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Three Tips for Improving Communication with Your Kids. When you're exhausted, stressed, or just want a little alone time, it can be a challenge to muster the energy to engage with your kids.

Three Tips for Improving Communication with Your Kids

4 Inspirational Ways to Raise Confident, Open-Minded Kids. Let National Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day inspire your kids to see the potential in everyone.

4 Inspirational Ways to Raise Confident, Open-Minded Kids

In a world that is always changing, evolving, and as diverse as ever, it’s essential to help our kids understand that who they are does not impose limits on what they can do. Using National Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8th) as a jumping-off point, talk to your kids about how all people can accomplish greatness if they have initiative, put forth an effort, and are willing to learn and adapt. Equally important, this lesson isn’t just about your kids believing in themselves but about encouraging them to realize everyone has the potential to do great things. Discipline Your Errant Child With Peaceful Parenting Solutions. Do you have a small baby at home and are constantly worried about the perfect parenting technique to use for his upbringing?

Discipline Your Errant Child With Peaceful Parenting Solutions

Most of us are fed up trying to discipline our children by yelling. This screaming and ranting really doesn’t teach the children anything and they become belligerent. Control Your Temper And Learn How To Be A Patient Parent. Articles by Mama Zen Mamazen.

Control Your Temper And Learn How To Be A Patient Parent

Mindful Mamma Stays Calm, Composed And Patient. Parents have a responsibility towards their child and have to help them blossom into beautiful and well adjusted children.

Mindful Mamma Stays Calm, Composed And Patient

The child has a distinct personality that has to be understood and nourished. It is a delicate task that is best done by the parents. Welcome to the world of positive parenting! A mindful mamma ensures safety and proper health care of the child. Mindful Parenting Means Disciplining Child With Peaceful Parenting Techniques. Inculcate Right Behaviour In Child With Help From Conscious Parenting Coach. A child has to master developmental goals to adjust to personal and societal demands.

Inculcate Right Behaviour In Child With Help From Conscious Parenting Coach

It is essential that children remain well adjusted in life so that they are accepted by others. A good parent provides support to the child to master these challenges easily. Right teaching and correct attitudes are inculcated by a parent in a child. The child learns from his parents all the time. Perfect Parenting Solutions On The Best Parenting App by Mama Zen.

Articles by Mama Zen Mamazen Upbringing of children is no easy task and it includes plenty of daily challenges.

Perfect Parenting Solutions On The Best Parenting App by Mama Zen

It may be extremely fulfilling emotionally, but it’s one of the most demanding jobs. Mindful Parenting Means Disciplining Child With Peaceful Parenting Techniques. Are your little ones driving you crazy with their impudence?

Mindful Parenting Means Disciplining Child With Peaceful Parenting Techniques

Well, the early morning screams, stool mishaps, sibling rivalry, belligerent spells and spats all are a natural part of every household. We also try to read every book offering parenting advice to help us smooth line issues at home. But, many of them don’t work. 10 Self-Esteem Boosts That Make You a Better Mom. After you have kids, life does a complete 180.

10 Self-Esteem Boosts That Make You a Better Mom

It’s like anything that can change will, and suddenly you’re adapting to a whole new way of life. Although motherhood brings many joys, it also throws a lot of punches, and it’s easy to let those punches beat you down. You know, the ones like not fitting in your pre-baby jeans, not showering for three days straight, and putting off a haircut so long your hairdresser thinks you moved overseas. Not to mention struggling with feeling desirable, making intimacy with your partner difficult. Plus, piling on the mom-guilt for every little thing that doesn’t go as planned as you navigate this whole mom thing. While taking time for yourself tends to go against the mom code, it should really be the main mantra. Three Encouraging Ways to Help Children Celebrate Diversity.

February is National Black History Month, when we pay special recognition to the countless achievements of African-Americans that have helped shape our country and played a vital role in its history.

Three Encouraging Ways to Help Children Celebrate Diversity

If you have children, you undoubtedly might find yourself faced with many questions that revolve around diversity. Instead of answering these questions with a hasty response, use this month as the catalyst to encourage your children to embrace and celebrate diversity in all of its beautiful forms. Our world is an incredible place full of remarkable differences that add to its wonders. Teach Kindness By Being Kind To Yourself. Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Week! As a parent, it’s a no-brainer that you want nothing more than for your kids to grow up healthy, happy, and confident. You also likely hope your children will grow up to be thoughtful and kind. However, sometimes that might be hard to imagine; especially at 9 pm when your little angel is throwing a tantrum that resembles an episode of Wild Kingdom. Fear not, it happens, and lucky for you, this month it's Random Acts of Kindness Week, taking place the week of February 17th. Four Ways To Make Valentine's Day Special With Kids.

When you think about Valentine’s Day, your mind might automatically jump to romantic dinners for two and the stereotypical dozen roses and heart-shaped box of chocolates. But Valentine’s Day isn’t all about romantic love; it’s about celebrating love and showing those you care about how much they mean to you. So, this Valentine’s Day, hug your kids tight and try out these fun and simple ways to make the day extra-special for you and your children. 1 - Start with a Heart.

6 New Year's Resolutions Ideas for Moms. Okay, moms, it’s that time of year again. You know the one -- when we all start declaring the things we’re going to change in the new year. The famous list of New Year’s resolutions! Year after year, people begin to think about how they can make some changes to make their lives better; usually, things like start working out, eat less sugar, learn five languages, and, well, you get the idea.

But, sometimes, when we try to tackle resolutions without a real plan or any help, we stick to them for about a month if we’re lucky, then start to drift back into old habits. Well, not this year, momma! Three Stress-Free Ways To Achieve Peaceful & Positive Parenting. When your toddler has once again thrown another toy down the toilet, or your grade-schooler has refused to do homework for the 10th time in one night, it’s very tempting to yell. Then, our kids either get upset, shut down, or begrudgingly do what they were told to, just so they don’t have to hear us yell again. This certainly isn’t the picture of peaceful parenting. Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Upbringing Methods Consult Best Parenting App.

Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Upbringing Methods Consult Best Parenting App. Kids are an enigma and totally unpredictable. They are not machines with specific manual troubleshooting points that we can refer to or read to make parenting a smooth task. Is good parenting possible when we face daily challenges in homes confronting our children? Our parenting methods are influenced to a great extent by our parents and their parents before. Partners may also face conflicting ideas on the ideal way to deal with kids. Then, what is a good parenting style? Parenting is complicated and conflicting – this is a fact and it gravely affects our children and their future! Angry authoritarian: Anger becomes the base for disciplining the child but this does nothing but create an overwhelming atmosphere in the house. About Mama Zen Mamazen 2 connections, 1 recommendations, 29 honor points.

MamaZen. MamaZen. Why Asking For Help As a New Mum Was So Difficult? Learn How To Stop Yelling At Kids And Keep Aggression In Control. Appreciate Your Body And Shove Aside Negative Body Image. Mama Zen App. How To Get Rid Of Self Doubt. How to get rid of self-doubt is one of the healthiest questions to ask as a mom. Doubt is something that weighs us down, makes us feel bad about every decision, and leaves space for us to compare ourselves with others. Questioning self-doubt and it’s necessity in our lives is a great place to be in - many of us will fall victim to self-doubt for our entire lives, and only feel worse for it! Because when did doubting our decisions as moms ever make anything better?! Know How To Stop Yelling At Kids. Appreciate Your Body And Shove Aside Negative Body Image.