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My Favorite Screencasting Tool Now Works on Chromebooks. Screencast-o-Matic has been my favorite screencasting tool for years.

My Favorite Screencasting Tool Now Works on Chromebooks

I use it on my Windows and Mac computers to create almost all of the videos that you see on my YouTube channel. The one knock against Screencast-o-Matic has always been that it wouldn't work on Chromebooks. That has changed. Last fall Screencast-o-Matic launched a beta product that worked on Chromebooks. And yesterday that product left beta and is available to anyone who wants to use it. Midnight Lizard 讓所有網站都有夜間模式瀏覽效果(Chrome 擴充功能) Vidyard GoVideo -超棒螢幕錄影然後分享. 把 Google 行事曆插入 Gmail, Meetingbird 回信約行程利器. 你在 Gmail 中會不會常常收到許多要跟你約時間的郵件?

把 Google 行事曆插入 Gmail, Meetingbird 回信約行程利器

可能是要約定工作上的會議,可能要跟你做客戶拜訪,或者我還會常常收到要跟我討論講座課程時間的郵件,這些郵件中的內容可能是這樣:「請問您 10 月份哪一天比較有空檔?」 Nimbus 網頁操作截圖與電腦教學錄影,只需一個 Chrome 套件. 最近有朋友跟我推薦一個很類似 Evernote 的筆記服務,叫做:「 Nimbus 」。

Nimbus 網頁操作截圖與電腦教學錄影,只需一個 Chrome 套件

Email Dictation. Soapbox - A New Tool for Creating Screencast Videos on Chromebooks. Soapbox is a new tool from Wistia that makes it easy to create great screencast videos on a Chromebook or any computer that is using the Chrome web browser.

Soapbox - A New Tool for Creating Screencast Videos on Chromebooks

With Soapbox installed in the Chrome web browser you can quickly record your screen and your webcam at the same time. Soapbox is a little different from other screencast tools. Stop Motion Animator. LINE it! LINE it! 超讚分享按鈕,貼文到群組/個人首頁、收藏到 KEEP… 按一下搞定! 這是個好東西!

LINE it! 超讚分享按鈕,貼文到群組/個人首頁、收藏到 KEEP… 按一下搞定!

在一般智慧型手機上要轉寄看到的網頁或文字內容其實很簡單,就按下「分享」按鈕,就可以直接選擇 LINE, Email 或其他圖示轉傳出去。 Full Page Screen Capture - 將整個網頁內容截圖保存,畫質清晰使用簡易 - 就是教不落. 15 款生產力擴充套件改造 Google Chrome 變成辦公室工作平台. KilObit: How-To & Tutorials, Apps & Games, Hacks, Videos and lot more... Top 8 Best Extensions for Google Chrome | 2017 Free Download Here's some cool google chrome apps you might wanna install and use, every Extension is a very unique and does different tasks.

kilObit: How-To & Tutorials, Apps & Games, Hacks, Videos and lot more...

All of them are really helpful, please watch the video below to see what these Extensions can do and how they do. All download links are just below the video. Click on download link to download the your desire chrome Extension or just download all of them 'cuz they are cool. DOWNLOAD User Agent Switcher. User-Agent Switcher for Google Chrome. TabCloud Google Chrome Extension 2017 Tutorial. 12 Tools for Creating Videos on Chromebooks - A PDF Handout. 12 Ways to Create Videos On Chromebooks. It seems like every month there is a new tool for creating videos on Chromebooks.

12 Ways to Create Videos On Chromebooks

In the two months since I published my last post about making videos on Chromebooks, two more good options have presented themselves. Of course, creating a good video requires more than just picking the right tool for the job. The best Chrome extensions to boost your productivity in 2017. Thanks to the emergence of Web-based tools and services, most of us work primarily in the browser these days, and that means it’s our main productivity center.

The best Chrome extensions to boost your productivity in 2017

Google Chrome is far and away the most popular browser around and it supports a huge number of extensions, which are essentially plugins that add functionality to your browser. There are a ton of them that can help you get more work done in short order, while consuming less system resources than standalone apps and integrating more tightly into your workflow.

