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3 Things Higher Education Should Know about Disruptive Innovation. A professor speaking at the EDUCAUSE higher education conference in Orlando, Fla., said he considered a group case study debate in the Harvard Business School as a safe zone that couldn't be disrupted.

3 Things Higher Education Should Know about Disruptive Innovation

But he was wrong. Disruptive innovation is already at work in higher education, and universities have to look no further than online classes to see examples of change at scale. And how universities respond to this change will determine whether they live or die. Business administration professor Clayton Christensen expounded on disruptive innovation and the future of higher education in a keynote on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Through comparisons to the smartphone and computing industries, he laid out both the opportunities and threats that disruptive innovation pose to higher education, particularly in the online education arena. 1.

Products or services that disrupt a market typically target people who don't already consume technology in that market. 2. 3. Who governs science? To err is human, so why should science be any different?

Who governs science?

The frailties of science can be easy to overlook because it remains one of humankind’s greatest cultural and intellectual achievements; working hand in hand with technology, it has transformed our understanding of the world and our capacity to shape it. But as any scientist will tell you, the daily grind of research is often laborious and repetitive and regularly punctuated by failure — either through error or miscalculation, or when our cherished theories cannot withstand the pitiless exactitude of experiment.

What keeps us going are the moments of revelation or insight that every now and then swell the heart and the head with a warm pulse of satisfaction. Proyecto #UPF2020 / Diseñar la universidad del futuro. Uni: Großer Professoren-Mangel an deutschen Hochschulen - Bildung. Anzeige.

Uni: Großer Professoren-Mangel an deutschen Hochschulen - Bildung

Crisis y Universidad: de intelectuales a hacedores de 'papers' Science Communication in Less Than 140 Characters. In recent months I have witnessed a strange phenomenon; when talking to someone about an article I read, lecture I saw, or an enrichment day I participated in, I am often faced with the same question; “Where did you hear about that?!”

Science Communication in Less Than 140 Characters

My answer? “Twitter!” Upon hearing this many visit a range of emotions- first shocked, confused, and even slightly judgemental. Sobre el trabajo académico, el asalto neoliberal a las universidades y cómo debería ser la educación superior. Noam Chomsky. Moneyball for Academics: network analysis methods for predicting the future success of papers and researchers. Drawing from a combination of network analysis measurements, Erik Brynjolfsson and Shachar Reichman present methods from their research on predicting the future success of researchers.

Moneyball for Academics: network analysis methods for predicting the future success of papers and researchers.

The overall vision for this project is to create an academic dashboard that will include a suite of measures and prediction methods that could supplement the current subjective tools used in decision-making processes in academia. The big data revolution has transformed more and more areas of business, from banner advertising to product recommendations. Tenure system reforms: A how-to.

Photo by Shutterstock This article originally appeared in Inside Higher Ed.

Tenure system reforms: A how-to.

For the last 15 years, I have been involved in the study and reform of academic reward systems.

Why social sciences...

Ein eigenständiges Wissenschaftsministerium für Österreich. Die Nationralratswahl 2013 in Österreich ergibt eine Neuauflage der großen Koalition zwischen der SPÖ und ÖVP (27% bzw. 24% Stimmanteil).

Ein eigenständiges Wissenschaftsministerium für Österreich

La agonía de la universidad. How to Make The Most Of A Brainstorming Meeting. Don't show up empty-handed.

How to Make The Most Of A Brainstorming Meeting

October 22, 2013. How the Brain Creates Personality: A New Theory. Are you a mover, a perceiver, a stimulator, or an adapter?

How the Brain Creates Personality: A New Theory

Is Wikipedia for Sale? This story was originally published on

Is Wikipedia for Sale?

We all know that Wikipedia can be subverted—it’s an inevitability of an open platform that some people will seek to abuse it, whether to gain some advantage or just for a laugh. Fortunately, the Wikipedia community has strong mechanisms in place to deal with this, from the famous cry of [citation needed] to the rigorous checks and standards put in place by its hierarchy of editors and admins. In recent months though, insiders have encountered something altogether more worrying: a concerted attack on the very fabric of Wikipedia by PR companies that have subverted the online encyclopedia’s editing hierarchy to alter articles on a massive scale—perhaps tens of thousands of them. Wikipedia is the world’s most popular source of cultural, historical, and scientific knowledge—if their fears are correct, its all-important credibility could be on the line. The-Awesomest-7-Year-Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-track-faculty-life.

