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3D print gopro mount

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Thingverse. How To Capture Jaw-Dropping 360-Degree Videos and Panoramas. With wearable gadgets like Google Glass and Memoto, taking firsthand videos or snapshots of what you are doing is real easy these days.

How To Capture Jaw-Dropping 360-Degree Videos and Panoramas

But today we are going to show you a mind-boggling new way of taking videos, 360 degrees wide. Check out this video (if you want to skip to the gist, go to 0:35). Like what you see? That’s what you see in a 360 degree horizontal view and 180 degree vertical view from a single point of reference. And to get this, you need GoPro cameras, some fancy software and a special camera holder, one from 360Heros.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Time-lapse Video – Ultimate Guide 1. GoPro cameras offer HD view, are waterproof and can withstand wear and tear that is expected with extreme sports, making it the perfect camera for these activities. There are a few types of GoPro models but only 2 are compatible with the 360Heros camera stand – GoPro Hero2 and Hero3. (Image Source: Outdoor Equipment Rentals) 2. 360Heros Plug-and-Play Holder 3.

360° Video Fundamentals. I have always been excited at the possibility of 4k video in a planetarium dome.

360° Video Fundamentals

And so I was captivated with the recent introduction of a 360° video camera rig with 8x4k resolution. (Which translates to 4k domemaster resolution.) It also meant that I could increase the fisheye FOV from 180° to 220° and see the immediate ground surrounding the camera. In my opinion this makes for a heightened immersion experience. So I have spent the last two months experimenting and learning directly about the intricacies of shooting 360° video. The 360Heros H3pro10HD is a 3D printed object. Currently the 360° video community is tiny and little documentation is available. Hardware Rundown Camera & Memory — H3Pro10HD Rig — 360Heros Aluminium Mount — GoPro HERO3+ Camera – Black Edition (x10) — Lexar 32GB microSDHC 600x [LSDMI32GBSBNA600R] (x10) — Manfrotto 496RC2 Ball Head with Quick Release — Headless Tripod — Manfrotto 200PL-38 RC2 Plate Big Picture Workflow. GoPro. Bublcam: 360º Camera Technology for Everyone by Bubl Technology Inc.

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Bublcam: 360º Camera Technology for Everyone by Bubl Technology Inc.

Entrepreneur’s 3D printed 360Heros camera rig used in New Beck Video. Feb.25, 2013 Inventor Michael Kintner, founder of 360 Heros was interviewed by SyFy TV Network at CES 2013.

Entrepreneur’s 3D printed 360Heros camera rig used in New Beck Video

Invited to be with 3D Systems in Las Vegas, Michael Kintner presented his 360 Heros video gear in this video below and how he used 3D printer to create a 360 Heroes rig that allows him to attach video cameras all around it. "The SyFy network TV crew wanted to know how I related 3D Systems to the SyFy network. My response was, "Just like in Star Trek, 3D Systems 3D printers now lets you have your very own affordable replicator at your finger tips! " said Kintner.

GoPro Hero 3 Black Mount for Multiple Cameras Inc. NEW 6x Cam Spherical Mount by dtLAB. 360-Grad-Video mit 6 GoPro-Kameras - Jonas Ginter. Endlich geschafft!

360-Grad-Video mit 6 GoPro-Kameras - Jonas Ginter

Seit mehr als zwei Jahren geistert die Idee in meinem Kopf herum, 360-Grad-Videos zu machen. Ich habe getüffelt, ausprobiert und geflucht – jetzt funktioniert es tatsächlich. Doch der Reihe nach: Kleine Planeten Ihr kennt doch diese kleinen Planten, die man aus Panorama-Bildern basteln kann? Viel hilft viel: 360°-Videos mit 6 GoPro-Kameras Um diesen kleinen Planten allerdings Leben einzuhauchen und sie als Bewegtbild umzusetzen, habe ich in den letzten Jahren viele komische Dinge probiert: Ich habe meine Kameras auf Drehteller geschraubt und Nächte lang versucht, tausende Bilder zusammenzufügen.

Angeguckt und frustriert festgestellt, dass das absoluter Quatsch ist. Eine Halterung aus dem 3D-Drucker Zum Glück gibt es GoPro Kameras , die mit ihrem Fisheye-Objektiv einen anständigen Blickwinkel abdecken. Jetzt heißt es diesen Kamera-Ball zu nutzen. Search results for 'gopro' 360H6 (GoPro Hero2 or Hero3 Cameras) 360H6 (caméras GoPro Hero2 ou Hero3) 360H6 (GoPro Hero2 or Hero3 Cameras) Enregistrement / Shoot 360 ° vidéos avec Freedom360, 360Heros ou d'autres plates-formes et les supports 360. 360 Plug-n-Play Kits.

Searching 3D models for 360 gopro. Spherical Panorama 6 GoPro Camera Mount  FULLVISION6 Full Spherical Panorama and Tiny Planet 6 GoPro Camera Mount System  The BEST 360 degree video mount for Hero3 and Hero3+ cameras The ONLY mount with the GoPro™ tabbed ear mounting system Shapeways GoPro XY-mount This is a concept of a printable 2-Axis-GoPro-Mount.

Searching 3D models for 360 gopro

It can rotate 360° horizontal and about 20-30° vertical. Thingiverse FREE Model NiteRider Light to GoPro Mount Adapter If you have a GoPro mount on your helmet and have tried to mount a NiteRider light on the same helmet you'll likely to find that they both want to sit in the same spot. Searching 3D models for 360 gopro. 'GoPro mount' Le plastique est un bon choix pour de nombreuses applications.

'GoPro mount'

Solide, flexible et disponible dans une vaste gamme de coloris, il possède un assez bon niveau de détails. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de quelle matière choisir, le plastique est un bon choix générique. La résine est un matériau vitreux et rigide avec une surface lisse, parfait pour des visualisations détaillées. Les pièces articulées fonctionnent très bien.

Disponible en noir, blanc et translucide ou peint dans un large éventail de couleurs. Matériau gris, matte et solide capable à résister à une faible contrainte lorsqu'il est plié. Un matériau semblable à du plâtre qui est coloré pendant l'impression. Matériau emaillé et rigide mais fragile. Argent sterling (925). GoPro Hero 3 Black Mount for Multiple Cameras Inc. NEW 6x Cam Spherical Mount by friloba. Go Pro 360 degree attachement by navy30000. NEW - 3D 360 Video.