Why Your Favorite Video Just Disappeared From YouTube YouTube is the most popular video platform in the world, but that doesn’t make it exempt from intellectual property laws. In fact, with the spotlight on YouTube, it makes it even more vulnerable. This means that any video which infringes trademark or copyright laws can be removed from YouTube, often without warning. These removals can be erroneous, impacting both the content creator and the viewer. YouTube itself is vulnerable too, having been embroiled in a legal battle against Viacom since 2007, with the media company claiming that the online video platform turned a blind eye to copyright laws during its inception. Let’s take a look at what all of this means, some examples of content claims, and how it all affects you. Explaining Intellectual Property Intellectual property laws are a murky business. A trademark distinguishes your brand from a competitor. Trademark ownership depends on the context and use. On the other hand, copyright doesn’t have to be registered. Copyright on YouTube
Copyright Advisory Network - Copyright Advisory Network Free To Use and Share: Resources To Help Teach Kids (and Adults!) About Copyright and Creative Commons I've gotten a few requests lately for resources on how to teach kids (and adults!) about copyright. I've written before about how I don't think any lesson on copyright can be effective without an emphasis on creative commons and helping students choose licenses for their own work. Still, there are plenty of good resources out there to help start these conversations or that can serve as reminders as you help create a culture of creativity and attribution at your school. And even though there already exists in my mind a resource titled "A Zombie Librarian's Guide to Copyright," as of this moment, that resource is yet to exist anywhere else, so... I thought I'd curate a collection of other resources to share in the meantime. To that end, I've also written before about how much love Edcanvas - a tool which recently changed its name to Blendspace. Enjoy! Direct link to this blendspace.
Is copyright law in China any different from in the United States? A group of Chinese writers is accusing Google of copyright infringement after the company scanned their books as part of its massive Google Library project, China Daily reported Wednesday. We're used to hearing about China failing to enforce U.S. copyright laws—but not the reverse. Is copyright law in China any different from in the United States? Not substantially so. China has signed onto both major international copyright treaties—the century-old Berne Convention and the decade-old Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, orTRIPS Agreement—which set minimum standards for copyright regulation. Under these agreements, writers, musicians, visual artists, and filmmakers are granted "automatic" rights to any work they produce—i.e., they don't have to formally register a trademark. But copyright conventions in China and America are not identical. China, furthermore, is much more lax about enforcing copyright laws than the United States.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: copyright resources August 12, 2014 Now that the new school year is about to start, it would be great to devote a session with your students where you can talk to them about issues related to copyright and proper use of digital artifacts from the net. This will definitely help them make better and informed decisions as to the kind of materials they are allowed to use in their work and provide them with practice on the different ways they can appropriately credit sources. This resourceful page embeds a wide variety of materials to use in this regard, browse through the items featured there and bookmark the ones you plan to use with your students. I am also sharing with you this wonderful graphic that debunks 5 myths about copyright infringement. You can print it off and use it in your class as well.
Copyright Infringement: 5 Myths vs Facts Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='Copyright Infringement: 5 Myths vs Facts' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'><span>by </span><a target='_blank' href=' For wordpress.com: <div class='visually_embed'><iframe width='1' height='1' style='width: 1px ! Customize size
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education Coordinated by: The Media Education Lab, Temple University The Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University Washington College of Law The Center for Media & Social Impact, American University With funding from: The John D. and Catherine T. And additional support from: The Ford Foundation, by way of the Future of Public Media Project Introduction What This Is This document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. This guide identifies five principles that represent the media literacy education community’s current consensus about acceptable practices for the fair use of copyrighted materials, wherever and however it occurs: in K–12 education, in higher education, in nonprofit organizations that offer programs for children and youth, and in adult education. What This Isn't This code of best practices does not tell you the limits of fair use rights. Fair Use Conclusion
Copyright Law, Intellectual Property, & Trademark Law A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit However fabulous Creative Commons and Public Domain content may be, sometimes you really need to use copyrighted material. Say you plan to comment on popular media or current events. For instance, you may be planning to critique the portrayal of Native Americans in commercial films. You may use copyrighted content without asking permission if you believe that your use falls under the doctrine known as Fair Use. In general, when you transform original content, repurpose it, and add value to it in your own remix, you may be able to claim the use fair. According to American University’s Center for Media and Social Impact, these two tests or questions help you plan whether to use the copyrighted work of others without asking permission: Did the unlicensed use "transform" the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original? American University.
Copyright Guidelines | Independent Schools Victoria Independent Schools Victoria has negotiated licence agreements with agencies selected by the Australian Government to collect and distribute copyright fees. This means that schools do not have to seek permission each time they need to make multiple copies of copyright material for educational purposes. Material protected by copyright includes: literary works: novels, textbooks, manuals, newspapers, magazines, song lyrics, databasesartistic works: paintings, sculpture, drawings, cartoons, photographs, maps, architecturemusical works: song music, jinglesdramatic works: plays, screenplaysfilms: cinematography, videos, DVDs, televisionsound recordings: CD, DVD, vinyl, cassettes, MP3sbroadcasts: radio, television. It is an infringement of copyright for any person to copy work in these categories without the permission of the copyright owner, except for specified purposes. Via Independent Schools Victoria, schools can choose to participate in annual coverage from the following agencies: Roadshow
Copyright-CopyWrong The Educators' Lean and Mean No FAT Guide to Fair Use By Hall Davidson You can't afford to ignore the law, but neither can you afford to overlook the needs of your students. The good news for educators heading into a new millennium is that abiding by--and helping to shape--fair use copyright principles and guidelines is really not that difficult. For help, read on. Is it legal for students to use copyrighted clips from videos, CDs, or the Internet to create multimedia reports? These are the sorts of questions that abound in technology-rich schools today. In those gray or controversial areas in which legal precedents have not yet been set, common sense and a willingness to blaze new and ethical trails may be your best guides. Those of you using technology for instruction may be pleasantly surprised at what is legal and ethical. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act signed into law in October of 1998 updated aspects of copyright law. So what is the bottom line? Here's how it goes.
Copyright and Primary Sources How do I use the Restriction Statements that accompany the American Memory collections? The Library of Congress assesses materials for legal considerations prior to placing items online (see legal assessment). The Restriction Statement that accompanies each American Memory collection provides known information regarding ownership of materials in the collection. What is copyright? If there is no copyright notice, does that mean there is no copyright? When can I assume that there is no copyright protection for a work? Top Does copyright give the owner an absolute monopoly? In general, copyrights last for the life of the author, plus 70 years. Where can I go for more information on copyright? Fair Use What is "fair use"? To determine whether a specific use under one of these categories is "fair," courts are required to consider the following factors: For classroom use, how does "fair use" apply? Classroom Examples The lesson will be used by different teachers teaching the same class.
How To Teach Your Students Copyright Basics While in school, students learn a range of things that will help them with studying in a college or university and assist them throughout their future lives. All of them are extremely important—how to express thoughts orally and in writing, how to manage time, how to collaborate with others, and many other useful things. However, often we forget that students should also know how the law works. To be precise, they need to know about copyright law, how it’s related to plagiarism, how students should work with copyrighted works and protect their own writing from copyright infringement, and even the origins of copyright laws. 1. This actually has to do with your right to use a copyrighted work without any permission from the copyright owner. The purpose and character of your use;The nature of the copyrighted work;The amount and substantiality of the portion you use;The effect of your use upon the potential market. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.