We’ve rounded up 28 of the best extensions to help you take notes, plan your day, tame your email inbox, research like a pro and stay on top of your workload, all without leaving your browser. Tip: Although these are designed for use with Chrome, you can actually use them with Opera too. Let’s dive right in, shall we? Writing and note-taking. 8 Ways to Create Videos on Chromebooks. A couple of days ago Tony Vincent Tweeted my list of tools for creating videos on Chromebooks.

8 Ways to Create Videos on Chromebooks

That list was last updated in November. Tony's Tweet prompted me to update the list again. The notable differences between this list and the last one is that I've removed Wideo because that service no longer offers any free options for teachers or students. I've also added three new tools in Sharalike, CaptureCast, and Magisto. Connected Mind: Draw unique maps in the browser. Note Anywhere. 【老電腦改造Chromebook重生】安裝篇- 打造 Chromebook 的 USB 開機碟. 如果家中有太老舊的電腦平時沒有使用, 丟棄又覺得可惜, 在家用網路環境極為便利的現在,不妨可利用 Cloudready 製作 Chromebook 的 USB 開機碟,將它重新打造為 Chromebook,平時用來連線上網、查詢資料,甚至要瀏覽 Youtube 影片都沒有問題,也為老電腦找出新的應用, 當然,就算不是老電腦也可隨時變身為 Chromebook。

【老電腦改造Chromebook重生】安裝篇- 打造 Chromebook 的 USB 開機碟

雖說從 Windows7開始,微軟也支援 Windows 由 USB 隨身碟開機,但限制較多,除了必須是32GB 容量的隨身碟外,存取速度也不能太慢,但 Cloudready 提供的 Chromium OS,只要8GB 以上的隨身碟即可製作為 USB 開機碟,且沒有讀取速度的限制,相容性也高,只要是2007年以後的電腦都可以支援,甚至是 Mac 上也能使用。 Cloudready 為 Chromium OS 的雲端作業系統 由 Neverware 推出的 Cloudready,是一套基於 Chromium OS 架構的雲端作業系統,由於自2009年11月19日開始,Chrome OS 以 Chromium OS 為名陸續發布其開發原始碼,而 Cloudready 就是與 Chrome OS 同源的 Chromium OS,因此透過 Cloudready 則可打造一個能夠安裝在 USB 隨身碟的 Chromium OS 雲端作業系統,之後再於其他具備 EFI(ExtensibleFirmware Interface;可擴展韌體介面)開機能力的老舊 PC 或 Mac 上,就可以透過 USB 開機,製作出類似 Chromebook 的電腦使用,沒錯,除了相容於 PC 上使用外,Mac 上也能支援使用。

Four Tools for Creating Screencasts on Chromebooks - A Comparison. In response to my latest Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week I received a bunch of requests for comparisons of screencasting tools that work on Chromebooks. So yesterday I made three screencast videos using three different screencasting tools. Add that to the one that I made on Friday with another screencast tool and you have four options for creating screencasts on a Chromebook. The four options are Nimbus Screenshot, TechSmith Snagit, CaptureCast, and Screencastify. TechSmith Snagit (Extension) Apps. Capture Webpage Screenshot Entirely. FireShot. Google Keep Chrome Extension. 超好用的Facebook粉絲專頁抽獎工具 Facebook Lottery,粉絲團小編必備! Home » Chrome, Facebook Werboy 發表於 2016/04/07 文/Werboy. PCM - News - PC - 舊PC重生,教你免費變 ChromeBook. 屋企有無舊 PC? 又或者幾年前的 Netbook 愈行愈慢? YouTube to MP3. 下載 Youtube 影片轉成 MP3 音樂檔(Youtube to MP3 Converter)

