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The Ghost Who Codes: How Anonymity is Killing Your Programming Career. 13 Insanely Cool Resumes That Landed Interviews At Google And Other Top Jobs. 75 of the BEST, Most Inspirational Kickass Quotes on Life, Love, Happiness, Change & Growth. Mother-teresa-anyway-quote-poster.jpg (JPEG Image, 336 × 488 pixels) Life is beautiful. A Visual Dictionary of Philosophy: Major Schools of Thought in Minimalist Geometric Graphics.

Life Hacks

11 Productivity Hacks From Successful Entrepreneurs. This is part of the "Moving Forward" series offering advice to small business owners on technology, mentorship, productivity, and growth.

11 Productivity Hacks From Successful Entrepreneurs

"Moving Forward" is sponsored by Ink from Chase®. More posts in the series » Life Lessons That Go Against Conventional Wisdom. 75 of the BEST, Most Inspirational Kickass Quotes on Life, Love, Happiness, Change & Growth. Trying Not to Try: How to Cultivate the Paradoxical Art of Spontaneity Through the Chinese Concept of Wu-Wei. Motivation, Bonuses and Open Source. Let’s start with a few quick observations on money and motivation.

Motivation, Bonuses and Open Source

Bonuses can be an easy and expensive way to demotivate staff just as to motivate them.Experiments consistently show that financial motivation can actually reduce performance particularly on tasks that require thinking … like programming.If money were the sole motivator then open source would not have transformed the world and society would lose the massive contributions made by other volunteers.But equally … unfair rewards and low salaries can switch off the mind of your team. So why do many organizations persist with financial bonuses as their core incentive? What’s the right balance of rewards? The surprising truth about motivation. Dont Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort.

I hear it all the time from people.

Dont Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort

“I’m passionate about it.” “I’m not going to quit, It’s my passion”. Or I hear it as advice to students and others “Follow your passion”. David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy? Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness @ TEDxWhitechapel. Community of Dreamers. Stop Making Plans: How Goal-Setting Limits Rather Than Begets Our Happiness and Success. 42 Highly Innovative Advertisements, that you will see again for sure. Its very true that your first impression is your last impression, specially for Advertisement companies.

42 Highly Innovative Advertisements, that you will see again for sure.

Because, if the Ad will not catch the attention of viewer, then within a blink of eye it will be considered failed. There are many Ads Agencies and giant corporations, which truly are working very hard to make us laugh and make us look at the Ads again and again. These companies are always looking for a very new and innovative Idea for their Ads prints and we see their innovative and creative ideas in our daily life. Here we have collected some very innovative and creative Ads for you to look at and I am pretty sure that you will love these Ads, and sure will see these interesting Ads again. MA: Discover the Full Story. 20 ways to be awesome on the Internet.

Shy Rosenweig is the co-founder and COO of Meetey, bringing social networking to your neighborhood.

20 ways to be awesome on the Internet

You’ll find tips and tricks everywhere online and some of them are actually very good. The problem many people have is TMI (too much information). Tim Ferriss shares how to master any skill by deconstructing it. Top 10 Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself. Top 10 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Doing What You Want. Here’s how to trick your brain into making habits stick. Every habit you want to build can be broken down into a sequence of steps.

Here’s how to trick your brain into making habits stick

For example, a gym workout can be broken down into the following steps: getting off your butt, changing your clothes, putting a gym bag together, traveling to the gym, doing your workout, showering, and going home. You know working out is good for you but when it comes time to exercise, your brain doesn’t just see the glory part of the process where you’re pumping iron like you’re training for the next 300 movie’ it sees all the before and after steps too. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation.

Binaural Beats. Choose a Binaural Beat to suit your mood from the below.

Binaural Beats

Note that in order for Binaural Beats to work, they must be played though headphones. Basic Beats Deep Meditation Hangover Helper Roommate Annihilator Self Hypnosis Sleepy Time Super Focus! Alex K. - 45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old. Science can answer moral questions - Sam Harris. How Your Brain Tells You to Take a Break. Cloud Atlas (2012) Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes. Can Money Buy Happiness? What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion - Conor Neill. Often referred to as the "poet of the violin," Joshua Bell is one of the world's most celebrated violinists.

What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion - Conor Neill

He continues to enchant audiences with his breathtaking virtuosity, tone of sheer beauty, and charismatic stage presence. Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher ofAlexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics,government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Men Who Dress Like Men. Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders. Do Nothing for 2 Minutes. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. 21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity. ILL MIND OF HOPSIN 5 #hopsin. Search results for "Albert Einstein" (showing 1-20 of 718 quotes)

The 48 Laws of Power. Background[edit] Greene initially formulated some of the ideas in The 48 Laws of Power while working as a writer in Hollywood and concluding that today's power elite shared similar traits with powerful figures throughout history.[5] In 1995, Greene worked as a writer at Fabrica, an art and media school, and met a book packager named Joost Elffers.[4][8] Greene pitched a book about power to Elffers and six months later, Elffers requested that Greene write a treatment.[4] Although Greene was unhappy in his current job, he was comfortable and saw the time needed to write a proper book proposal as too risky.[10] However, at the time Greene was rereading his favorite biography about Julius Caesar and took inspiration from Caesar's decision to cross the Rubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the Great Roman Civil War.[10] Greene would follow Caesar's example and write the treatment, which later became The 48 Laws of Power.[10] He would note this as the turning point of his life.[10]

The 48 Laws of Power

An Essay by Einstein. Quotes about anything and everything - Life's Instructions. Fred O'Bryant's Quote Collection - Volume 1. 02-2012-01-41-35-thedalailamawhenaskedwhatsurprisedhimmostabouthumanityansweredmanbecausehesacrificeshishealthinordertomakemoney.jpeg (JPEG Image, 720 × 490 pixels) Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Inspiration to Keep Rolling. The magic button — Make Everything OK. Bruce Lee Quotes (Author of Tao of Jeet Kune Do)

25 Great Motivational Quotes You've Never Heard Of. InShare66 63Probably my most read post ever was the 20 Greatest Motivational Quotes of All Time.

25 Great Motivational Quotes You've Never Heard Of

So much so that I expanded the post and wrote a book with the 50 greatest quotes in that is now sent free to my new newsletter subscribers. Sign up in the box on the left if you want a copy. Index of /pages/archive-news/pdfs. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Hyperbole and a Half. I Like Your Flaws & Thought Catalog. Jonathan Haidt: Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence. Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. Since light travels faster than sound...