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Vietnam - China 2014 conflict

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Nine-dotted line. Nine-dotted line (highlighted in green) as claimed by the P.R China History[edit] China's 1947 map depicting the "eleven-dotted-line" Following the defeat of Japan at the end of World War II, the Republic of China re-claimed the entirety of the Paracels, Pratas and Spratly Islands after accepting the Japanese surrender of the islands based on the Cairo and Potsdam Declarations.In November 1946, the Republic of China sent naval ships to take control of these islands after the surrender of Japan.[4] It is reported that in 2013 the PRC extended their claims with a new ten-dash map, but in fact the "new" dash is to the east of Taiwan, not in the South China Sea.[6] Ongoing disputes[edit] At the Conference on Maritime Study organized by the U.S.

Nine-dotted line

See also[edit] References[edit] Bibliography[edit] Wu, Shicun (2013).

Analysis in vnmese forum

Đại sứ Việt Nam tại Mỹ Nguyễn Quốc Cường trả lời phỏng vấn CNN về vụ giàn khoan 981. FT China Screenshot. CSIS: where is the rig? who has the rights? what comes next? Tensions between China and Vietnam over the disputed South China Sea are at their highest levels in years.

CSIS: where is the rig? who has the rights? what comes next?

On May 2, the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) placed its deep sea drilling rig HD-981 in disputed waters south of the Paracel Islands. Vietnam objected to the placement, declaring that the rig is located on its continental shelf. China has since sent approximately 80 ships, including seven military vessels, along with aircraft to support the rig. In response, Hanoi dispatched 29 ships to attempt to disrupt the rig’s placement and operations. The situation escalated dramatically on May 7, when Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of turning high powered water cannons on the Vietnamese ships and eventually ramming several vessels. The implications of these developments are significant. Q1: Where is the rig, really? A1: The war of words between Beijing and Hanoi has largely focused on the status of the area where HD-981 was placed. Q2: Who is in the right? Les visées impérialistes de Pékin irritent le Vietnam.

China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ and the South China Sea. To Beijing, its conduct in the South China Sea does not contradict promises of a “peaceful rise” for China.

China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ and the South China Sea

With tensions in the South China showing no signs of abating, some foreign analysts are scratching their heads at recent reassurances by Chinese President Xi Jinping. In a speech celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Xi promised that China will “firmly stick to the path of peaceful development.” Xi’s words echoed the usual Chinese argument that history is proof of Beijing’s benign intentions. “There’s no gene for invasion in Chinese people’s blood, and Chinese people won’t follow the logic that ‘might is right,’” Xinhua quoted Xi as saying. The New York Times’ Sinosphere blog argued there was a contradiction between Xi’s remarks and Chinese General Fang Fenghui’s statements during a recent press conference in Washington, DC.

On the surface, there’s some truth to this. Đại sứ TQ ở Mỹ công kích Việt Nam - BBC Vietnamese - Việt Nam. BBC Vietnamese - VN có thể chống đỡ áp lực kinh tế từ TQ? Claims-south-china-sea. 1 East China Sea In November, China claimed airspace that overlapped with standing claims by South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.


Related Graphic » 2 Senkaku Islands Controlled by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan, which call them the Diaoyu Islands, these tiny islands have been a source of dispute for decades. Mỹ đề cử đại sứ mới tại Việt Nam - Chính trị - Xã hội. Ông David Shear sẽ trở thành trợ lý bộ trưởng bộ Quốc phòng phụ trách khu vực Đông Á - Thái Bình Dương.

