion Tips Every Marketer Needs to Know. SaaS Guides from KISSmetrics. Let’s face it, SaaS businesses are amazing.

SaaS Guides from KISSmetrics

The margins are great and the revenue is stable. But to keep growing a SaaS business, you need a marketing machine that consistently draws traffic, gets people interested in your business, converts them into signups, and persuades them to become customers. Here’s the thing: there are reliable methods to build this marketing machine. SaaS Marketing Bundle. You have to fight and scrape for every bit of traffic.

SaaS Marketing Bundle

Hardly anyone signs up and even fewer people use your product. Solution SaaS pour les éditeurs de logiciel. SaaS, Software as a Service : la Révolution Industrielle Informatique des logiciels. Les solutions logicielles en mode SaaS, Software as a Service, existent depuis plus de 10 ans.

SaaS, Software as a Service : la Révolution Industrielle Informatique des logiciels est l’exemple le plus emblématique de cette réussite, ayant démarré en 1990. Il a fallu beaucoup de courage et d’énergie à Marc Benioff, son fondateur, pour réussir son pari, aidé en cela par un investissement de son ancien patron, Larry Ellison, PDG d’Oracle ! Dix ans après, le phénomène SaaS a pris beaucoup d’ampleur, mais reste encore mal compris par beaucoup de dirigeants et de DSI ; il faut dire qu’une grande partie des acteurs historiques du monde du logiciel, qui ont tout à craindre du succès des solutions SaaS, font tout pour entretenir la confusion. Je vais, dans la suite de ce texte, clarifier au maximum les très grandes différences qui existent entre le SaaS et les solutions historiques. Rappel : domination actuelle des éditeurs traditionnels A eux seuls, les deux plus célèbres duettistes de ce marché, SAP et Oracle, représentent 50 % du total des CA.

Voyage au coeur du nuage (3/3): SaaS - 7 à voir. Avec sur nouveau billet sur le SaaS, nous voici arrivé à la fin de notre voyage au cœur du cloud. Pas d'inquiétude pour cette dernière étape: le SaaS est le concept plus simple à comprendre des trois ! SAAS - Software as a service - Hébergement d'applications. Freemium Pricing for SaaS: Optimizing Paid Conversion Upgrades. Infographie : des Datacenter au cloud. Aujourd’hui, (encore) une infographie très intéressante, qui remet en perspective l’évolution du Cloud Computing .

Infographie : des Datacenter au cloud

Avec cette étude tirée du site de Ciena , on sort du périmètre de nos entreprises pour rentrer dans le monde global des données. Les datacenter, où sont stockés la plupart des ressources des entreprises travaillant dans le Cloud,représentent une masse d’information difficile à imaginer. La masse totale de données dans les datacenter est pour 2012 de 2,2 zettabytes, soit 2,2 milliards de gigabytes . Oui, c’est énorme. SaaS Marketing Bundle. How to Track Customer Service With Your Analytics. Trying to make smart decisions about your business without metrics is like driving your car with your eyes closed.

How to Track Customer Service With Your Analytics

While this thinking seems to permeate most marketing departments, it also is incredibly important to view the quality of your customer service through this lens as well. Bad customer service can be a huge leak in your bottom line, and it’s a big problem that most companies have. SaaS Pricing: Features that Make People Upgrade. Pricing a product is one of the most daunting challenges in business.

The stakes are high. Undercharge and you leave money on the table. Overcharge and you scare off prospects. For freemium products, knowing which features to hold back (in order to drive upgrades to premium accounts) can be like blindly navigating a minefield. Until now, that is. Charge for features no one cares about enough to upgrade, and no one will upgrade. 7 Usability Mistakes That Will Kill Your Online Sales.

Right now, on your site, 7 deadly usability mistakes could be hacking and slashing away at your sales… And you probably don’t even know they are there. 28 SaaS Marketers Reveal Why Analytics is Deathly Important to Their Business. Picture this crazy scene.

28 SaaS Marketers Reveal Why Analytics is Deathly Important to Their Business

You’re heading downtown in rush hour traffic. A Porsche 911 veers into your lane and cuts you off at 90 miles-an-hour. Startled, you kick your Prius into high gear to catch the criminal. With your left hand, you deftly swipe your iPhone to camera mode while your right hand stays glued to your steering wheel. With one final burst of speed, you catch up and press record. Then the most unbelievable thing happens. Why on earth would someone drive with both hands over their eyes? Top 10 des préjugés sur le cloud computing. On observe un intense battage médiatique autour du cloud et des services saas, paas et iaas. Pourtant, de nombreuses entreprises trouvent cette technologie encore trop perturbante pour être installée chez elles. Mais pourtant, en prenant le temps de comprendre ces nouveaux services, nous nous apercevons que les avantages l’emporte en général sur les inconvénients.

Ces préjugés ne sont fondés sur rien, c’est pour cela que nous allons essayer de désamorcer les dix plus connus. SaaS & Formation : une nécessité pour faire passer le marché à l’âge adulte ? Il est une croyance bien ancrée dans le petit monde des logiciels SaaS (et renforcée avec toutes les réflexions autour de l’IT Consumerization – lisez notre ebook à ce sujet !) How Colors Affect Conversions - Infographic. Color has a powerful psychological influence on the human brain.

How Colors Affect Conversions - Infographic

Learn how others have harnessed it and how you can do the same. Click on the infographic below to view a larger version: View an enlarged version of this infographic » Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic. The Ultimate Guide to Customer Acquisition. We all need to acquire new customers to make our products and businesses work.

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Acquisition

Whether there are a few users paying big bucks or thousands visiting your platform for free, how you get and retain customers is what is important. But ask yourself: are you really ready for more customers? La France, pays du monde qui croit le moins au SaaS. What Is Platform As A Service? – SAP Blogs.


The Ethics of SaaS. There are plenty of obstacles for people in the SaaS business to contend with.

The Ethics of SaaS

You have to worry about a customer’s privacy, security and ethics concerns, along with the fact that they might not trust you initially—and that you need to earn their trust. A potential customer needs to know that you’re not going to treat their data like some sort of $1 peepshow (“Step right up and take a look!) , and that you actually care about the safety of their information. You do care, of course, but if a customer is experiencing a nightmare about competitors stealing his data and becoming rich from his ideas, it’s your job to rock him back to sleep and assure him that it was just a bad dream.

Analyze This: 3 Techniques Every SaaS Product Marketer Should Know. How to Make a Landing Page That C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. - Conversion Tips and Examples. So you’ve got your marketing all set. You have paid search ads going, your pages are well optimized and generating good natural search, your Facebook ads are working, and you’re getting lots of traffic. (I know, this probably is a fantasy situation, but let’s go with it.) Why Conversion Optimization Strategy Trumps Tactics Every Time. I’m willing to bet you’ve come across a lot of opinions about how to do conversion optimization. You’ve probably formed some of your own ideas, too.

Unfortunately, in our work testing the so-called “best practices” over the past five years, my testing team and I have disproven many common recommendations for how to maximize website conversions and revenue. SaaS Activation - How to Get New Users to Become Paying Customers. It’s easy to have a laser focus on trying to increase new user sign ups. Especially when we are constantly being bombarded with literature out there like: “How to Increase Your Sign Up Conversions!” And “How to Create the Ultimate Sign Up Button!” And you might even say to yourself once in a while, “If I can just increase the sign up conversion rate X% we’re gold!” However, this is probably not the area you want to focus on.


Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing. Ultimate Guide to SaaS Pricing.