Scary myths and scary data abound about life as a tenure-track faculty at an “R1″ university. Scary enough to make you wonder: why would any smart person want to live this life? As a young faculty member at Harvard, I got asked such questions a lot. My Academic Metamorphosis - The Chronicle Review. ¿En qué eres inteligente? La música que componían algunas orquestas de prisioneros en los campos de exterminio nazis sirvió a los alumnos de ESO del colegio Montserrat para estudiar la II Guerra Mundial. Contra el pensamiento. 1. En una entrevista concedida al diario La Repubblica con ocasión del cincuenta aniversario de la editorial Adelphi, su director, Roberto Calasso, afirma que al principio de su trabajo los libros que más le interesaba publicar eran “libros únicos”.

Cuando el entrevistador, Antonio Gnoli, le pregunta qué entiende por tal cosa, Calasso contesta: libros “escritos por quien, por una razón o por otra, ha atravesado una experiencia única, que se ha depositado en un libro”. 72% Of Professors Who Teach Online Courses Don’t Think Their Students Deserve Credit. This is not a good sign for online education: 72 percent of professors who have taught Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) don’t believe that students should get official college credit, even if they did well in the class. More importantly, these are the professors who voluntarily took time to teach online courses, which means the actual number of professors who discount the quality of MOOCs is probably much (much) higher.

The survey reveals the Grand Canyon-size gap between the higher-education establishment and the coalition of tech companies and lawmakers that are mandating college credit for online courses. Since the largest university system in the world, the California State University system, announced a pilot for low-cost online lower-division courses, schools from all over the country have raced to replace physical college instruction at a crazy fast pace. But, this is mostly administration-driven. Open access: The true cost of science publishing. Michael Eisen doesn't hold back when invited to vent. “It's still ludicrous how much it costs to publish research — let alone what we pay,” he declares. The biggest travesty, he says, is that the scientific community carries out peer review — a major part of scholarly publishing — for free, yet subscription-journal publishers charge billions of dollars per year, all told, for scientists to read the final product.

Gubernamentalidad neoliberal, subjetividad y transformación de la universidad. La evaluación del profesorado como técnica de normalización. Gubernamentalidad neoliberal, subjetividad y transformación de la universidad. La evaluación del profesorado como técnica de normalización. Las universidades: cuatro mentiras. Cuando Karl Elsener andaba diseñando una navaja para el Ejército suizo, a finales del siglo XIX, no podía imaginar que, más de cien años después, su invento se habría convertido en una herramienta multiusos universal. La navaja suiza nos saca de cualquier apuro. Sirve como destornillador, cortauñas, tijeras o abrelatas. "La creatividad se aprende igual que se aprende a leer" e3 Made to measure. In 600 B.C., Daniel of Judah had a problem.

Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar was forcing the Israelites to eat only meat and wine. Daniel thought the Israelites would be healthier on a diet of water and vegetables. With the king’s blessing, for ten days a group of Israelite children ate vegetables while another group of children dined on meat. The two groups of children were compared, the Israelite children looked healthier, and the clinical trial was born. The same technique is used today to test pharmaceuticals: a new pill is tested against a placebo in randomized controlled trials. Clinical trials are only one example in a trend.

¿Te atreves a soñar? Meritocracia en crisis: ¿El fin de una utopía equivocada? - 17.02.2013 - La ciudad de Nueva York también tiene su Nacional Buenos Aires. Es el Hunter College High School, en pleno Manhattan, una secundaria más que centenaria, gratuita, de financiación pública, altamente selectiva y, como el Buenos Aires en la Argentina, una de las más prestigiosas de Estados Unidos. La burbuja universitaria. Muchos pueden celebrar por fin el cumplimiento de un antiguo deseo: la universidad ya no es una anacrónica rareza ni un cuerpo extraño infiltrado en el tejido social, sino lo que toda mente constructiva y acompasada con los tiempos ha querido desde siempre, a saber, un genuino reflejo de la sociedad.

Uni-Karriere: Die Idealistenfalle. Wer nach der Promotion an der Uni bleibt, muss mit Unsicherheit und wenig Geld leben. La Universidad busca dinero. Notes on information + communication. Un millón de españoles despilfarra su talento. The End of the University as We Know It - Nathan Harden - The American Interest Magazine. In China, 'Mad Men' reflects reality of modern life. Universities that educate the world, for free.