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Emotional Intelligence Quiz. AE. Life & GTD. Gamify Your Life. The problem with most productivity apps on the market is that they provide no incentive to continue using them.

Gamify Your Life

HabitRPG fixes this by making habit building fun! By rewarding you for your successes and penalizing you for slip-ups, HabitRPG provides external motivation for completing your day-to-day activities. Instant Gratification Whenever you reinforce a positive habit, complete a daily task, or take care of an old to-do, HabitRPG immediately rewards you with experience points and gold. As you gain experience, you can level up, increasing your stats and unlocking more features, like classes and pets. Consequences Whenever you indulge in a bad habit or fail to complete one of your daily tasks, you lose health. Accountability With an active community, HabitRPG provides the accountability you need to stay on task. Unification of Science and Spirit: Chapter 6 - MIND AS A COMPLEX SYSETM. Chapter 6 Among my many memories of early childhood, a few stand out with particular vigor.

Unification of Science and Spirit: Chapter 6 - MIND AS A COMPLEX SYSETM

First and foremost, there is Neil Armstrong walking on the moon -- this was around the time of my second birthday, but I remember it as well as anything I've watched on TV since. I understood where the moon was -- way up in the sky -- and that this man, dressed in a funny suit, was walking on it, having just flown there in something faster than an airplane. I was puzzled by "One small step for a man, one great leap for mankind" -- I concluded, not unreasonably, that a "mankind" was some kind of miniature human being, perhaps a sort of midget-monkey hybrid. I wondered why, if they had brought one of these "mankind" creatures along on the spaceship with them, they hadn't shown it on TV.

Another glowingly vivid memory, from a couple years later, is watching my mother roll out of the hospital in a wheelchair, holding my newborn baby sister in her arms. I thought back to a previous "Eureka! " The Pattern which Connects from KaliYuga to Tao: Introduction. The basic thesis and the reason of this blog are that the current historical period can and must be symbolized (among many possible) with what is defined in the indian mythology KaliYuga, an age (Yuga) of destruction and death dominated by the hindu demon Kali.

the Pattern which Connects from KaliYuga to Tao: Introduction

The sources of KaliYuga are those here defined as Global Dynamics Process (GDPs), processes at many and different levels of complexity that affect the entire planet. The GDPs had as precondition the social and scientific revolutions of 600s and 700s, began with the industrial revolution of 800s, were fully expanding during 900s and will become irreversible within this century. The three most important GDPs of KaliYuga, linked together, are the growth and global overpopulation, the depletion of environmental resources and the destruction of the earth ecosystem. As such it is considered to be the pinnacle of modern scientific thought. It is to be regarded as one of the greatest gifts to humanity. The Power of Coincidence. Targ's research was impressive enough that the National Institutes of Health gave her $1.5 million to carry out two more distant-prayer studies, one on AIDS and another on glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive and almost inevitably fatal brain tumor.

The Power of Coincidence

In Europe and the U.S. there are approximately two to three new cases per 100,000 people annually. "It is a particularly gnarly disease from which people rarely recover," says her father, "and that's why she wanted to study it. " Two months later, Targ, who was 40, began fertility treatments: she and her fiance, physicist Mark Comings, wanted a family. That spring, however, she began finding it difficult to pronounce words with the letter "b," and one morning the left side of her face sagged. A high-resolution MRI revealed that she was suffering from a rapidly growing grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor. Collaborative Learning Enhances critical Thinking. Besides Your Job, Find a Life-Transforming Passion. :zenhabits. Wisdom in the age of information, C.S. Lewis on true friendship, Zadie Smith on the two psychological types of creative personalities, and more.

Hey Peggy Fleming!

Wisdom in the age of information, C.S. Lewis on true friendship, Zadie Smith on the two psychological types of creative personalities, and more

If you missed last week's edition – how to be alone in the age of compulsive connectivity, Seneca on the shortness of life and the art of living wide rather than long, a tender wordless story about the power of kindness, and more – you can catch up right here. And if you're enjoying this, please consider supporting with a modest donation – every little bit helps, and comes enormously appreciated.

C.S. Lewis on True Friendship “What is so delicious as a just and firm encounter of two, in a thought, in a feeling?” In his insightful 1960 book The Four Loves (public library), C.S. In one of the most beautiful passages, he considers how friendship differs from the other three types of love by focusing on its central question: "Do you see the same truth. " Lewis writes: Lovers seek for privacy. The Four Loves is a superb read in its entirety, provocative at times but invariably thoughtful throughout.

Marcel comes upon the last unopened package, a large cardboard tube.