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Curricular Role of the School Librarian

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Bullying Prevention Month - Collection - US Teacher Lessons. How to Cultivate a Bully-Free Community. Fifth grade student Malcolm Lyon is especially tall for his age and well-spoken.

How to Cultivate a Bully-Free Community

When asked what he loved most about his school, Malcolm answered simply, “No bullying.” This might be surprising given the struggle with bullying that schools face nationwide. This August, Malcolm is starting his eighth year at Odyssey Community School, a small private school in Asheville, North Carolina that serves students in prekindergarten through high school. Here, the subject of bullying is addressed with five guiding fundamentals. 1. The community that Malcolm is describing is not a place without conflict. Conflict, however, does not equal bullying. 2. In fourth grade, Malcolm had some conflict with another student -- let's call him "John. " Malcolm’s mother, Emmy Bethel, reflected, "What was striking to both of us was the compassion [of teachers and other students] toward this little boy who had clearly been taught to behave that way.

Reducing bullying and cyber bullying. Resources to Fight Bullying and Harassment at School. Each October, individuals and organizations nationwide work together to raise awareness of bullying during National Bullying Prevention Month, an initiative of the PACER Center.

Resources to Fight Bullying and Harassment at School

Whether you are an educator, education leader, parent, or other community member, you can take action to prevent bullying and harassment by fostering a culture of caring and respect in your school, home, and community. Use the resources below to support your efforts. In addition, consider participating in Edutopia's community to share your own insights and resources about bullying prevention. Classroom management, Simply Kinder and Monkey Business. Classroom Management - It's Not About Control. Last week I blogged about “Entrance and Exits” and how to manage them for a smooth transition.

Classroom Management - It's Not About Control

This week my focus is on what happens in-between the coming and going. You have many roles as a librarian—information specialist, instructional partner, teacher, and program administrator, but the one you will be judged on is teacher. Managing the library environment, as I noted, is challenging and many have difficulty with it. The topic is rarely covered in library school and what works in the classroom doesn’t translate easily to the library. Video Playlist: Building Relationships With Students.

In these videos, you’ll find tips to help build authentic relationships with your students and define your classroom culture. 1.

Video Playlist: Building Relationships With Students

How Looking at Student Work Keeps Teachers and Kids on Track. 5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers. I made a good number of blunders my first year teaching that still make me cringe.

5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers

I learned though. And it's fair to say, when it comes to managing a classroom, most of what we learn as new teachers is trial by fire. It's also smart to heed the advice of those who have walked -- and stumbled -- before you. If you are struggling with discipline, here are five tips that you can start using right away: #1 Use a normal, natural voice. "Failure is an option. Fear is not”: Creating a safe intellectual space for learning. This month, SmartBlog on Education is exploring classroom design and management — just in time for the new school year.

"Failure is an option. Fear is not”: Creating a safe intellectual space for learning

In this blog post, educational leadership professor Maria Boeke Mongillo offers five ideas for "constructing a space that supports possibilities rather than perfection. " Film director James Cameron once said that young filmmakers should adopt the motto "Failure is an option. Fear is not.” His point was that in order for new artistry to emerge in his field, filmmakers have to take risks and explore the potential of their medium without worrying about whether the product is successful or marketable. Home.

Classroom Management and Behavior Strategies. Teachingchannel. Classroom Management - Videos, Articles, Resources, Experts. Inspirational Teaching Videos: Covering Common Core, Math, Science, English And More. Video Playlist: Classroom Management. Creating a positive classroom culture can be a challenge, but it’s a crucial element in making a class run smoothly.

Video Playlist: Classroom Management

In the video “New Teacher Survival: Classroom Management” featured below, Dr. Jackie Ancess of Columbia University says you want a classroom to be an “orderly and safe space so that the kids can learn what you want them to learn.” Often this means setting (and enforcing) standards for appropriate classroom behavior.

8 Tips for Dealing With Problem Students - Education Futures: Emerging Trends in K-12. Over half of new teachers leave the field within the first 3 years.

8 Tips for Dealing With Problem Students - Education Futures: Emerging Trends in K-12

Why? Many cite the stress of dealing with disruptive and problem behavior in the classroom as the main reasons. If you feel frustrated with the behavior issues that you have to handle, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone--handling behavior issues comes with the job description. Follow the strategies that I have included in this article, and you will have no problem managing your students' behavior. 25 Attention Grabbing Tips for the Classroom. 4 Classroom Management Tips to Hang Your Hat On. Almost every social interaction we have in life involves a consensus on what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

4 Classroom Management Tips to Hang Your Hat On

It’s easy to forget, but social etiquette is complicated business; we’re not just born knowing that it’s weird to face the opposite direction of everyone else in an elevator, or that you shouldn’t chew with your mouth open, or that you can’t stare at someone without making them uncomfortable or angry. A good many social behaviors have been learned through years of trial and error, instruction and modeling. We need to remember that many of our students—especially younger students—are still sorting out how to contextualize behavior. ASCD Express 5.24 - Mastering Classroom Management. How to Develop Positive Classroom Management. A recent report found that educators believe that the secret to effective discipline is proactively building relationships, not reacting punitively to student misbehavior.

How to Develop Positive Classroom Management

In surveys with 300 New York City public school teachers that included an open-ended question about the largest threat to school safety, the most common response was a lack of cohesive culture and positive relationships between staff and students. (Download a PDF of the report, "Teachers Talk: School Culture, Safety and Human Rights.

