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Mexican Wolves

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Groups Threaten To Sue Over Mexican Wolf Protections. A coalition of environmental groups is threatening to sue the federal government over protections for the endangered Mexican gray wolf.

Groups Threaten To Sue Over Mexican Wolf Protections

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, WildEarth Guardians and Friends of Animals warned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of their intent to sue Tuesday. As Annual Count Begins, Officials Expect Population Growth Among Mexican Wolves. Federal Rule Expanding Range of Mexican Gray Wolves Finalized. Game and Fish Suing Over Mexican Grey Wolves. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is suing the federal government to force it to develop an updated recovery plan for endangered Mexican grey wolves.

Game and Fish Suing Over Mexican Grey Wolves

The lawsuit filed Monday is aimed at forcing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to publish a plan that includes guidelines for when the wolves can be removed from the endangered species list. Without those criteria the agency says the wolf could never be delisted. The state is already involved in litigation in an effort to block plans to allow Mexican wolves to populate larges areas of Arizona that the agency says are not part of its historic range. A survey released in February showed 109 wolves in Arizona and new Mexico, more than at any time since a re-introduction program began in 1998. Agency reports 2 wolves found dead in New Mexico. PHOENIX (AP) -- Wildlife managers are investigating the deaths of two Mexican gray wolves in New Mexico.

Agency reports 2 wolves found dead in New Mexico

The Arizona Game and Fish Department's latest update on the wolf reintroduction effort in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico says the dead wolves were found in October. The update says the collared population at the end of October totaled 59 wolves, with 18 packs and six single wolves. Authorities also are investigating several livestock deaths, including one that might be linked to wolves. Column: Delay means extinction for wolves - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona. Posted: Thursday, January 02, 2014Article comment by: @@@Hokas Pokas..... ~ Never said coyotes kill humans...only eat body. ...Factually, I am certified as a biodiversity and riparian area resource manager, and have received various awards and commendations over the last few years for expertise in this area.

Column: Delay means extinction for wolves - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona

Not bragging...just saying. More, I never stated coyotes killed and eat humans, I indicated first hand experience at seeing the remains of humans, down on the Mexico / US border, which have clearly been eaten by coyotes...often starting with the deceased's nose. Coyotes have in fact 'attacked' (not eaten) people often, in Los Angeles county alone there have occurred hundreds of such attacks just since 2006. Coyotes do routinely attack, kill, and eat many pets (such as dogs and cats), as well as newly born or sick farm animals who cannot run off or protect themselves directly. Bears attack and kill Americans frequently over their entire range. Get a clue, man. Feds confirm employee killed Mexican gray wolf. April 25, 2013 by wolfpreservation “ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.

Feds confirm employee killed Mexican gray wolf

Releases / reintroduction

An examination of the Mexican wolf program, other invasive predator reintroductions and how they impact the surrounding human habitat. Mexican Gray Wolves F810, M804, and M807: Enclosure Cam. Most of the Mexican gray wolves or lobos that call the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) home are never seen by visitors to the Center.

Mexican Gray Wolves F810, M804, and M807: Enclosure Cam

For this reason, it's surprising that a number of these elusive creatures have a fan base! Mexican wolf F749 is by far the most popular Mexican wolf at the WCC living off-exhibit. Even her arrival won the hearts of WCC supporters. Three years ago, F749 was flown to the WCC by an environmental aviation organization called Lighthawk. The organization's volunteers still inquire about "their girl" on a regular basis.

Mexican Gray Wolves F749 and M804: Enclosure Cam. Brookfield Zoo Wolf Heads for the Harsh Wilds of New Mexico. Brookfield Zoo Mexican gray wolf at sunset (Ann Fisher) Ernesta is moving today.

Brookfield Zoo Wolf Heads for the Harsh Wilds of New Mexico

She leaves a comfortable suburban home for a chance to learn survival skills in preparation for a very different life in the backwoods of New Mexico. It sounds like a reality TV concept, but Ernesta is a wolf. And she exemplifies some of the important work going on at Brookfield Zoo, which has long been a leader in conservation efforts like the one Ernesta is supporting---preventing the extinction of Mexican gray wolves from their range in the American southwest.

