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Advanced Marketing Institute - Headline Analyzer Enter Your Headline Text Paste your headline in the text area below. The analysis engine will automatically cut your submission at 20 words, so we encourage you to do a word count before submitting! This will ensure the most accurate analysis. What is the Headline Analyzer? This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. Your headline will be analyzed and scored based on the total number of EMV words it has in relation to the total number of words it contains. In addition to the EMV score, You will find out which emotion inside your customer's your headline most impacts: Click here for a Q&A on the AMI Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) system>

What Would Seth Godin Do Seth Godin advocates using cookies to distinguish between new and returning visitors to your site: “One opportunity that’s underused is the idea of using cookies to treat returning visitors differently than newbies. It’s more work at first, but it can offer two experiences to two different sorts of people.” (Source: In the Middle, Starting) I built this WordPress plugin to implement Seth Godin’s idea. By default, new visitors to your blog will see a small box above each post containing the words “If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. New visitors will appreciate some context and background information about your site. I can be reached at wwsgd AT richardkmiller DOT com. Installation is easy: Download the WWSGD WordPress plugin and unzip it.Copy the what-would-seth-godin-do folder to your WordPress plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/).Activate the plugin on the Plugins page.Customize settings in the Settings panel, WWSGD subpanel. That’s it! Do what should do

Make full screen sections with 1 line of CSS Modern websites nowadays are having full screen sections on their homepage. If they are not full screen, they take at least 80–90% percent of the real estate and that needs developing time and a lot of javascript coding. To give you an example of what I am talking about here are some examples of websites that are using this layout. www.spotify.comThey use data-attributes to store the height proportions ex. data-autosize=”0.6" and then set the height of each section with javascript. www.exposure.coExposure keeps a fixed 90% height for the head section and change the height with javascript on resize. www.nimber.comNimber uses a technique similar to spotify. and of course… rolled out earlier this year a full screen version of flickr that sets the height of every section to 100% and they also replaced scrolling with an artificial one. What if we can make it only with 1 line of CSS… See the code here | Check out the demo

39 Blogging Tools to Help You Work Faster & Write Better When you’re finding amazing content to share on social media—the kind of thing that grabs attention and gets people to click, share, and comment—one of the most valuable, most original places to turn is your own blog and the content you personally create. So the questions become: How to create amazing content, how to put together blogposts strategically and efficiently, and how to get your content out to the masses. Writing tips are a good place to start. And to supplement the words you use to build your blogposts, I’ve found a huge number of blogging tools that help with everything from coming up with ideas to spread the content far and wide. Do you have a favorite blogging tool? The Huge List of 39 Blogging Tools Tools to brainstorm blogging ideas 1. The crowdsourced answer website can help lead you to the types of questions that real people are asking, questions that you can answer in-depth with a blogpost. 2. 3. 4. 5. HubSpot’s title maker works similarly to Portent’s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Værktøj til oprettelse af webadresser - Hjælp til Analytics Værktøjet til oprettelse af webadresser hjælper dig med at føje parametre til webadresser, du bruger i tilpassede webbaserede annoncekampagner eller e-mailannoncekampagner. En tilpasset kampagne er en annoncekampagne, der ikke bruger AdWords-funktionen til automatisk tagging. Når brugere klikker på et af de tilpassede links, sendes de entydige parametre til din Google Analytics-konto, så du kan finde frem til de mest effektive webadresser i forhold til at gøre brugerne interesserede i dit indhold. Brug af værktøjet til oprettelse af webadresser Hjælp har fået nyt udseende for at give både web- og mobilbrugere en bedre brugeroplevelse. Vi anbefaler, at du bruger Chrome-browseren, når du benytter formularen til værktøjet til oprettelse af webadresser. Udfyld nedenstående formular, og klik på GENERÉR WEBADRESSE for at oprette webadresser til tilpassede kampagner til websitesporing Formularen genererer en webadresse, du kan kopiere og sætte ind i dine annonceringslinks.

GitHub Pages Web Starter Kit — Web Fundamentals Download Web Starter Kit (beta) What is Web Starter Kit? Web Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices and performance oriented. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices outlined in Google's Web Fundamentals. Features Quickstart Download the kit or clone the repository and build on what is included in the app directory. There are two HTML starting points, from which you can choose: index.html - the default starting point, containing Material Design layout.basic.html - no layout, but still includes our minimal mobile best-practices Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run WSK. Web Performance Web Starter Kit strives to give you a high performance starting point out of the box. Browser Support At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers: ChromeEdgeFirefoxSafariOperaInternet Explorer 9+ Troubleshooting Learn More

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