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Inquiry Based Learning. Aprendizaje del Siglo XXI – 10 Formas de Enseñar y Aprender en el Aula. Leave a comment » Hola: Compartimos un interesante artículo sobre “Aprendizaje del Siglo XXI – 10 Formas de Enseñar y Aprender en el Aula” Un gran saludo. Visto en: | Imagen vista en: Acceda al artículo desde: AQUÍ También debería revisar: Aproveche las mejores OFERTAS en materiales educativos Más materiales: AQUÍ Cómo recibir en tu correo electrónico las publicaciones de El Blog de Gesvin Si crees que esta publicación se ganó un café dona uno haciendo clic en “Invitar un café”(Si no tienes cuenta Paypal puedes usar tarjeta de crédito y/o débito Visa, Mastercard, y más) Anuncios Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

Relacionado Aprendizaje del Siglo XXI - Las Escuelas se van Transformando | Infografía Hola: Compartimos una interesante infografía sobre "Aprendizaje del Siglo XXI - Las Escuelas se van Transformando" Un gran saludo. En "Educación y Tecnología" Aprendizaje del Siglo XXI - Aprendizaje Abierto y Flexible | eBook. 'Viaje a la Escuela del Siglo XXI': Paisajes de aprendizaje | #ViajeEscuela21.

Porqué los educadores deben crear un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLN) Por si todavía no estáis familiarizados con este término, un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje es el conjunto de personas de las que aprendemos, intercambiamos y compartimos información y experiencias online. Originalmente han sido principalmente la familía, los amigos y los educadores pero Internet y las herramientas 2.0 hace que en tu PLN ahora puedas incluir contactos sociales, compañeros de profesión o expertos en una materia y muchas comunidades.Puedes interactuar a través de redes sociales como Facebook, blogs, Twitter, wikis, Linkedin, marcadores sociales y muchos más.

La mayoría del aprendizaje hoy en día ocurre online ya que es fácil de encontrar y conectar con personas que tienen intereses similares a nosotros. ¿Cómo puedo utilizar mi PLN como educador? Aquí tienes un magnífico video que explica porqué crear tu PLN y cómo hacerlo. (Puedes poner subtítulos en español pulsando el botón rojo cc en la barra de abajo.) ¿Cómo puedo construir mi PLN?

Foto por John Taylor Meritxell Viñas. 8 Things To Look For In Today's Classroom - 8 Things To Look For In Today’s Classroom by TeachThought Staff What are the kinds of things you should look for in today’s classroom? The common response often begins and ends with technology, but as we’ve discussed often, it’s not about the technology.

To a point, illustration-guru Sylvia Duckworth repackaged ed leader George Couros’ take here by visualizing on the kinds of things you might notice in a modern classroom. We’ve added some related tools or opportunities for further reading to each item. Let us know in the comments which you think is the most important, or which you’d like to focus on in your classroom during the second half of the school year. 1. Students should learn from others and then share their learning. See also: 13 Different Tools To Help Students Find Their Voice 2. Strength-based learning. 3. Everyone (teachers, administrators, students) should write about and reflect on what is being learned.

See also: Helping Students Reflect On Their Learning 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 21st Century Standards and Resources. 21st Century Skills in Education. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. Skip to main content ALA User Menu A Division of the American Library Association You are at: » AASL » Learning Standards & Program Guidelines » Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Share this page: Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on Pinterest Print Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders.

Rights and permission on the use of the learning standards. Downloading & Ordering You can download the Learning Standards as an eight-page full-color pamphlet: You can also purchase the learning standards in packets of 12 from the ALA Online Store. Prices are $13.50 for members; $14.95 for non-members. *This publication complements the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action and Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs. © 1996–2017 American Library Association. Framework for 21st Century Learning. What are the 21st-century skills every student needs?

Alibaba.com5Learn more about this provideratpsidaRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits. Used for conversion tracking and to measure the efficacy of online ads.Expiry: SessionType: HTTPscaUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.Expiry: SessionType: HTTPtfstk [x2]Necessary for the implementation of video-content on the website.Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTPisgSets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTPBaidu4Learn more about this providerHMACCOUNT_BFESSUsed to send data to Baidu about the visitor's device and behavior.

Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTPHm_ck_#Used to send data to Baidu about the visitor's device and behavior. 9 Fundamental Digital Skills for 21st Century Teachers. December 30, 2016 As we have pointed elsewhere, ' in a digitally focused world, education is getting more and more digitized pushing us, teachers and educators, to re-conceptualize what it really means to be a teacher in the 21st century. Whether you are a technological determinist or a digital instrumentalist, technology has become an essential force shaping much of our teaching and pedagogy. It has also placed a number of demands and exigencies on us and to meet these exigencies we need to develop a set of key digital skills '. The visual below, based on a chart we shared in the past, features what we believe are some of the fundamental digital skills every 21st century teacher should possess.

We invite you to check it out and share with us your feedback in our Facebook page. You can download the visual below from this link. 9 ways to make education fit for the 21st century. By 2040, many of the children born this year will be joining the workforce. The world they find will be very different from ours today. How we work and live will be shaped by artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, synthetic biology and many other emerging technologies.

