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The Virgin of the World: The Virgin of the World: Part I. Sacred Texts Esoteric Gnostic and Hermetic Index Previous Next Buy this Book at The Virgin of the World, by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, [1884], at p. 1 HAVING thus spoken, Isis first pours out for Horos the sweet draught of immortality which souls receive from the Gods, and thus begins the most holy discourse. Heaven, crowned with stars, is placed above universal nature, O my son Horos, and nothing is wanting to it of that which constitutes the whole world. It is necessary, then, that all nature should be adorned and completed by that which is above her, for this Order could not proceed from below to above. [of p. 2 of the greater mysteries over the lesser is imperative. Now, my wondrous child Horos, all this could not happen among mortals, for as yet they did not exist; but it took place in the universal Soul in sympathy with the mysteries of heaven.

[stars. p. 3 stars. [Hermes p. 4 [paragraph continues] Hermes when he laid down his books. [them p. 5 p. 6 p. 7. The Blue Roebuck. Almost every part of the female genitals eventually became personified as a Goddess, as did the fluids associated with them. The hymen was no exception, ruled by an eponymous Goddess later considered an emanation of Aphrodite. She carried a torch in one hand, a flute in the other, and wore a crown of flowers, symbol of sexual self-knowledge and maturity. Hymen is the Greek word for veil, the same one that 'no man draws asunder' among the Amazon Goddesses Athena, Medusa, and Neith.

Menstrual blood was the original blood, shed on the honeymoon, once a literal month. The connection between bees, fertility, and sexuality begins here. In Greek bees are called 'hymenoptera' veil winged. Aphrodite was represented by a honeycomb At Eryx in Sicily, and the priestesses were called Mellisae. The power and sanctity of menstrual blood 'Moon honey' was enshrined even in Olympian myths, for all oaths were sworn by the Goddess Styx, ruler and personification of the stream of Gaea's menstrual blood. The Heavenly Veil Torn: Cosmic Symbolism in the Gospel of Mark. [Originally published in Journal of Biblical Literature 110:1 (Spring 1991) pp. 123-25] Babylonian tapestry, with embroidery of blue and fine linen, of scarlet also and purple, wrought with marvelous skill. Nor was this mixture of materials without its mystic meaning: it typified the universe....

Then Josephus tells us what was pictured on this curtain: Portrayed on this tapestry was a panorama of the entire heavens.... [7] [emphasis mine] In other words, the outer veil of the Jerusalem temple was actually one huge image of the starry sky! The Veil Rent. 'Behold, the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.' -- MATT. xxvii.51. As I suppose we are all aware, the Jewish Temple was divided into three parts: the Outer Court, open to all; the Holy Place, to which the ministering priests had daily access to burn incense and trim the lamps; and the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest was permitted to go, and that but once a year, on the great Day of Atonement. For the other three hundred and sixty-four days the shrine lay silent, untrodden, dark. Between it and the less sacred Holy Place hung the veil, whose heavy folds only one man was permitted to lift or to pass.

To all others it was death to peer into the mysteries, and even to him, had he gone at another time, and without the blood of the sacrifice, death would have ensued. If we remember all this and try to cast ourselves back in imagination to the mental attitude of the ordinary Jew, the incident of my text receives its true interpretation.

I. II. III. Women and Their Affines: The Veil as a Symbol of Separation on JSTOR. Religious%20Veil. The Removing of Hijab in Iran. The Removing of Hijab in Iran Thursday, February 7, 2013 Compiled By: Firouzeh Mirrazavi Deputy Editor of Iran Review The forceful removing of hijab (Islamic code of dress for women) in Iran signified a special part of the contemporary Iranian history under the rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi during which Iranian women and girls were banned from wearing hijab including various kinds of chador, veil, and headscarf. The first signs of removing of hijab were seen at the royal court of the Qajar king, Nassereddin Shah, and among the intellectual circles.

However, it became official under the rule of Reza Shah. Under Qajar kings, frequent trips made by Iranian monarchs to Europe -- which made them familiar with the clothing of the European women -- greatly influenced the viewpoint of the Iranian royal court. The issue of “removing hijab” was gradually brought up in the form of a modernization drive in intellectual as also promoted by certain poets and the Iranian print media. Chaosophia218 — Joannes Janssonius - Selenographic Diagram... A Seeker's Thoughts: Veil Of Isis - Symbol and Mythology. "No mortal shall pierce the Veil of Isis. " -Ancient Egyptian Mystery This Ancient and Sacred statement is very similar to theopening cryptic lines of the Tao Teh Ching.

