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Cloud computing. Le Cloud Computing. ZeroPC - Your content navigator for the cloud. Gestion Finance. OpenERP. Big DATA | Analyse predictive. 6.1.4. Big Data. 2 – Big data / Data mining. Big Data projet. Big Data - Gestion données de masse. Specification - GSoC Graph Streaming API - Gephi:Wiki. Student: Andre Panisson Mentor: Mathieu Bastian Goal of the Project The goal of this project is to set up a framework for graph streaming in Gephi.

Specification - GSoC Graph Streaming API - Gephi:Wiki

A high-quality API proposal should be sufficiently general to provide interoperability with other available tools. The more general is the API proposal, a larger number of tools should be able to implement it and to interoperate. Specifications A unified framework for graph streaming should include functionalities to add, remove and modify graph entities (nodes and edges), and also operations to retrieve and monitor graph information. The Graph Streaming API can be divided in 2 different types of operations, grouped by functionality. A totally new API called StreamingAPI will be created, based in the current ImportAPI, which already separates importing from processing data to the main data structure by using a container.

Operations The first group consists of read operations, and do not imply in any change in the graph: Getting started — Hector - Java Client for Cassandra. Let’s first create our Cluster object which represent a Cassandra cluster.

Getting started — Hector - Java Client for Cassandra

Note that the name is only for Hector to identify it and it is not linked to the real Cassandra cluster name. In order to make the code clear, let’s also import the whole API package.: import me.prettyprint.hector.api.*; ..... Let’s set up the schema: ColumnFamilyDefinition cfDef = HFactory.createColumnFamilyDefinition("MyKeyspace", "ColumnFamilyName", ComparatorType.BYTESTYPE); KeyspaceDefinition newKeyspace = HFactory.createKeyspaceDefinition("MyKeyspace", ThriftKsDef.DEF_STRATEGY_CLASS, replicationFactor, Arrays.asList(cfDef));// Add the schema to the cluster.// "true" as the second param means that Hector will block until all nodes see the change.cluster.addKeyspace(newKeyspace, true); Once the schema is created, the previous call will throw an exception saying that the Keyspace we are trying to create already exists.

Keyspace ksp = HFactory.createKeyspace("MyKeyspace", myCluster); REST API v1.1 Resources. Getting Started Using the Cassandra CLI. The Cassandra CLI client utility can be used to do basic data definition (DDL) and data manipulation (DML) within a Cassandra cluster.

Getting Started Using the Cassandra CLI

It is located in /usr/bin/cassandra-cli in packaged installations or $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cassandra-cli in binary installations. To start the CLI and connect to a particular Cassandra instance, launch the script together with -host and -port options. It will connect to the cluster name specified in the cassandra.yaml file (which is Test Cluster` by default). For example, if you have a single-node cluster on localhost: $ cassandra-cli -host localhost -port 9160 Or to connect to a node in a multi-node cluster, give the IP address of the node: $ cassandra-cli -host -port 9160 To see help on the various commands available: For detailed help on a specific command, use help <command>;. [default@unknown] help SET; Cassandra concepts, patterns and anti-patterns.

Cassandra Data Model. Veille Techno. Projet Big Data. BIG DATA. Veille perso. Other Cloud. Cloud Computing. Le Cloud Computing. La révolution Cloud Computing. Logiciel : cinq tendances clés pour les années à venir. En croissance de 7,5 % par rapport à 2010, les revenus générés par les logiciels destinés aux entreprises atteindront 254 milliards de dollars (185 milliards d'euros) en 2011, selon le cabinet d'analyses Gartner.

Logiciel : cinq tendances clés pour les années à venir

"Les entreprises recherchent toujours plus d'agilité dans le développement, le déploiement et l'exploitation des logiciels qui constituent le cœur de leur système d'information" résume Tom Eid, Vice-Président du cabinet. Selon Gartner, l'expansion économique du Brésil, de la Russie, de l'Inde et de la Chine (BRIC) va être le principal relais de croissance pour les éditeurs. L'influence de ces pays sur la façon dont les logiciels sont conçus se ressentira jusqu'en occident. Le cabinet d'analyses a donc identifié les cinq tendances de fond qui, dans les années à venir, modifieront la façon dont ces logiciels sont conçus et utilisés par les entreprises.

DATA - big - open - cloud. Cloud. Open Stack.
