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Network+social. Information+social. Citizenship+education. Sociology+knowledge. Open+content. Semantic+web. Spontaneous Connections on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Société de la connaissance, société de l'information, société de contrôle : Entretien avec Armand Mattelart - CHALLENGE. C&C [1] : Ce que je voudrais aborder avec vous c’est fondamentalement le thme suivant : ce que l’impratif de scurit appliqu au traitement de l’information soulve comme enjeux eu gard l’exercice du pouvoir (et aux contre-pouvoirs que l’on se donne) dans des socits habituellement dfinies comme dmocratiques.

Société de la connaissance, société de l'information, société de contrôle : Entretien avec Armand Mattelart - CHALLENGE

On pourrait examiner un certain nombre de dichotomies et, en premier lieu, celle que vous signalez comme particulirement problmatique entre socit de l’information et socit de contrle . Quels liens entre les deux ? Quelles interactions ? Quels effets ? Armand Mattelart : La socit de l’information constitue une catgorie toute faite, entrine sans inventaire pralable des citoyens. En prolgomne de cette gnalogie tortueuse, il y a une promesse, une utopie : Eviter que l’humanit ne replonge dans le monde de Bergen-Belsen et de Hiroshima . La catgorie socit de l’information va se construire comme socle d’une idologie qui n’avoue pas son nom travers une triple sdimentation. Charles Nesson - Berkman Center for Internet & Society. William F.

Charles Nesson - Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Weld Professor of Law, Harvard Law School Founder and Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society Email Charles NessonCharles Nesson's HomepageCharles Nesson's Blog Following the practice of my colleagues David Weinberger, Larry Lessig, Terry Fisher, and John Palfrey, and Jonathan Zittrain, I am in compliance with my employer Harvard Law School's disclosure and conflict of interest policies, and will remain so.

I am currently pro bono counsel to and advocate for Joel Tenenbaum in his effort to question the constitutionality of the riaa's statutory damage campaign against individuals sharing music peer to peer. I am a public advocate for poker, a member of the boards of the United States Poker Federation and the United States Mind Sport Association, and founder of the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society, which received initial funding in 2007 from Russ Deleon, hls'91, the founder of Party Gaming. Charles Nesson September 2011 Professor Nesson's full bio. Web-Based Chat And RSS-Enabled Open Discussion Space: Conversate - Robin Good's Latest News.

How many times I have wanted to create an open online discussion over a topic, while providing the easy access, notification and posting features needed to make a good conversation thrive?

Web-Based Chat And RSS-Enabled Open Discussion Space: Conversate - Robin Good's Latest News

Photo credit: Diane Miller Not to say that I didn't find solutions for this as QuickTopic does a great job of it, and Movable Type or any standard blogging tool where you have knowledge and control over templates set up can be easily adapted to this task. But outside of QuickTopic, blogging tools are not really designed to send out invitations nor to provide a comprehensive notification system to discussion participants.

You say I should use a forum? What I really want is a tool that allows to start a web-based conversation where: And I have now found it: Conversate is a new fully web-based instant discussion space, chat and comment area where ease of use and great accessibility have created a little jewel that, with a few refinements, has great potential in many different applications. How to use it. L'Internet Relay Chat : un cas exemplaire de dispositif sociotechnique. Owners: 'EdNA Groups or the Open Network? GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS? ( Before we get going, here are some alternate titles for this post, just to give you an idea of what I'm trying to get at before I actually, you know, get at it: You're probably wondering why Yahoo bought KonfabulatorAn update on Google Browser, GooOS and Google DesktopA platform that everyone can stand on and why Apple, Microsoft, and, yes, even Google will have to change their ways to be a part of itThe next killer app: desktop Web serversDoes the Mozilla Foundation have the vision to make Firefox the most important piece of software of this decade?

GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS? (

Web 3.0Finally, the end of Microsoft's operating system dominance Now that your hyperbole meter has pegged a few times, hopefully the rest of this will seem tame in comparison. (And apologies for the length...I got rolling and, oops, 2500 words. But many of them are small so...) At the time, Adam Bosworth had been recently hired by Google for purposes unknown. That's it. You also get the advantages of locally run applications.

Gmail. Google. Center for Science, Technology & Society -2005 International Conference.