And although this statement tells us that no "mortal" shall pierce the Veil of Isis, it also alludes to the fact that The Veil can be pierced. However, it does not tell us how to pierce the Veil. As with many Ancient Teachings, we must look "inside" the Lesson itself in order to discover its True Meaning. Symbolically, a Veil represents something hidden; something concealed. And what is "Esoteric Knowledge"? But how can a Seeker or Initiate, who is mortal, "pierce" this Veil that we are told "no mortal shall pierce"? We must always remember that Infinite Truths cannot be accessed by the finite mind. The Seeker pierces the Veil not by using the mortal faculties of mind, reason, and logic, but by using the Spiritual Faculties of meditation, insight, and intuition. See also: "The Known, The Unknown and The Unknowable" The Veil.

Most people think of the veil solely in terms of Islam, but it is much older. It originated from ancient Indo-European cultures, such as the Hittites, Greeks, Romans and Persians. It was also practiced by the Assyrians. Veiling had class as well as gender implications; thus, the ancient Assyrian law required it of upper class women while punishing commoners for it. The strong association of veiling with class rank, as well as an urban/peasant split, persisted historically up until the last century. Compulsion of women, whether it is legal or culturally enforced, is the bulwark of any patriarchal system. Solar wind. History[edit] The existence of a continuous stream of particles flowing outward from the Sun was first suggested by British astronomer Richard C. Carrington. In 1859, Carrington and Richard Hodgson independently made the first observation of what would later be called a solar flare. This is a sudden outburst of energy from the Sun's atmosphere.

On the following day, a geomagnetic storm was observed, and Carrington suspected that there might be a connection. George FitzGerald later suggested that matter was being regularly accelerated away from the Sun and was reaching the Earth after several days.[1] Laboratory simulation of the magnetosphere's influence on the Solar Wind; these auroral-like Birkeland currents were created in a terrella, a magnetised anode globe in an evacuated chamber. Opposition to Parker's hypothesis on the solar wind was strong. Emission[edit] The Sun's corona, or extended outer layer, is a region of plasma that is heated to over a million degrees Celsius. Coptic apocryphal Gospels : Robinson, Forbes, 1867-1904, [from old catalog] tr. Which book of the Apocrypha did Paul use most? | Newman Research Centre for the Bible and its Reception.

Most readers of the New Testament are familiar with the idea that Paul used the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament). However, they might be more surprised to realise that he also makes frequent use of a range of Jewish religious writings that are not included in the Hebrew Bible (sometimes referred to as ‘apocryphal’). Which apocryphal book did he use the most and which of his letters reflect the influence of this group of writings? Our last wordcloud explored Paul’s use of the Tanakh (Hebrew scriptures) and identified which of them he used (quoted or alluded to) the most.

To most people, the idea that Paul was well versed in the Jewish scriptures is nothing new. After all, Luke (22:3) refers to Paul’s Pharisaic training under Gamaliel; one of the foremost leading teachers of the Law. Although Paul does not mention Gamaliel, he does refer to his Pharisaic experience (Phil 3:5) and his fervent religious commitment (Galatians 1:14 and 2 Corinthians 11:22). The Apocrypha in Paul’s writing.

Hand-held Coptic Cross Steatite Egypt 600 CE. Badge creator Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to your photos, your group or any other Flickriver view. You can place your badge on your Flickr profile, Blog or Website. Add to your iGoogle or Netvibes page Flickriver widget for iGoogle or Netvibes can display almost any Flickriver view - most interesting today, by user, by group, by tag etc. Once added to your personalized homepage, just edit widget settings to select your desired view. Clickr on one of the buttons below to install: Embed on your Web site To embed this view, Copy and Paste the following HTML code: Black background (preview): White background (preview): Firefox and Chrome addons Adds a 'Flickriver' button to your browser.

Install in FirefoxInstall in Chrome Search plugin Add 'Search on Flickriver' to your browser's search box. "View on Flickriver" Greasemonkey script Also, allows quickly viewing any Flickr photo on black background in large size. Install "View on Flickriver" script Bookmarklet. ›› ÇRÖSŠING ØVËR ‹‹ | Down the Rabbit Hole. ‹♦ Christianity was introduced to most of the African continent during the late 19th century by European missionaries. Ethiopia, however, is one of the few countries that practiced Christianity well before European colonialism.