Mỹ đề cử đại sứ mới tại Việt Nam - Chính trị - Xã hội

Nhân vật mới, ông Ted Osius, từng làm phó đại sứ Mỹ tại Jakarta, Indonesia từ năm 2009 tới 2012. ベトナムは墓穴掘った、わが方の忍耐もこれまで=中国報道、艦砲射撃の写真とともに. サーチナ 中国共産党機関紙の人民日報系ニュースサイト、環球網は15日、ベトナムで発生した反中暴動を強烈に非難する論説「ベトナムは自ら墓穴を掘った。


お前らの暴徒は中国の忍耐心を奪い去った」を掲載した。 同記事には海軍が演習時に撮影したとみられる写真を添付し「わが海軍護衛艦の猛烈な火力」との説明をつけた。 文章は「ベトナム社会の反中デモは13日に、狂熱的な破壊と放火に転じた」、「中国大陸企業だけでなく、多くの台湾資本企業とその他の東南アジアへの投資プロジェクトにも影響が及んだ」、「惨状がもっともひどいのは台湾企業」などと紹介。 一部の国際的メディアも「無政府主義国家」、「民族主義が燃える国家」と論評しているとして、事態を「ベトナムは長期にわたる反中主義の報いをうけることになった。 ベトナムの状況を“袋小路”と決めつける論拠として「中国がベトナムに譲歩することは、ありえない。 外国企業に被害が出たことで「ベトナムは投資者と投資者の背後にある社会にとって共通の怪獣となった。 さらに、外国資本に与えた損害について「賠償せねばならない。 論説は、中国で発生した対日暴動にも触れたが、「街を壊す行為が発生した。 ベトナムについては「当局は一部の破壊者を捕えたが、14日になっても事態は全面的には収まっていない。 論説はさらに「ハノイ(ベトナム政府)は知るべきだ。 Trung Quốc báo động cấp độ 3 ở biên giới.

Thông tấn xã Đài Loan ngày 15/5 cho biết, quân đội Trung Quốc đã báo động sẵn sàng chiến đấu cấp 3 đối với các đơn vị quân đội ở sát biên giới Việt - Trung, tất cả sĩ quan binh sĩ 100% trực chiến trong bối cảnh căng thẳng đang leo thang trên Biển Đông (sau khi Trung Quốc kéo giàn khoan 981 hạ đặt trái phép trong vùng đặc quyền kinh tế, thềm lục địa của Việt Nam).

Trung Quốc báo động cấp độ 3 ở biên giới

Dẫn nguồn tin đài truyền hình Thương nghiệp Hồng Kông sáng nay, Thông tấn xã Đài Loan cho biết bắt đầu từ sáng sớm hôm nay các đơn vị quân đội trên địa bàn 2 tỉnh Quảng Tây và Vân Nam giáp biên với Việt Nam bắt đầu chuyển trạng thái sẵn sàng chiến đấu cấp độ 3. Nếu thông tin này đúng sự thật thì đây tiếp tục là một động thái khiêu khích của nhà cầm quyền Trung Quốc, cần hết sức cảnh giác. Ngoài ra, Tân Hoa Xã hôm 12/5 đưa tin, Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Trung Quốc Thường Vạn Toàn gần đây đã tới "điều tra nghiên cứu" tại các huyện Đức Hoằng, Bảo Sơn, Nộ Giang của tỉnh Vân Nam. Taiwan will not cooperate with China on South China Sea: official. Taipei, May 15 (CNA) Taiwan will not cooperate with China on issues related to South China Sea territorial disputes, Foreign Minister David Lin said Thursday amid anti-China protests in Vietnam that have affected Taiwanese businessmen operating there.

Taiwan will not cooperate with China on South China Sea: official

"There is no cooperation between China and us on South China Sea issues," Lin said during a hearing at the Legislature's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee. In response to questions on remarks by Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for China's Taiwan Affairs Office, that China has asked Vietnam to protect Taiwanese people in the Southeast Asian country, Lin said that "we don't accept such remarks. " China regards Taiwan as part of its territory. Taiwan has made it clear to the Vietnamese government that Taiwan does not belong to China, Lin added. The riots erupted earlier in the week after Vietnamese crowds took to the streets to protest a Chinese oil-drilling venture in an area of the South China Sea also claimed by Hanoi.

Riots in Vietnam

China claims.