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3Dnatives - Impression 3D et Imprimante 3D : Meilleur Prix, Comparatif. 3Dnatives - Impression 3D et Imprimante 3D : Meilleur Prix, Comparatif. 3Dnatives - Impression 3D et Imprimante 3D : Meilleur Prix, comparatif. Mind-Boggling Spherical Gear Made from 3D-Printed Moving Parts. FoldaRap, The Folding RepRap. La collecte est terminée pour cette fois, merci aux 52 contributeurs du monde entier !

FoldaRap, The Folding RepRap

Suite à une deuxième campagne s'étant déroulée avec succès, vous pouvez à présent retrouver la FoldaRap sur le site :) Top 9 Medical Applications for 3D Printing - Epic List. The list of medical applications for 3D printing was originally compiled by the team at 3D model marketplace CGTrader and has been edited for publication here.

Top 9 Medical Applications for 3D Printing - Epic List

Recently 3D printing has been a hot mainstream trend, but there are thousands of people who are still not aware of this mind-blowing technology. Obviously, 3D printing is being carefully watched by scientists, designers, futurists, and hobbyists. No doubt, it will change our lives; 3D printing is already reshaping them. In the long run, 3D printing may have the most impact in the medical field, where extrusion of living cells instead of plastic material in a 3D printer has led to bioprinting.

Here is a completely mind-blowing list of the top 9 ways 3D printing has already changed all the branches of the medicine and what to expect in the future. Modernizing the Plaster Cast With a 3D Printer. The Achilles’ Heel of 3D Printing. We think we know what makes things expensive to make We’ve all got a surprisingly clear idea of exactly what it is that makes something really difficult and hideously expensive to produce: serious complexity.

The Achilles’ Heel of 3D Printing

The cost of just about everything we make goes up exponentially as the physical functionality of its innards gets more sophisticated (big things containing motors and gears, for example, are rarely ‘as cheap as chips’: even silicon chips are only cheap because, despite their enormous complexity, we can and do make them in enormous quantities). But there’s an exception In 3D printing, our whole intuitive concept of ‘cost related to complexity’ is turned on its head.

The cost of creating things using a 3D printer ‘goes down with complexity’: the more complex the item being printed, the less it costs to print it. 3D Printing. You are in: Future Technologies : 3D Printing 3D Printing Imagine a future in which a device connected to a computer can print a solid object.

3D Printing

A future in which we can have tangible goods as well as intangible services delivered to our desktops or highstreet shops over the Internet. And a future in which the everyday "atomization" of virtual objects into hard reality has turned the mass pre-production and stock-holding of a wide range of goods and spare parts into no more than an historical legacy.

Such a future may sound like it is being plucked from the worlds of Star Trek. The following provides an overview of 3D printing technologies and their present and likely future application. Current Technologies. 3D Printing Directory. You are in: Future Technologies : 3D Printing Directory 3D Printing Directory 3D printing creates real, solid objects one layer at a time using digital data. 3D printing may therefore soon do for manufacturing and medicine what computers and the Internet have already done for the creation, processing and storage of information.

3D Printing Directory

Nokia Releases 3D Print Files For Lumia 820 Smartphone. Got A 3D Printer? Custom Print Your Own Removable Shell. Now this is cool: mobile maker Nokia has released 3D print files for one of its smartphones so owners of 3D printers can custom print their own removable shell.

Nokia Releases 3D Print Files For Lumia 820 Smartphone. Got A 3D Printer? Custom Print Your Own Removable Shell

Nokia already sells different colour shells for the handset in question, the Lumia 820 — which has a removable backplate — along with shells that add wireless charging to the device or offer a bit more protection to standard plastic shells. Fabriquer son imprimante 3D. Oui il est possible de fabriquer son imprimante 3D personnelle à partir de plans disponibles gratuitement en Open Source.

Fabriquer son imprimante 3D

Ces ressources vous mèneront vers des sites internet anglophones et sont réservés aux personnes qui maîtrisent les techniques de constructions mécaniques et électroniques. Sachez que vous ferez des économies en utilisant cette approche mais que vos connaissance seront mises à rudes épreuves. Vous pourrez bien entendu trouver de l’aide sur notre forum ou nous la communauté se fera un plaisir de vous répondre. : Le guide de l'imprimante 3D. 9 Incredible Objects That Prove 3D Printers Are Totally Worth it. The Photon 3D Scanner: Nearly Funded. "We've visited various makerspaces," write Adam Brandejs and Drew Cox, "and we were surprised to find a lot of people that had bought 3D printers didn't really know what to do with them.

The Photon 3D Scanner: Nearly Funded

" Jeez Louise, I can tell you what to do with them! Résultats de la recherche. Your 3D Printer Could Eat Empty Milk Jugs Instead of Expensive Plastic. MakeXYZ Helps You Find An Idle 3D Printer Near You. Idle 3D printers are the bane of the creative class.