") Additional key findings highlighted teachers' belief in positive approaches that emphasize social and emotional learning over punitive discipline: Most teachers feel that educators can address even major threats to safety, such as gangs, fights, and student conflict, only by building positive relationships within the school. The TL Toolkit for Student Success Home. Think you don’t? Yes you do! Teacher-librarians can and do make a difference. There is a considerable body of documented evidence that proves that schools having a good school library and program have a positive impact on student achievement.

Are you at the table? If you want a voice in decision-making in your school, you have to know the who, when, and where of the decision-making process. The old adage "If you aren't at the table, you're probably on the menu" is never more true than during times of economic austerity and change in schools. For school librarians, I have long advocated that we "collaborate at a higher level" and suggest finding seats at the meeting tables of these groups: Building/site leadership teamCurriculum teamsAssessment committeesStrategic planning initiativesTechnology advisory committeesNew facility planning task forcesParent-teacher organizationsAccreditation/program review teams In a recent telephone conference with the editors of CIO magazine, a frank discussion was held about the administrator in charge of technology being on the superintendent's cabinet.

Given the changing role of the CIO, technology needs a voice in that group. Demonstrating Our Impact 1. Demonstrating Our Impact: Putting Numbers in Context Part 1Media Matters column, Leading and Learning, 2006-07, #2 One of my favorite quotes comes from George Bernard Shaw: “We should all be obliged to appear before a board every five years and justify our existence...on pain of liquidation.” While Shaw was commenting on one’s social worth, his words today could come from any number of administrators, school boards and legislatures and be aimed directly at school library media specialists.

Finding a persuasive answer to the question “How do we demonstrate our impact on student achievement?” Is increasingly important for every library media specialist in the country. The next two Media Matters columns will examine how media specialists are trying to answer this question. I have long been frustrated finding a convincing means of answering the accountability question, especially when those asking want empirical rather than anecdotal evidence to support claims of program effectiveness. Monthly and Annual Reports - The Unquiet Library. Schoollibrarywebsites - Reports. Skip to main content.

Administration. Research Process Rubric. Collaboration%20Checklist. AASLToolkitforPromotingSLP 082715. Giving Data Some Soul. Carolyn Foote At the 2014 Internet Librarian Conference, held in Monterey, CA (October 27–29), EBSCO user experience researcher Deirdre Costello shared the company’s efforts to delve into the research habits of teens. Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. Library Media Tech Talk: January 2016. Six Ways To Build Your PLN Using Twitter. A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation. Copyright Basics - Copyright Clearance Center. Format & Generate Citations – APA, MLA, & Chicago.

Copyright-CopyWrong. Opening Gates On Celebrating Creative Commons and Flexing the Fair Use Muscle. Other Side of Plagiarism. Copyright and Creative Commons Explained by Common Craft. Fighting Plagiarism. This article will focus on the importance of structuring research projects so they require original thought. The student will not just find an answer. Copyright Crash Course. Copyright Kids! :. Copyright Advisory Network.

Paraphrase and Summary - University College. Copyright Infringement: 5 Myths vs Facts. A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: copyright resources. Avoiding Plagiarism: Quoting and Paraphrasing. A Fair(y) Use Tale. The Best Ways to Be Sure You're Legally Using Online Photos. Copyright & Copyleft - Home - Welcome to Copyright and Copyleft. Virtual Makerspace. Why the 'Maker Movement' is Popular in Schools. UPDATED: Want to Learn About Makerspaces? Here are 41 Resources. Ala environment. A Thematic Approach to Planning Your Maker Space. Setting Up Your Own MakerSpace.

School Library Makerspace Resources. The Role Making Can Play in Education and Future Work. Our Learning Commons and Mission. Making Space for a No-Frills Maker Space. Makerspaces in the school library environment 1yl39z1.

Makerspace Resources and Programming ideas. Kristin Fontichiaro's Blog About Learning, Teaching, Making Things, and Libraries. Makerspaces, Participatory Learning, and Libraries. Makerspaces. Makerspaces. Makerspace in the Library! Makerspace Educational Library Ideas. Makerspaces in Libraries, Schools & More » MakerBridge. The Maker Space Difference: Amazing Inquiry, Shared Learning. Make It @ Your Library.

I Created A Little Makerspace To-Go.....It Even Includes A Makerspace Mobile Too! How to Start a Makerspace When You're Broke. (Rethinking) Makerspaces. Evolution of a Maker Space, From “Monstie Stuffie” Projects to a Giant Catapult.

MakerSpace: The Online Community for Makers. Baby Steps to creating a Makerspace in the Library. The Great Question Press. Questioning Toolkit. Ask Essential Questions. School Libraries Matter: The Changing Role of the School Librarian. The Brave New Librarian. School Librarians are Teachers. Educational Leadership:Coaching: The New Leadership Skill:The Coach in the Library. The School Librarian as Learning Alchemist. Pam Moran - Transforming Libraries. Teacher Librarians at The Heart of Student Learning.

Year of the Library Learning Commons. The Future of School Libraries. Schoollibrarianmindset. Dangerous statements librarians make. Chapter 1: School Library Impact Studies 101: An Overview of the Research. Library Research Service. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. Standards & Learning - South Carolina Department of Education. ISTE Standards. QR Code Generator, 2d Barcode Generator, QR Code. Free QR Code Generator, Coupon, Contact & Design QR Codes & Tracking.