Youtube to MP3 Converter 是個很簡單的 YouTube 影片下載工具,其實也不只下載影片,下載完成後還會自動將整個影片轉檔成 MP3 音樂檔,讓我們同時擁有 YoouTube 影片檔與 MP3,方便隨時離線取用。 Youtube to MP3 Converter 的操作方法很簡單,就是貼上 Youtube 網址、選擇音樂檔的音質等級、設定檔案儲存位置,最後按下「Donwload」按鈕即可全自動下載、轉檔,相當簡單。 不過很可惜的是,Youtube to MP3 Converter 目前只支援一次下載一個影片,並不支援多影片批次下載或下載整個播放清單…等功能。 如果有需要批次下載功能,可改用 4K Video Downloader 或 Free YouTube Download 或 Freemake Video Downloader 等軟體。 ▇ 軟體小檔案 ▇ (錯誤、版本更新回報)軟體名稱:Youtube to MP3 Converter軟體版本:1.6軟體語言:英文軟體性質:免費軟體檔案大小:4.90 MB (免安裝版)系統支援:Windows XP/Win7/Win8/Windows 10官方網站: 安裝時請注意!

使用方法: Mic Note -Voice Recorder & Notepad. Docs Online Viewer. Office Online. 中文線上製作流程圖首選!專業水準完全免費 - 電腦玩物. 最近在研究可以畫出流程圖、架構圖、線路圖、網站模板等圖表的製作工具,一開始先研究單機的免費製圖軟體,發現知名的「 Dia 」、「 Pencil 」、「 Diagram Designer 」似乎剩「 Diagram Designer 」還有繼續更新(感謝網友提醒:Dia 也偶爾會有更新),但只能在 Windows 上使用,這也讓我轉而開始研究可以跨平台的線上工具。 線上的圖表製作工具還不少,除了我之前非常推薦的「 Cacoo 」之外,也讓我重新發現了今天要介紹的這個「 」。 為什麼要說是重新發現呢? 因為「 」前身叫做「 Diagramly 」,是一個已經發展多年的線上流程圖軟體,難能可貴的是,他一直保持「完全免費」,並且直到 2015 年的現在都依然持續更新(最近他們還發表文章說明自己保持永久免費的決心)。 Screencastify (Screen Video Recorder) Google Hangouts. Share to Classroom. LINE Chrome版, 沒有影片/語音.

Full Page Screen Capture. Chromebook 宣傳影片 中文字幕. 張賜賢介紹. Your devices working better together. Getting_Started_With_Your_Chromebook.pdf. 100 Best Chromebook Tips, Tricks and Time Savers. Getting started with a Google Chromebook is very easy so is being a normal Google Chromebook user. But to be a power user, you need to know some tips, tricks and secrets. Here is a few to get you started!

Towards the end of the list you will find tips mostly found on development channel or beta channel of Chrome OS. So if you are using stable version of Chrome OS and find a feature not working, do not worry, it will be there in few weeks time when Chrome team updates stable version. Thanks everyone who shared these tips on various forums and communities. Chromebook Tips, Tricks and Time Savers <img src=" alt="" width="448" height="212" />You can create a recovery media right from the Google Chromebook. Hope you learned a thing or two here. What to do When Your Chromebook is Offline. Chromebooks are designed for a connected world. But what happens when you are offline? Chromebook (Chrome OS) for Beginners. Chromebook Recovery Utility. Connecting your Chrombook to a projector.

A simple guide to connecting your Chromebook to your classroom projector. If you’re a teacher with a Chromebook chances are you’ll want to connect it to your classroom projector or display screen. Luckily most Chromebooks come with a built in HDMI port which allows you to use a wire to output your Chromebook’s screen to an external display. What you need:

Gmail Offline. Gmail Offline Sync Optimizer. Chromebook%20Tips%20and%20Trick.pdf. Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: Zoom in your screen on a Chromebook. Dragging and dropping on a chromebook. Chromebook touchpad tips - Chromebook Help. File System for OneDrive. File System for Dropbox. Evernote 資源整理. Hangouts. 如何為 Chromebook 取得 Chrome 好康優惠 - Chrome 作業系統說明. Dictation - Online Speech Recognition. Dropbox.