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European Digital Inclusion

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YouRockJobs sur Twitter : "➽NEW: over 600 #joboffers & #internships across #Europe by @All4YOUth #entrylevel #graduates. All4YOUth - Job offers. Ian Clifford sur Twitter : "#Europe, YouRock! 2000 users & counting! @yourockjobs #youth #careers #Jobs. YouRock. YouRock.Jobs. EU employment package – creating jobs, reforming the labour market. Recommendations to national governments call for coordinated action on job creation, labour-market reforms, investment in skills, matching jobs and jobseekers, employment policies and funding.

EU employment package – creating jobs, reforming the labour market

Job creation is one of the EU’s most pressing concerns as it struggles to emerge from the economic crisis. Unemployment has risen to record highs – about 24.5 million people are unemployed , over 10% of the workforce. In response, the Commission is making a package of recommendations – both general and sector-specific – on the best ways to boost demand for workers and help people find jobs. The recommendations aim to provide jobseekers with more training and more job opportunities. General recommendations include: encouraging job creation through support for businesses, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, including decent and sustainable wages targeting key industries where jobs are being generated: the green economy, health and social care sector, digital economy, etc. 10 Social Innovation Projects To Tackle Unemployment In Europe.

YouRock - a youth employability social network - Projects - Business - Sidmouth - Crowdfunding, UK fundraising platform for social and creative projects. This Crowdfunding requestThis request is for the initial funds to establish the YouRock website, a social network with an employability purpose specifically for the under 25s in the UK and Europe.

YouRock - a youth employability social network - Projects - Business - Sidmouth - Crowdfunding, UK fundraising platform for social and creative projects

It will be complementary to LinkedIn, helping young people to bridge the gap while they build a career history. YouRock will encourage young people to use their existing online content creation activities as evidence of their latent skills and aptitudes. It will involve teachers and tutors in endorsing these skills to help develop a richer career networking profile for them. I want to create the website in a voluntary hackathon with the best young programmers from across Europe in November. Your investment will pay for the costs of organising the hackathon including the travel and accomodation expenses for ten programmers.

Is it really needed? “LinkedIn is not forgiving. Jobs and Skills for Youth: How Telecentres can Make a Difference. A young Romanian completes a Skillage application The demand for employees with ICT skills in Europe is growing considerably: as many as 900,000 ICT job vacancies are forecasted to remain unfilled by 2015.

Jobs and Skills for Youth: How Telecentres can Make a Difference

At the same time, young Europeans are gravely affected by unemployment: 23.5% of Europeans under 25 years old are out of work. What is even more worrying is that 14 million young people in Europe are currently neither in employment, education, nor training of any kind (the so-called NEETs). The social and economic consequences of not integrating this population in activities that direct them to employment or learning will be serious and long-term. Telecentres in Europe have an opportunity to do something about this issue and contribute, together with other agents (within the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs), to practical solutions. IWA Italy Web Skills Profiles. ICT4GROWTH - Business Aid for Implementing Investment projects in the Development and Provision of Innovative Products and Value-Added Services.

New youth ICT test “Skillage” now live! - Online Community - Foundation. Skillage is an online software application that helps young people to understand the more sophisticated ICT skills needed for the job market.

New youth ICT test “Skillage” now live! - Online Community - Foundation

Developed by Telecentre-Europe with the support of Microsoft, this youth assessment tool is now available in 20 European countries as a Beta online and will be promoted via social media channels. A number of studies have highlighted the shortcomings in young peoples’ ICT skills for the modern workplace, and that ICT will be a part of 90% of jobs in the near future.

There is a growing body of education professionals who believe that when young people leave school, their ICT skills have already not kept pace with the changing world of technology. School ICT curricula across Europe does not yet include social media, or the cloud, or many areas of ICT other than basic functional computer use. EURIM - the Information Society Alliance - home page. European Internet Foundation. IS UNIT WEB SITE - IPTS - JRC - EC. Starting date: December 2010 Duration: 24 months Client: European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, Unit Jean Monet, partnerships and relations with agencies (EAC A3) Objective: Identify the key components of Digital Competence (DC) in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be digitally competent; Develop a DC framework/guidelines that can be validated at European level, taking into account relevant frameworks currently available; Propose a roadmap for the possible use and revision of a DC framework for all levels of learners.


Outcomes: (1) a consolidated draft proposal for a DC framework, applicable at all levels of education, including non-formal settings (2) roadmap on how to realise and revise the DC framework. Rationale: With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences (Official Journal L 394 of 30.12.2006), Digital Competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union. Stiftung Digitale Chancen. Tech All Stars - Tech All Stars. DISCO Portal. Home - e-Skills Week - European Commission. Launches web portal to help young women pursue technology careers.

24 January 2012 – The United Nations launched a new web portal today focusing on helping girls and women access job opportunities, training and career advice in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector.

launches web portal to help young women pursue technology careers

The website – – was designed to inspire and help young women between the ages of 11 and 25 prepare for and pursue careers in technology by providing them with useful resources such as links to scholarships, internships, ICT contests and awards, tech camps and online networks where they can interact with other women working in an industry that is largely male-dominated. “It’s a little-known fact that women were the original programmers of ENIAC, the US Government’s first ever computer. But while teenage girls now use computers and the Internet at rates similar to boys, they are five times less likely to consider a technology-related career,” the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said in a news release.

The Kinect at Lakeside Center for Autism. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. IAB Europe. Telecentre-Europe - Website. Telecentre-Europe Ning community. Fundaţia EOS Romania. Prima pagina. It's all about the people. ATEA : Titulinis. Telecentar - vaš vodič u svijet novih medija. Stiftung Digitale Chancen. Peabody - Homepage. Umic - Início. LIKTA. Best e-services, e-business solutions and innovations, e-facilitators received Platinum Mouse 2013 award during the LIKTA annual conference on December 5, 2013 Latvia’s National ICT award "Platinum Mouse" is organised already for 7 years by Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) to highlight the best and most innovative e-services, ICT and e-business solutions, to select the best e-skills facilitators. LIKTA meets with Mrs Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European CommissionOctober 1, 2013, Rīga, Latvia In the frame of Mrs Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission visit to the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) LIKTA − Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association − had a meeting with European Commissioner in order to discuss important topics related to Digital Agenda for Europe goals.

Stiftung Digitale Chancen. Digital inclusion. Interface3. Get Online Week 2011. Telecentre-Europe TV. Telecentre Europe facebook page. Get Online Week 2012. Telecentres Youtube. Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.

To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. This item has been hidden. 3 things I learned this year: a New Year's message from Neelie Kroes. The Yellow Smiley Face‬‏ Get Online Week 2012 is a digital inclusion campaign on 26th-30th March in Telecentres: public internet centres in NGOs, libraries & education venues.

The campaign is organised by Telecentre-Europe AISBL supported by the European Commission and a number of international organisations, including Microsoft, Liberty Global, European Broadcasting Union and Get online week 2012 will help people to get online, find work, learn new essential ICT skills, and get more out of life. It will bring together 5.000 telecentres in at least 50 countries across Europe, Eurasia and Africa to support at least 200.000 people in their online journeys. This year, the telecentre networks involved will use new learning products that will support the themes of intergenerational learning, youth employability, active aging, civic participation, social engagement and women in ICT. After that, during the Get Online Week, facilitators will train end users at local level using these tools.

Tc_europe Twitter. Expanding horizons and changing attitudes. Ældremobiliseringen. Diary of a Digital Activist 2011 - telecentre-europe. EC: Digital Agenda. Innovation For Digital Inclusion Conference - welcome. Information Society - Digital Agenda Scoreboard. DAA Dashboard.