Education is key if we are to prepare students for the world of work, but are our education systems ready? In this time of fast-paced digital change, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, we need innovative places of learning that can provide the next generation with the skills of the future. This chart shows which countries are performing the best when it comes to pairing education with jobs in real life. Here at the World Economic Forum, the Global Agenda Council on Education has spent two years exploring how to build more innovative education systems. Play 1: Provide a compelling vision of the future Play 2: Set ambitious goals that force innovation Play 3: Create choice and competition Share. What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? 4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning.

4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning by Jennifer Rita Nichols The term “21st century” has become an integral part of educational thinking and planning for the future. Educators and administrators are actively searching for ways to prepare students for the future, and the educational system has been evolving faster than ever before. Various studies have shown us that rote memorization is not an effective learning strategy, and that teacher-centered classrooms may not be the most efficiently structured ones for student engagement. However, despite learning about the skills that students will need to develop to become successful in the 21st century, as well as what beliefs about education may be worth hanging onto or throwing away, schools and teachers are left trying to figure out what their role needs to be in the education of their 21st century students.

Nowadays, we don’t live in the same world. So then, what is the role of education in the 21st century? Society has changed. 1. 2. 3. 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years | TeachThought. 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years by Terry Heick The classroom is changing because the world is changing. That may not be as true as we’d like it to be–the pace of the change in education lags awkwardly behind what we see in the consumer markets. It could be argued that there’s been more innovation in churches and taxis than there’s been in libraries and schools, which is a special kind of crazy, but logical: “fields” that are dependent on consumer habits are far more vulnerable to disruption.

Education, being more or less perma-funded by governments and misunderstood by the public, is more built to resist change. But that doesn’t mean change isn’t happening (e.g., flipped classrooms, BYOD, maker movement), and the more isn’t on the way. Whole Class Instruction/Direct Instruction In what universe does standing up in front of 30 people to “teach” something make any sense? To “cover” it. Personalized learning and whole class instruction are enemies. Tests. 8 metodologías que todo profesor del siglo XXI debería conocer – BlinkEdTech. Redacción BlinkEdTech Las nuevas metodologías de enseñanza están cambiando los entornos educativos en todo el mundo e impulsando mejores resultados académicos de los alumnos. Repasamos algunas de los principales modelos innovadores que han forjado los profesores y que todo docente del siglo XXI debe conocer. Flipped Classroom (Aula Invertida) Una de las metodologías modernas que ha ganado más popularidad en los últimos años, el Flipped Classroom es un modelo pedagógico en el que el los elementos tradicionales de la lección impartida por el profesor se invierten – los materiales educativos primarios son estudiados por los alumnos en casa y, luego, se trabajan en el aula.

El principal objetivo de esta metodología es optimizar el tiempo en clase dedicándolo, por ejemplo, a atender las necesidades especiales de cada alumno, desarrollar proyectos cooperativos o trabajar por proyectos. Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Aprendizaje Cooperativo “Más fuertes juntos”. Gamificación Design Thinking. 8 metodologías que todo profesor del siglo XXI debería conocer – BlinkEdTech. 4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning. “El profesor del siglo XXI tiene que enseñar lo que no sabe” Considerado por The Economist como uno de los 50 pensadores más influyentes del mundo en el ámbito de la gestión empresarial, Senge se empezó a interesar por la educación tras el éxito en diferentes universidades de Estados Unidos de su best-seller La Quinta Disciplina. Publicado en 1990, el libro contiene las claves para hacer competitiva cualquier institución con una estrategia de aprendizaje diseñada por el propio Senge.

En 1991, fundó la Society for Organizational Learning (SOL), una red de innovación en el aprendizaje en la que participan más de 19 empresas y organizaciones y mil escuelas públicas y privadas de diferentes parte del mundo. Senge ha visitado Madrid para impartir un seminario de liderazgo a los profesores de la Institución Educativa SEK. Pregunta. ¿Cuáles son las principales transformaciones que debe afrontar la escuela? Respuesta. P. R. P. R. Hay que crear nuevas fórmulas para que los niños aprendan cosas sobre las que no hay respuestas claras P.

R. P. R. P. R. P. R. 14 cosas obsoletas en escuelas del siglo XXI | Educación y Cultura AZ. Decir que la escuela siempre ha sido así no cuenta como justificación legítima para que deba permanecer de esa forma. Alrededor del mundo, maestros y administradores están haciendo cosas asombrosas, como respuesta a todas las nuevas soluciones, investigaciones e ideas.escuelas No estoy diciendo que deberíamos mejorar el sistema actual… deberíamos cambiarlo por otro. Aquí una lista de 14 cosas que son obsoletas en las escuelas del siglo XXI y espero que inspiren un vivo debate acerca del futuro de la educación. 1. Salas de cómputo La idea de llevar una vez por semana a todo un grupo a una sala de cómputo con equipo anticuado, para practicar sus habilidades con el teclado y regresarlos al aula 40 minutos después es obsoleta. 2. Los salones pueden estar aislados en dos formas. Tony Wagner, autor de Global Achievement Gap, dice: “El aislamiento es el enemigo de la mejora”. 3. 4.

