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L'impression 3D, ce sera formidable... s'ils ne foutent pas tout en l'air !

L'impression 3D, ce sera formidable... s'ils ne foutent pas tout en l'air !

Related:  Fablab realisations

Can We Ever Digitally Organize Our Friends? « Design « kev/null In Design , Technology on 15 July 2011. When Google+ launched last week, one of the most discussed features was Circles. In case you haven’t read a single blog, Tweet, or Google+ post in the last week (and yet, somehow stumbled into this dark corner of the internet), Circles is Google’s way of allowing you to group people. You can put anyone into a one or more Circles such as “Friends”, “Acquaintances”, “Co-workers”, “People I Eat Brunch With”, “Cyclists”, etc. The world's first printed plane - tech - 27 July 2011 By Paul Marks Read more: “3D printing: Second industrial revolution is under way“ Video: First flight of 3D printed plane The promise of 3D printing has finally taken off with the development of a drone that takes just a week to create Under darkening skies on a grass airstrip in the UK’s Wiltshire Downs, north of Stonehenge, I am watching half a dozen aeronautical engineers rushing to assemble an uncrewed aircraft before the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Digital Oxytocin: How Trust Keeps Facebook, Twitter Humming The most surprising takeaway from the recent Pew Research Center study, "Social Networking Sites and Our Lives," wasn't that 80% of Americans regularly use the Internet or that 60% of web users have a social network account--double the number in 2008, with the vast majority on Facebook (52%) and Twitter (33%). Nor is it that people have gone gaga over smartphones, with one in three Americans owning one. Rather, it's the idea that the Internet, in particular social networks, engender trust, and the more time you spend on them the more trusting you become. As the report put it, "The typical Internet user is more than twice as likely as others to feel that people can be trusted," with regular Facebook users the most trusting of all. "A Facebook user who uses the site multiple times per day is 43% more likely than other Internet users and more than three times as likely as non-Internet users to feel that most people can be trusted."

NASA proves 3D printing is headed to the stars 3D-printed space technology is no longer science fiction, as NASA and other space companies are making it a reality. Engineers and researchers at the Ames Research Center are already working with 3D printing technology to make it applicable for use in both space travel and the study of our universe, according to a recent CNET report. The potential for 3D printing on space travel is endless. The technology itself can theoretically allow structures like satellites and spacecraft to be built in space, and it’s being developed here on earth. One private company, Made in Space, is already piloting zero gravity 3D printing. It started testing in early 2011, and has made great strides in the future of out of this world 3D printing and design.

The Key Subtle Notes From Apple’s Earnings Call When Apple announces their earnings, they typically do so with much pomp and circumstance. You get a superlative-laden press release, which in recent years have been more than backed up by massive numbers. But it’s the earnings call itself that is often even more interesting. Because there are other, more subtle things said, almost in passing. Like today, for example, when Apple COO Peter Oppenheimer casually mentioned that Apple would release their next major operating system, OS X Lion, tomorrow morning. Sure, everyone knew it would be coming before the end of the month, and tomorrow had been rumored this week as the launch date, but no one knew for sure — until Oppenheimer decided to disclose it during his opening statements on the earnings call.

TED 2013: 4D printed objects 'make themselves' 28 February 2013Last updated at 05:39 ET By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter Video of cube self-folding strand courtesy Self-Assembly Lab, MIT/Stratasys Many are only just getting their heads around the idea of 3D printing but scientists at MIT are already working on an upgrade: 4D printing. At the TED conference in Los Angeles, architect and computer scientist Skylar Tibbits showed how the process allows objects to self-assemble. It could be used to install objects in hard-to-reach places such as underground water pipes, he suggested.

Nick Farina - An iOS Developer Takes on Android Recently, we released the Android version of Meridian, our platform for building location-based apps. We didn’t use one of these “Cross Platform!” tools like Titanium. We wrote it, from scratch, in Java, like you do in Android.
