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Sacred Geometry

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Article: The Spiritual Meaning of the Lotus. Dreamcatchers Community. Ever wondered where people like Roger Hamilton got Wealth Dynamics, Myers & Briggs got their profiling or Steve Brown got Red, Green, Blue, Yellow.

Dreamcatchers Community

Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. : Theoretical Quantum Physicist. The revival of an ancient science. At the other end of the scientific spectrum of contemporary science an ancient science is being restored.

The revival of an ancient science

For ages it has been preserved carefully. - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil. -- Introduction -- Hopefully this will enable people to understand "why" there is only "one" truth and how we can all move forward in learning more about the "nature" of what that one truth is and why no single person or group of people can be the "owner" of the one truth and that literally everyone has a piece of the "enlightening" puzzle which is like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. -- Substance -- I just figured out a great example of how two seemingly very different points of view can be demonstrated to have not only similarity but symmetricality to the point that they are saying or expressing almost, if not totally, the same exact thing! - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil

:o) Vastu Courses of Study with The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology. For Vastu news, design discussions and the latest University happenings visit the AUM S&T blog!

Vastu Courses of Study with The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology

Background The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology (AUM S&T) derives its history, philosophy, goals, objectives and teaching from the work of Mamuni Mayan who was a scholar, scientist, artist and builder approximately 10,000 years ago in the ancient past of the Kumari continent and South India. This body of work has been interpreted, preserved, and presented in modern times by Dr. V. Vastu Purusa. Vastu-purusa means in the present context a site-plan or a location plan.

Vastu Purusa

According to the Matsya Parana, the Vastu Purusa Mandala has particular deities of Vastu Purusa in respective places. The North-East (aisdnya) is said to be occupied by Mercury (budha) and Lord Vishnu. Vastu shastra. While Vastu had long been essentially restricted to temple architecture, there has been a revival of it in India, in recent decades, notably under the influence of late V.

Vastu shastra

Ganapati Sthapati, who has been campaigning for a restoration of the tradition in modern Indian society since the 1960s. While the fields are related, Shilpa Shastra explicitly deal with sculpture – forms, statues, icons, stone murals etc. The doctrine of Vastu Shastra is concerned primarily with architecture – building houses, forts, temples, apartments and other buildings. Terminology[edit] Fundamental concepts[edit] There are many principles in Vaastu Shastra. Five elements[edit] Stargate - Vortex Based Mathematics. Click The Images To View Them Full Size.

Stargate - Vortex Based Mathematics

Ether vibrations. CHAKRA VORTEX , SCALAR ENERGY TRANSCEIVER. ÉCLAIRAGES CONVERGENTS SUR LE « GRAND TOURNANT » (II) « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals » L’article « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals » a été publié en 2002.

ÉCLAIRAGES CONVERGENTS SUR LE « GRAND TOURNANT » (II) « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals »

Yantra. Enthroned Jain yantra besides Adinath image Shapes and patterns commonly employed in yantra include squares, triangles, circles and floral patterns but may also include more complex and detailed symbols, for instance: Geometric element meanings: Circle = Energy of the element waterSquare = Energy of the element earthUpward-facing Triangle = Energy of the element fire; energyDownward-facing Triangle = Energy of the element water; knowledgeDiagonal line = Energy of the element airHorizontal line = Energy of the element waterVertical line = Energy of the element firePoint = Energy of the element ether As an astrological device[edit] Yantra may be used to represent the astronomical position of the planets over a given date and time.


Philosophical context[edit] Music and Sacred Geometry. In the Brahma Samhita story written in Sanskrit the first born son of the creator god is called Narada which means Music.

Music and Sacred Geometry

LA CLEF DE L'ORDINATEUR QUANTIQUE. Wheeler's «it from bit» Lier et délier. Matthieu 16:19 Je te donnerai les clés du royaume des cieux, ce que tu lieras sur la terre sera lié dans les cieux, et ce que tu délieras sur la terre sera délié dans les cieux. Matthieu 18:18 Je vous le dis en vérité, tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre sera lié dans le ciel, et tout ce que vous délierez sur la terre sera délié dans le ciel. Empilement compact L'empilement compact est la manière d'agencer des sphères dans l'espace afin d'avoir la plus grande densité de sphères, sans que celles-ci ne se recouvrent.

An Introduction to Hexagonal Geometry. Contents Introduction The following is a brief survey of some elemental properties of hexagons, and why they might be useful. It is not intended to be a comprehensive treatment of the subject. My specific concern here is with the mathematical properties of hexagons, and, to an extent, their role in the natural world. I have avoided discussing hexagons as they pertain to human culture, religion, history, and other "local" concerns, though there are many fascinating instances of hexagonality and sixness in these areas, and they will no doubt be treated more fully elsewhere at another time. This article is very much a work in progress, and is not really "done" in any meaningful sense. A note about terminology: As is my general custom, and unless otherwise noted, "hexagon" refers to regular hexagons only.

Some observations about hexagons A hexagon is a closed plane figure with six edges and six vertices. 33. Revolution Eve (Topology) Ch.33 Revolution Eve (Topology) We have seen what the Hyperbolic NonEuclidean World is. That is a universally acknowledged truth if we accept the assumption of parallelism. We do not doubt it. However, there is a revolutionary idea. They say that hyperbolic geometry stands on things around us. Do you know the Euclidean geometry completely? First we see what Euclidean geometry comes out. Here is a square. We mark arrows on edges of the square to indicate this gluing (identifying) method as shown Fig. (2). ====================== We fictitiously imagine what abstractly glued without distorting Square.

Welcome To The Hanna House. Ezine. Angel – Archangel - Metatron - Tree of Life – Sephirot - Kabbalah - Qabala - Kether - Crown. Question: How Does Angel Metatron Represent Kether (the Crown) on Kabbalah's Tree of Life? Answer: