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Probation and Prison Service Careers He who opens a school door, closes a prison. Victor Hugo Probation Service Big changes are coming due to government reforms called ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’. 80% of probation services will be privatised and run by community rehabilitation companies: strict targets and payment by results. Kent Probation employers 475 staff including 140 Probation Officers and 90 Probation Service Officers (2014). Volunteering and previous experience is very important for this role. Becoming a Probation Officer To date the qualification to become a Probation Officer has been the Diploma in Probation Studies. The qualification to be eligible to apply for Probation Officer posts will be an Honours Degree in Community Justice plus the Vocational Qualification Diploma in Probation Practice Level 5. From 1 April 2010 the primary route will be through employment within a Probation Trust. Each stage of the training is by a selection process in the Area. Prison Service Prison Governor Skills required Training

Jackson Katz | Anti-Sexist Activist, Speaker, Author, Film-maker Quick Search <div class="errordiv"><strong><span style='color:#c94848;'>Unfortunately, your web browser appears not to support JavaScript, so you will not be able to use Justis.</span></strong><br /><span style="font-size:95%">Your Web browser may have JavaScript disabled, or it may be too old to support JavaScript. Please check the <a href="support/tech-requirements.aspx">technical requirements</a>,<br />and <a href="support/faq-javascript.aspx#enable">enable JavaScript</a> if you want to use Justis.</span></div> Justis is an online library of UK, Irish, EU and international case law and legislation. Versatile yet easy-to-use, Justis is a trusted legal research tool for thousands of lawyers around the world. Video Tour Justis at a glance EU bulletin Your daily feed of EU cases, regulations and directives, as they happen. Getting Started We have a number of useful resources to help you get started Do you know about JustCite? JustCite helps you find leading cases and establish the current status of the law.

Prisoners' Advice Service | The independent legal charity providing information and representation to prisoners British and Irish Legal Information Institute Home - Revolving Doors Agency Probation officer job profile | Probation officers manage offenders in order to protect the public and reduce the incidence of reoffending. They work with offenders in courts, in the community and in custody to make communities safer. Probation officers interact with offenders, victims, police and prison service colleagues on a regular basis. They work closely with relevant statutory and voluntary agencies. They may also manage approved residential premises for offenders and ex-prisoners. In addition, probation officers manage and enforce the conditions of community orders. Recent changes to probation services in England and Wales have led to the creation of the National Probation Service (NPS), a statutory criminal justice service that supervises high-risk offenders released into the community, and 21 private sector community rehabilitation companies (CRCs) that manage low and medium-risk offenders. Responsibilities Tasks will vary depending on whether you work for the NPS or one of the 21 CRCs. Salary Working hours

Probation officer: job description What do probation officers do? Typical employers | Qualifications and training | Key skills Working with offenders or ex-offenders who have emotional, behavioural or psychological problems can make the job stressful and demanding. However, helping people better themselves can be a particularly rewarding role. providing advice and information about offenders to assist with court sentencing writing/presenting pre-sentence and pre-release reports helping offenders come to terms with custodial sentences undertaking one-to-one and group work activities organising and overseeing community service work ‘befriending' and counselling offenders and their families supervising junior staff helping with the rehabilitation of ex-offenders into the community visiting offenders at home, in court, prison, hostels or other penal institutions supporting the victims of some violent or sexual crimes liaising with the police, social services and other authorities Typical employers of probation officers

Probation officer Job information Page Content Probation officer Hours37 per weekStarting salary£28,000 + per year Probation officers supervise people serving community and prison sentences. You’ll need to be able to get on with a wide range of people and have a fair-minded approach. You’ll start out as a probation services officer, then train for a degree or postgraduate award in Community Justice and the Level 5 Diploma in Probation Practice. WorkDesc Work activities As a probation officer, your aim would be to protect the public and reduce crime, by: reducing the risk of re-offendingmaking sure offenders carry out their punishmentsupporting offenders in the communityhelping offenders understand how their offences affect victims and the public. You’ll work with offenders before, during and after they are sentenced. You may also: In this job you’ll work closely with a range of other agencies such as the police, social services, substance misuse services and Youth Offending Teams. HoursDesc Working hours and conditions IncomeDesc