In the 4th century, King Ezana of Ethiopia declared the state religion to be Orthodox Christianity and Ethiopian coptic crosses began to be produced. ♦› ‹♦ Ethiopian crosses are easily distinguishable from their beautiful baroque style lattice work. In general, elaborate geometric patterns are seen in Ethiopian art, so it’s not surprising this tradition was carried into their crosses. The overlapping designs are symbolic of an everlasting life and still hold that value in modern day. ♦› ‹♦ Originally, crosses were cut out of bone, wood, leather, or stone. ‹♦ Throw on an Ethiopian cross or beadwork to show off your faith or simply add some flair to your look!

Catholicism? - Cross. ESV - Mark 8:34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. ISR98 - Mark 8:34 And calling near the crowd with His taught ones, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his stake, and follow Me. CJB - Mark 8:34 Then Yeshua called the crowd and his talmidim to him and told them, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him say ‘No’ to himself, take up his execution-stake, and keep following me. Wikipedia - Stauros Stauros is the Greek word, usually translated cross, that in the New Testament names the device on which Jesus was executed. Britannica - The Cross Cross forms were used as symbols, religious or otherwise, long before the Christian Era... Wikipedia - Celtic cross Wikipedia - Ankh Wikipedia - Coptic cross There are a variety of Cross symbols used by the Coptic Christians.

Britannica - Cross Wikipedia - Sun cross. HOW THEY SAW THE COPTS: “AN EGYPTIAN PEASANT WOMAN AND HER CHILD” BY THE FRENCH PAINTER LÉON BONNAT: A STUDY IN HER COPTIC IDENTITY | ON COPTIC NATIONALISM في القومية القبطية. Figure 1: Self-portrait, Léon Joseph Florentin Bonnat, 1855 Léon Joseph Florentin Bonnat (1833-1922) was a French painter. This is not the place to give the reader a detailed biography of him.[1] There is no doubt that Bonnat is widely recognised as one of the greatest French painters with international reputation. He is renowned for his religious paintings, and many, including several Copts, are familiar with some of these, particularly his Christ on the Cross.[2] He is also famous as one of the best portraitists. But what interest us here are his Orientalist themes, of which at least one is Coptic.

Bonnat visited Egypt and Sinai in 1868/9 in a trip that took him also to Palestine, Turkey and Greece; a journey in which two other French painters accompanied him, Jean Leon Gerome[3] and Paul Lenoir,[4] and also a French writer, Edmond About.[5] Some of Bonnat’s famous paintings go back to the period of his stay in Egypt during that short sojourn.

. [9] Fellah is the Egyptian peasant. A General History of the Near East, Chapter 8. 226 to 570 (All dates are A.D. from now on.) This chapter covers the following topics: The Sassanian or Neo-Persian Empire The defeat and death of Artabanus V did not eliminate opposition to Ardashir, who now held western Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. A powerful coalition formed to restore the Parthians, led by King Khosrau I of Armenia (Remember that the Armenian kings were also Parthian at this point). Khosrau opened the passes of the Caucasus to bring in barbarians from Russia, and got promises of aid from the Roman and Kushan empires. One reason for Ardashir's success was that he reorganized Persia, turning it into a tightly centralized state. To encourage popular support, Ardashir kept reminding the people of Persia's proud past.

Zoroastrianism was unsuitable for export. To enhance their mystique, Ardashir and his successors surrounded themselves with a great deal of ceremony. The royal obsession with strong government was also expressed in architecture. Shapur I captures Valerian. Zenobia. Thoughts on Art | Judith Shaw - Life on the Edge | Page 2. Create Your Space You need a space for your creative work even if it’s only a small space.

In your creative space you can keep the tools you need, whatever they may be. Make it comfortable and practical. Take a moment to visual your space. Make it personal. Put things that inspire you; quotes, postcards, books, paintings, etc. Write down 5 things you’ll put in your space. Journaling Keep a little notebook with you always. Keep a journal by your bed. Take a moment to write down at least 2 sentences that pop into your mind. Sketching If some of your creative urges lean toward the visual, then you might like to try sketching what you see when you’re out and about.