Quitar a los estudiantes celulares y tabletas en vez de usarlos para mejorar el aprendizaje es obsoleto. 5. 6. 7. 21st Century Learners. The Other 21st Century Skills. Many have attempted to identify the skills important for a learner today in this era of the 21st century (I know it is an overused phrase). I have an affinity towards the skills identified by Tony Wagner: Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination Today I viewed a slideshow created by Gallup entitled, The Economics of Human Development: The Path to Winning Again in Education. Here are some slides from this presentation. This presentation sparked my thinking about what other skills and attributes would serve the learners (of all ages) in this era of learning. GritResilienceHope and OptimismVisionSelf-RegulationEmpathy and Global Stewardship Grit Students can develop psychological resources that promote grit, tenacity, and perseverance.

Resilience. 10 Essential Skills for The 21st Century Worker/ Learner. A Very Good Checklist for Assessing 21st Century Learning Skills. January 29, 2015 Here is another great resource from Dr. Jackie Gerstein, one of our favourite EdTech bloggers. Jackie designed this beautiful chart featuring 12 attributes and skills that teachers should tend to in their instruction. You can use it as a self-assessment checklist to help you evaluate your teaching practice.

What I like the most about this chart is the fact that it emphasizes the social and affective component in learning, something which is often overlooked in today’s digitally-focused learning paradigms. These mechanical skill-based and market-oriented paradigms reduce students to ‘cheerful robots’ and view pedagogy as ‘merely a skill, technique, or disinterested method’ to teach pre specified subject matter' (Giroux, 2011). Jackie's set of attributes featured in this chart chime in with Giroux's view of education as a way of producing citizens who are 'critical, self-reflective, knowledgeable and willing to make moral judgements and act in a socially responsible way.'

Educación en el siglo XXI. Learning in and for the 21st Century - Learning through the 4C's. Viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI - EDUforics. Alfredo Hernando Calvo es psicólogo e investigador, facetas que une en su pasión por la innovación educativa. Desde el año 2013 dirige el proyecto, un viaje que durante dos años le ha llevado a conocer y a experimentar de primera mano con las escuelas más innovadoras de todo el mundo. A partir de esta experiencia, este autor ha elaborado un libro-guía para descubrir hacia dónde se encamina la escuela del futuro. “Viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI” es un compendio de acciones concretas y metodologías de innovación pedagógica que de un modo claro y organizado pueden ser adoptadas por cualquier centro.

El libro destila las mejores prácticas de la aventura que ha realizado el autor para hacerlas llegar desde los lugares más alejados del globo. A lo largo del libro, se presentan los principales pilares a partir de los cuales edificar una escuela social, participativa y exitosa en el siglo 21. Descargar libro aquí. 4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning. 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher. 21 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Do This Year.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. Flipped Classroom: clases invertidas para el aprendizaje del siglo XXI. La educación del futuro se basará en las inteligencias múltiples - Innovación pedagógica. 21st Century Essential Skills Resources. 20 Claves y 20 Escuelas del siglo XXI: descúbrelas… The Inside-Out School: A 21st Century Learning Model. 21st Century Learning. Framework for 21st Century Learning.

10 Estupendas Guías Didácticas sobre Innovación Educativa | eBook. La Evaluación de Estudiantes en la Era Digital | Comunidad UAM® TIC. Posibilidades de la Educación utilizando la nube. Paradigma del Sistema Educativo. Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigms (Spanish)

La Educacion del Siglo XXI. La educación del Siglo XXI. « Educación siglo XXI. New Technologies and 21st Century Skills. 34 Smart Ideas For Using Smartphones In The Classroom. Los 10 mandamientos Educación y TIC. Collaboration: Vital Skill for 21st century Students. 10 Things You Can Not Do in A 21st Century Classroom. Center for 21st Century Skills — Redesigning education for the 21st Century through the convergence of art, business, creativity, innovation, engineering, and science. Note Taking Skills for 21st Century Students.

10 Teaching Practices Every 21st Century Teacher should Do. 21 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Do This Year. 27 ways to becoming a 21st century teacher. 21st Century Education. 9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning. Las 33 Competencias Digitales que todo profesor(a) del siglo XXI debiera tener. 40 Ways Education Technology Will Be Used In The Future. 21th Century Education. 21st Century Learners. 21st Century Teachers. 36 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Be Able To Do.

4 Essential Rules Of 21st Century Learning. 10 Social Media Skills for The 21st Century Tea. Educators Need to be 21st Century Learners Too… How to Become a Better 21st Century Teacher Infographic. 33 Habilidades Digitales del Docente del Siglo XXI- Un portal de historia y TIC. Profes en el siglo XXI: 36 cosas a las que debes estar dispuesto/a. 21st century learner[1] 21st Century teacher[1] The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. 14 cosas obsoletas en escuelas del siglo XXI.