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Creating a Useful Camera Class. While developing the terrain engine for my current project I came across an interesting problem.

Creating a Useful Camera Class

I had these great big maps with fast load time and an easy to use class structure that fit perfectly with the rest of my engine's code, but I did not have any way of looking around. To solve my problem I decided to include in my engine a camera class so I would not have to manually set it to the position I wanted and then compile and run the program (a very time consuming process), and here is what I have come up with. An Introduction to Hash Tables with Chaining. Hash tables are data structures that are used when you are managing a large amount of data and need to be able find an item quickly.

An Introduction to Hash Tables with Chaining

They are used a lot in compilers, for example, to quickly find symbol table entries for identifiers in the source code. They could also be used in a text game to look items up in the player's inventory. Response Curves in XML for Game Parametrization. Introduction to XML Parametrization In a video game's source code, there are many parameters and magic numbers .

Response Curves in XML for Game Parametrization

For instance, the maximum speed for a character running might be 20 km/h, their weapon shoots 1.5 bullets per second, and when they stop their speed drops by 60% per second. A basic programming rule is to avoid using these 'magic' numbers directly in source code. Some of these numbers and parameters can be replaced with named constants, and some others are better located in configuration files (e.g.

XML), out of the source code. The advantages of taking the parameters out of the source code are well-known by video game programmers. One of the main points of parametrization files is that they can be configured by concept or level designers without any programming skills or access to source code changes. This article proposes an addition to this well-known design pattern, explaining a simple way to parametrize in XML the response curves that otherwise may be hard-coded.

Random Name-Generation Using Grammars. Overview I got the idea for this topic from reading the article "Algorithms for an infinite Universe" by Guy W.

Random Name-Generation Using Grammars

Lecky-Thompson on [1]. He describes the advantage of a game-environment like stars and terrain, which is not designed when the game was developed but is generated randomly. This saves disk space, provides the opportunity of traveling through an almost infinite universe and, above all, the stories of every game can differ.

In particular he describes a popular technique to randomly generate names for the universe known as the Markovian List [2]. Features - Algorithms for an Infinite Universe. In today's PC world, consumers enjoy high levels of sophistication in their products.

Features - Algorithms for an Infinite Universe

Given these experiences, it's no wonder that the depth of some games occasionally falls below the expectations of the target audience. Often, the chief cause of this is that the game is simply not big enough. Once the battles have been fought and the blood spilled, the player is left with something of an anticlimax. Even with the multi-megabyte resources at their disposal, game designers often run out of the space they need to distribute a truly huge game, especially when the images are photo-realistic in detail and the sound is composed of awesome thumping music and sampled explosions. In such cases of large assets, the game universe's size suffers the first cut. This, however, need not be the case.

There are three main areas in which the application of algorithms can give the player the feeling of being in an infinite universe: PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API. Reconstructing visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies. - GallantLabUCB. Architecture, Business, Engineering, IT, Humanities, Science.

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Youtube Ländersperre umgehen - Simpler gehts nicht !

- Dieses Video enthält Content von “XYZ”. Studium. Fun&humour. Geeky. Security. Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. Games. Software. Manatees, Manatee Pictures, Manatee Facts. Manatees are sometimes called sea cows, and their languid pace lends merit to the comparison.

Manatees, Manatee Pictures, Manatee Facts

However, despite their massive bulk, they are graceful swimmers in coastal waters and rivers. Powering themselves with their strong tails, manatees typically glide along at 5 miles (8 kilometers) an hour but can swim 15 miles (24 kilometers) an hour in short bursts. Manatees are usually seen alone, in pairs, or in small groups of a half dozen or fewer animals. From above the water's surface, the animal's nose and nostrils are often the only thing visible. Manatees never leave the water but, like all marine mammals, they must breathe air at the surface. There are three species of manatee, distinguished primarily by where they live. Manatees are born underwater. Manatee calves drink their mothers' milk, but adults are voracious grazers. Manatees are large, slow-moving animals that frequent coastal waters and rivers.