Your Time You might discover a certain time of day which is your perfect time for creative work. Remove Distractions When in your space, in your time, be sure to turn off your phone, let the dog out, let your family know not to disturb you, etc. Meditation Meditation is wonderful. Pick a topic which interests you. EgyptSearch Forums: EUROCENTRIC WIKIPIDIA SAYS BLACK AFRICANS LEARNT CIRCUMCISION FROM ARABS AND JEWS!!WT. Coptic Chant at Chant the Rosary. EARTH AND HER SPECIAL PLACES: 24 THE CROSS (2)

Unurthed. Chapter 6: The meaning of the Ostentatio Mammarum and the pseudo-zygodactylous gesture. Chapter 6: The meaning of the Ostentatio Mammarum and the pseudo-zygodactylous gesture. Icons of the Matrix III. Icons of the Matrix III. The Goddess and the Bear: Hybrid Imagery and Symbolism at Çatalhöyük | Joan Marler. The Great Nation in Decline: Sex, Modernity and Health Crises in ... - Professor Sean M Quinlan - Google Books. Ldr7 india. Babylonian Goddesses. Athirat, or Asherah-of-the-Sea, the Phoenician Mother Goddess--Asherat mother goddess fertility goddess ocean goddess phoenician goddess syrian goddess phoenicia canaan, levant, levantine goddesses great goddess wicca wiccan thalia took.

Who Was Asherah? Theories on the Ancient Near Eastern Goddess | Mack Lannahan. Icons of the Matrix III. The Great Mother Goddess by Aset Moon. Woman Thou Art God: Goddess Symbolism Within Freemasonry by William Bond. Goddess as Queen Bee – Artemis of Ephesus. Chapter 6: The meaning of the Ostentatio Mammarum and the pseudo-zygodactylous gesture. Which book of the Apocrypha did Paul use most? | Newman Research Centre for the Bible and its Reception. The KGB Discovers Mummified Body of Ancient Alien ‘God’ Maafa 21. X Alphabet X. The She-King of Egypt/ราชินีฟาโรห์ ราชินีแห่งอียิปต์ Intro Page - Gary Osborn. LECTURE: The Monumental Agenda of Hatshepsut, Ancient Egypt’s Female King | American Research Center in Egypt.

SuperSoul Sunday on OWN. Making Contact with Kali : Gods/Goddesses. Totem Animals. WATER BUFFALO - Totem Talk. Buffalo Bison Power Animal Symbol Of Abundance – Shamanic Journey. Totem Animals. Buffalo Bison Power Animal Symbol Of Abundance – Shamanic Journey. Goddess Oya. Healing Power of Pomegranate. Origin of Romani traced to India | Rabwah Times. Gypsy History Overview | Gypsy Book Shop. Number 7 Symbolism, 7 Meaning and Numerology. Life Path Number 7 Numerology Definition. The Numerology of Lucky Sevens. Number 5 - Meaning and Symbolism. She Wolf Night: Sisters of the Valkyrie? (Part III) Goddess Isis. Why Does Isis Have Wings? | Isiopolis. Nekhebet. Virtual Museum - Nekhbet. Current Astrological Chart-Fixed Star Vega or Wega Talisman. History of the Swastika. Swastika. The symbol of the Swastika and its 12,000-year-old history. ARYANISM |  Aryan Diffusion (Part 5) Egyptian Gods. Society for Sacred Sexuality - Creating Global Change.

Society for Sacred Sexuality - Sacred Sex Art Archive. World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action : WABA. Myth Busts: The Enduring Legacy of Breast-Shaped Glassware. Untitled. Seven Streams of the Breast: The significance of breastfeeding and female roles in Mechthild of Magdeburg’s Flowing Light of the Godhead | Adrienne Damiani. For the Love of Breasts. Society for Sacred Sexuality - Sacred Sex Art Archive. The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy - Thomas Keightley - Google Books. Forums: Goddesses and Priestesses of Ancient Anatolia and Spain. EgyptSearch Forums: Goddesses and Priestesses of Ancient Anatolia and Spain.

HECAERGE, LOXO & UPIS : Nymphs of Hyperborea & the Island of Delos | Greek mythology, Nymphai Hyperboreiai. HECAERGE, LOXO & UPIS : Nymphs of Hyperborea & the Island of Delos | Greek mythology, Nymphai Hyperboreiai. UPIS, Greek Mythology Index. Play Music. Inka Goddesses. Miranda shaw | body divine yoga. Most of the Venus figures in Malta were found in or around temples, reinforcing the suggesting of an association with religious worship. | Pinterest | Maltese,… Ha del arte. Arte prehistorico on Pinterest | Chauvet Cave, British Museum and Venus. Chatillion-sur-Seine. Untitled. Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings. EWAO The Amazing Spiritual Nature of Breasts. The Spiritual Symbolism Behind Women’s Breasts. Breasts. Google Play Music. The Female Breast: Our Culture’s Obsession and Ambivalence - FemFaith - EEWC-Christian Feminism Today. Artemis of Ephesus.

Inka Goddesses. Queen of Heaven | Goddesses of the Ancient World.