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Category:Miners. Original Bitcoin client. OpenCL miner. An OpenCL miner is a bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL framework to perform the hashing computations.

OpenCL miner

When used with a modern GPU, this can produce hash rates orders of magnitude higher than what can be achieved with a CPU. Overview OpenCL is a computing framework which allows programmers to write code which works across a variety of hardware, both CPUs and GPUs included. OpenCL was originally developed by Apple. The use of an OpenCL miner allows one to hash using a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), which has a vastly larger ability to perform algorithmic calculations than an CPU (Central Processing Unit).

Requirements Hashing on a GPU requires an OpenCL compatible (ATI/AMD) or CUDA compatible (NVIDIA) graphics card. The python Poclbm open source OpenCL bitcoin miner was created by m0mchil[1] based on the open source CUDA client originally released by puddinpop[2]. Subsequently the java DiabloMiner based on m0mchil's was created by Diablo-D3[3]. See Also References. Poclbm. Poclbm (PyOpenCL bitcoin miner) is a python GPU bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL framework to quickly perform the hashing computations. Works with AMD - 4xxx and up, Nvidia - 8xxx and up, video cards. Download Latest miner.

(MD5 SUM: 1d1a6ac995ea56ccdec2782cada1e86f) Sources. Flags to Use Flags List Command line flags Flags descriptions -version Show program's version number and exit. Poclbm-mod. A highly efficient, modified version of m0mchill's poclbm miner. The modifications improve efficiency when used in a mining pool , and currently the only mining pool that shows you your efficiency is Bitcoin Pool . m0mchill's poclbm miner will quit searching a getwork when it either finds an answer or when the askrate is reached, which is not at all efficient. Currently m0mchill's miner averages around 20% efficiency depending on your video card, while averages around 100% efficiency. Will continue working through a getwork until it has finished the entire work.

Many getwork's from the pool server will contain more than one answer, which would be skipped with m0mchill's poclbm . Screenshot and explanation of the output: Proof that more than 1 answer can be found in a single getwork and of how efficient this miner is compared to the regular poclbm can be found at Found-Shares page over at Bitcoin Pool .com. Setup and Configuration. DiabloMiner. DiabloMiner is a Java GPU bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL framework to quickly perform the hashing computations.


Works on current Nvidia drivers and ATI Stream SDK 2.1. Donation Bitcoin address in the signature in the founder's page. Download Newest binary (MD5 SUM: e27b993945d2b1c55bab4ff26ba7761d) Pyminer. Progranism/Bitcoin-JavaScript-Miner - GitHub. Javascript SHA-256 - Javascript tutorial with example source code. * Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA256) * * Original code by Angel Marin, Paul Johnston. function SHA256(s){ var chrsz = 8; var hexcase = 0; function safe_add (x, y) { var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);

Javascript SHA-256 - Javascript tutorial with example source code

WebCL To Enable GPU-Accelerated Web Apps. Kurt Bakke in Products on March 03 Khronos released the final WebGL 1.0 specification earlier today. The platform enables hardware-accelerated graphics in Firefox 4, Chrome 9 as well as preview builds of Opera and Safari. However, there was also the announcement of WebCL, which is likely to dramatically impact cloud computing and web apps as the standard will define a way how to hardware-accelerate software that runs in web browsers. WebGL has recently made waves as a way to GPU-accelerate 3D graphics in web pages, as long as you have a browser that supports the technology.

In general, WebGL outlines an approach to enable OpenGL ES 2.0 via JavaScript in web content. Over time, we expect WebGL to be supported not just by desktop browsers, but also by mobile browsers as well as appliance browsers (including TVs). OpenCL was initially developed by Apple and is supported in Mac OS X 10.6. Stealthcoin. An installation wrapper for a modified Bitcoind CPU miner.


This software will run the miner at a level such that use of the computer can continue without impact from having the CPU miner running at the same time. A scenario where this software might be useful is to have the system in a computer lab use idle time for mining. This software was announced on April 17, 2011[1]. Criticism If the name Stealthcoin doesn't describe another use for this software, consider an alternate name: "Bitcoin - Botnet Edition". Kaspersky Internet Security identifies the editor.exe as beeing infected with Trojan.Win32.Scar.dzmz. See Also Original Bitcoin client External Links. Ufasoft miner.