MakeXYZ Helps You Find An Idle 3D Printer Near You

That’s why is so important. It is a service that helps you find 3D printers near you and request print jobs. Like the remote batch jobs of yore, you can simply contact a MakeXYZ maker and they’ll print off your item. Programmers Chad Masso and Nathan Tone opened up the site to orders this year and it’s already well-populated with printers awaiting their instructions. The Austin-based site is already profitable. Quoth the website: We help people make stuff by connecting people who need something 3D printed with makers and print shops neighborhood. “We have signed up 550 printers in 1.5 months. Print jobs are priced based on square centimeter and many jobs cost about $15.

Tone said he created the product when he wanted to make a light-switch cover with a hook attached. “Printing locally does just that – by keeping it in the community and halving the cost and turnaround time of making something awesome,” Tone said. L'ère de la micro-fabrication. Entretien avec Chris Anderson. Knowledge@Wharton – Vous ouvrez Makers avec l’histoire de votre grand-père maternel, inventeur d’un système d’arrosage automatique dans les années 1940 : s’il était né en 1998 au lieu de 1898, il ne serait pas contenté d’être un inventeur, mais serait devenu un entrepreneur.

L'ère de la micro-fabrication. Entretien avec Chris Anderson

Quels défis a-t-il affrontés, et qu’est-ce qui rendrait son expérience si différente aujourd’hui ? Chris Anderson – Cette histoire m’est revenue en écrivant le livre. J’ai repensé à mon grand-père, un immigrant suisse qui était venu à Hollywood. Il travaillait dans un studio pendant la journée et, le soir, il jouait les inventeurs. Il était très habile.

En écrivant mon livre, je me suis demandé ce que ferait grand-père aujourd’hui. Quel est ce Maker Movement dont vous avez parlé? Made of Moon Dust: A 3D-Printed House for the Lunar South Pole. Maybe the future has officially arrived: architects have designed a 3D-printed house for the moon, made of moon dust, that can withstand gamma rays and meteorites. London-based Foster and Partners is working with the European Space Agency on the design, which can house four people. The architects used their experience designing for extreme environments on Earth—and using local, sustainable materials—as inspiration. Rather than bringing materials hundreds of thousands of miles for construction, the plan calls for the use of lunar soil. Only an inflatable base will be flown in by rocket, and then a robot will build the rest of the structure in lightweight layers from the soil.

Using simulated lunar soil, the team has already built a test structure in a vacuum to show that the technology can work. Images courtesy of Foster + Partners. Make It Up, un festival pour déjouer l’obsolescence programmée. Dans le même esprit que l'Open Bidouille Camp qui s'est déroulé à la fin de septembre à Paris, n'hésitez pas à faire un tour à Make It Up ce week-end, au marché Malassis, aux puces de Saint-Ouen. Cet événement a pour ambition d'interpeller sur la question de l'obsolescence programmée de nos objets quotidiens et d'imaginer ceux que nous utiliserons demain. Ou comment faire du neuf avec du vieux... et un bon sens plus poussé qu'ici ? Un dispositif en deux temps Mathilde Berchon, spécialiste du mouvement des "makers" (ces "bricoleurs du XXIe siècle") s'occupe de la communication du festival.

Leur envie ? The World’s First 3D-Printed Building Will Arrive In 2014 (And It Looks Awesome) Sure, 3D printing is fun and cute. And products like the Makerbot and Form 1 will most certainly disrupt manufacturing, even if it’s only on a small scale. But the possibilities of 3D printing stretch far beyond DIY at-home projects. In fact, it could entirely replace the construction industry. 27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts In 2012. L'impression 3D, ce sera formidable... s'ils ne foutent pas tout en l'air !

Ils tenteront de nous pourrir l'impression 3D avec leurs DRM. Nous sommes en 2023. Vous cassez malencontreusement une assiette. Vous allez tout naturellement chercher son fichier numérique sur le Net pour en créer une nouvelle sur votre imprimante 3D, en la modifiant éventuellement au passage pour l’adapter à vos besoins. 3D Printer Stocks and 3D Printing Investments. Fab lab. Un fab lab (contraction de l'anglais fabrication laboratory, litt. « laboratoire de fabrication ») est un tiers-lieu de type makerspace[1] cadré par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et la FabFoundation[2] en proposant un inventaire minimal[3] permettant la création des principaux projets fab labs, un ensemble de logiciels et solutions libres et open-sources, les Fab Modules[4], et une charte de gouvernance, la Fab Charter[5].

Pour être identifié en tant que fab lab par la FabFoundation, il faut passer par plusieurs étapes[6] et il est possible de suivre une formation à la Fab Academy[7]. Les fab labs sont réunis en un réseau mondial très actif, d'après son initiateur Neil Gershenfeld[8].


Imprimez votre mini-moi en 3D (au Japon) Imprimante 3D: imprime-moi une révolution (industrielle) Les marxistes doivent avoir le sourire.