She has been groomed for this day since she arrived in the western suburban zoo in 2010. And if Ernesta is going to add to those numbers, she will have to learn some more skills that will keep her alive. Endangered wolf leaving Brookfield Zoo to enter the wild. SUN-TIMES MEDIA WIRE October 25, 2012 11:18AM Ernesta, a Mexican gray wolf who will be leaving Brookfield Zoo on Oct. 27, to be released into the wild.

Endangered wolf leaving Brookfield Zoo to enter the wild

Photo/Brookfield Zoo. Gov. Martinez: Relocate Mexican gray wolf pack. By RUSSELL CONTRERAS Associated Press Updated: 10/11/2012 01:28:11 PM MDT1 comment ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.

Gov. Martinez: Relocate Mexican gray wolf pack

KEEP THE FOX MOUNTAIN WOLF MOTHER WILD!!! Mexican gray wolf and pup (National Geographic Wallpaper by Joel Sartore) Continue the pressure to save this alpha female from a life in captivity.


It looks like they’re ignoring our pleas and are still trying to catch her. “Service spokesman Tom Buckley said the agency would not change course and allow the wolf to remain in the wild, despite the ongoing public pressure.” WildEarth Guardians Urges Fox Mountain Alpha Female Remain Wild. August 14, 2012 Ken Salazar Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20240 Dr. TAKE ACTION: Keep The Fox Mountain Alpha Female Wild. Mexican Gray Wolf Pups (Lobos of the Southwest) UPDATE: August 14, 2012 As of today I’m hearing the alpha female of the Fox Mountain Pack is still free. The concern is are they laying leg hold traps to catch her? This would be a dangerous situation for her pups or other members of the pack. Bitter Sweet Victory,..Fox Mountain Alpha Female Spared Death But Will Be Removed From The Wild. No doubt your phone calls and emails, along with other wolf advocates, decrying the impending kill order on this critically endangered wolf, was the turning point that led to the compromise.

A big thank you to everyone who spoke out but I feel tremendous sadness that a successful and important breeding female will be removed from the wild. The ranchers won because there will be one less Mexican gray wolf roaming free. This mother will never see her pups again. She will spend the rest of her life in captivity and that is not what we want for these animals. But the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center did come to her rescue and we should all be grateful for that. Mobile » Alpha Female Will Be Put Into Captivity. Index. NOTE: While this article is not specifically focused on Mexican gray wolves, it explains why the restoration of lobos, other wolves, and other large carnivores are so important.

By Stephanie Mencimer Deer have been a blight on suburbia for a while now, munching their way through tract-housing gardens and making some highways extremely dangerous for motorists, as their populations have exploded. (In DC, where they live in abundant numbers in the city's biggest park, Rock Creek Park, they're known by neighbors as rats with antlers.) Demarcated Landscapes: Name the names, damn it! We're furious and heartbroken about the Fox Mountain alpha female who the feds decided to kill this week and then decided to imprison instead when the heat turned up (and the phone lines got jammed with public outcry, no doubt). And make no mistake, there are lots of issues with the rationale behind her removal, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's kowtowing to the livestock industry, etc., but you want to know what also and especially has us pissed?

Mexican Wolf. Though once held in high regard in Pre-Columbian Mexico,[4] it is the most endangered gray wolf in North America, having been extirpated in the wild during the mid-1900s through a combination of hunting, trapping, poisoning and digging pups from dens. Mexican Gray Wolf: A Story About People. All this week we're considering the Endangered Species Act and its affect on the wildlife, and people, of New Mexico. The Mexican Gray Wolf is a species that, perhaps more than any other, has highlighted the political obstacles involved in recovery, or in this case, reintroduction. Mexican Gray Wolf found dead in Arizona. - Mexican Wolves. - Wolf Country.