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Makes it easy to work in groups.

270+ Tools for Running a Business Online Last August we featured a post with more than 230 online apps for running your business. Since there are hundreds of new apps coming on the market every year, we figured it was time for an update. This year we came up with more than 270 additional apps. Some are completely new since last year, others might have been overlooked, and still others made significant improvements that gained them a spot on the list. Accounting, Billing, Invoicing, Estimating & Contracts LiteAccounting - Invoice and track payment from your customers without a bunch of extra, useless features. Invoice Journal - Free invoicing program. endeve - Issue invoices, manage clients and check revenues all in one place. ContractPal - Take your contracts and forms paperless and have them completed, validated, signed and processed online. Bootstrap - Online bookkeeping software that lets you track sales and expenses, organize your records for tax time, and more. Mumboe - Online contract and business agreement management app.

Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming - MindMeister Galette La nouvelle version de Galette, 0.8.3, est désormais disponible au téléchargement ! Quelques nouveautés, quelques bogues corrigés sont au programme de cette nouvelle version. Vous pouvez consulter le changelog complet pour davantage de détails. Il s’agira de la dernière version de la série 0.8 du projet, ce qui signifie que je n’ajouterai pas de nouvelles fonctionnalités au projet avant la sortie de la version 0.9 (qui est déjà sur les rails depuis un certain temps, voire un temps certain, mais sur laquelle il reste encore du travail, bien entendu). D’ici très peu de temps, les branches develop de Galette et des plugins passeront en 0.9 ; et ne seront pas particulièrement fonctionnelles, de même que la version nightly. La documentation suivra très certainement, il faudra que je parvienne à me motiver :D La suite... En attendant, vous pouvez tester la dernière Galette, participer aux listes de diffusion, et aussi faire des dons (il y a un bouton pour ça juste à droite !

Great tech resources for the classroom 20+ Free Press Release Distribution Sites Following up on the advertising toolbox, you also need to let the media (oh if only there was a site about web 2.0 and social networking where you could get covered...) know about your new venture. We've gathered 20+ sites that will help you with getting your press release out in the world for free. And don't forget to check out our post where you can suggest future toolbox topics! - Free release distribution with ad-support - Free distribution, paid services gives you better placement and permanent archiving. - Distributs to sites like Google News and, Gold level will also get you to sites like LexisNexis. - Focuses on ecommerece and requires you include an image, 3 keywords and links. - Free distribution company with offices in 12 states. - Easy press release distribution for free, more features for paid accounts. - Ad supported press distribution site. - Collaborative mind mapping in your browser Phenix - Gestion d'agenda partagé multi-utilisateurs et multi-vues Excellent Lessons & Units for Classroom Use User feedback and concept testing with Verify Collaborative Thinking While enterprise social networking has been covered extensively in the media and by IT analyst firms, one of the least discussed aspects of the topic has been the issue of design and the potential impact of design on employee adoption of such tools and applications. At the June Enterprise 2.0 Boston conference, I presented a session, “Design Considerations For Enterprise Social Networks: Identity, Graphs, Streams & Social Objects”, in hopes of drawing attention to the issue and to spark conversation around design practices. The session did not focus on any particular user interface (UI) technique or product implementation (e.g., e-mail, community site, social collaboration platform, etc.). Instead, the information was presented at a holistic and inter-disciplinary level, covering a collection of related issues: Affordance-centered designSocial theory and designWork and personal valueBlended user experiencePsychology of adoptionEnterprise architecture

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