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Mode - The Collaborative Analytics Platform for Data Analysts. Nextcloud. Power Tools - Google Sheets add-on. Awesome Python. Votre Dashboard personnel. Stack of Stack - A curated list of the best curated lists. Base de données web. LargerIO Technology Lookup. Update. Scrivito - The Professional Cloud-Based Rails CMS. The Best Hacks - All Startup Hacks You'll Need To Scale Fast. La boîte à outils pour start-ups - Entrepreneuriat - Pragmatic Entrepreneurs Forum. Ce forum est un espace de discussion dédié à l’entraide entre entrepreneurs.

La boîte à outils pour start-ups - Entrepreneuriat - Pragmatic Entrepreneurs Forum

Besoin de conseils (stratégie, croissance, growth hacking, business) pour votre société ? Contactez-nous ! Pour bien commencer Créez un compte et complétez votre profil (photo, bio, nom complet…)Visitez la FAQ pour connaître les règles du forumAllez sur Top pour voir les discussions les plus actives de l’année / mois / semaineVisitez Catégories pour avoir une vue d’ensemble de ce qu’il se dit ici Aide et Feedback Si vous voulez nous faire faire part d’une idée à propos du forum, n’hésitez pas à créer un sujet dans Meta pour en discuter. Coggle - Simple Collaborative Mind Maps.

Primer by Google – Applications Android sur Google Play. 15 outils de curation incontournables – Les outils de la veille. Que ce soit dans le cadre d’une veille ou pour organiser le flux incessant d’informations qui nous submerge tous, les outils de curation sont devenus des services indispensables. La curation est plus qu’une mode passagère, elle s’inscrit dans un mouvement de fond sur le web pour répondre à l’infobesité et au surf permanent. La curation est aussi un bon moyen pour promouvoir une marque , sa réputation en ligne ou encore pour générer du traffic vers son site en ligne. Les outils et services de curation sont très nombreux. RIOT – Radical Image Optimization Tool – A free program designed to efficiently optimize images for the Web. What is RIOT ?

RIOT – Radical Image Optimization Tool – A free program designed to efficiently optimize images for the Web

Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize. It uses with a side by side (dual view) or single view interface to compare the original with the optimized image in real time and instantly see the resulting file size. It is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users.

Cleanfox - Clean your Inbox, Save the Earth. Télécharger Blisk (gratuit) Produits pour les ISV et les grandes entreprises. Digital corsaire – Growth-hacking — Digital Corsaire – Agence Growth-Hacking. Article sans liens sponsorisés.

Digital corsaire – Growth-hacking — Digital Corsaire – Agence Growth-Hacking

Web Services (AWS) – Services de cloud computing. Toggl - Free Time Tracking Software. The Rust Programming Language. Envoyez du push. Intelligemment. Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE. Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester. Tracker Basics - GHOSTERY. Chances are, you visit a huge array of different websites every day.

Tracker Basics - GHOSTERY

What you might not know is that while you do that, there is an “invisible web” at work: companies are following your activities, collecting your data, and using it in various ways. They do it through technology known as “trackers.” There are thousands of such trackers from different companies, and they are active all the time, even though you don’t see their activity and may not be aware of what’s happening. This is true on the websites you visit from desktop or laptop computers, and on mobile apps as well. Trackers are neither inherently good nor inherently bad — they are a fact of life and their purposes vary widely, from the helpful to the potentially creepy.

Trackers can cause problems as well. There can also be security concerns. Ultimately, though, how you feel about being tracked is a personal issue. To further complicate matters, lots of people feel differently about trackers depending on the situation. Clone Zone. Pollstr. Privacy Policy This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online.


PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website. What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our blog, website or app?

When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information or other details to help you with your experience. Wayback Downloader - Download Complete Sites From the Wayback Machine. Website Language Translator Google Plugin Tutorial Add Code and Style. Ajax Translator Revolution Pro - PHP Scripts. Ajax Translator Revolution Pro Ajax Translator Revolution Pro is a tool for translating websites, with a friendly user interface.

Ajax Translator Revolution Pro - PHP Scripts

Provides a set of options to customize the translator to accomplish any translation task, such as: Translate AJAX generated text Translate cufon text Select exactly what parts of the page should be translated and exclude others Remember user selected languages and auto translate feature Show languages flags and names, or just names, or just flags 74 documented options to customize There are 10 colors skins to choose from, they come in 4 styles and 2 variants, totalizing 80 different skins.

Traduire un site Wordpress en plusieurs langues. Web Analytics in Real Time. Imacros. The Ultimate Database of Growth Hacking and Marketing Tools. Smart Quality Check & Premoney Valuator® » Valoro Path. C'est rapide et totalement anonyme: vous ne devez pas vous inscrire sur le site, nous n'enregistrons ni ne conservons aucune donnée personnelle ou sensible concernant les utilisateurs de notre plateforme.

Smart Quality Check & Premoney Valuator® » Valoro Path

Cochez, pour chacune des 58 questions, une seule réponse, celle qui correspond le mieux à votre situation. Les meilleures alternatives à Google Analytics. WhatTheFont! #smartdata on Tagboard. Plateforme SEO : audit gratuit en ligne et rapport complet. Streak - CRM in your Inbox. WiseStamp Email Signatures » The Best Email Apps for You! Calendly - Scheduling appointments and meetings is super easy with Calendly.

Cart2Cart - Automated Shopping Cart Migration Service. Logiciel de Ventes, GRC & gestion de pipeline - Pipedrive.

A tester

7 Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Know About — blog. As an entrepreneur you have to wear a lot of hats.

7 Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Know About — blog

Working in a small organization means you often need to fill the duties of what in a bigger company would be several different people. For a long time, in addition to being CEO I was also acting CFO, COO, Head of Sales & Marketing, and Product Manager. None of that would have been at all possible without the use of some of these killer tools, many of whom turned out to be real life-savers. In this post I've highlighted 7 of my favorites. To keep it interesting, I've also tried to pick some less obvious ones you may not have heard of. Get More Customers To Take Action. Visite guidée. Outil de prospection : les meilleurs outils pour prospecter sur Internet. Which Programming Language Should I Learn First? Learn to code.

Build a Website — Squarespace. Whether you want to create a blog, eCommerce store, portfolio, or all of the above, you can express your idea with a website powered by our elegant yet intuitive platform.

Build a Website — Squarespace

Businesses From goods to services, every business needs a space online to bring in customers. Squarespace gives you full control over your company's image with beautiful eCommerce website templates that feature powerful marketing tools and more. Artists. 10 Israeli Startups to Watch in 2015. Dennis Mitzner lives in Tel Aviv where he does content strategy, writes about start-ups, technology trends and politics.

10 Israeli Startups to Watch in 2015

You can find him on Twitter. The Israeli start-up scene is saturated with newcomers fighting for a spot in the limelight. The following 10 companies have passed some key hurdles and challenges that make them an interesting watch for investors and consumers around the world. The list comprises an eclectic list of start-ups that are either breaking into the mainstream in their respective industries, or are still at early stages, but look to make significant inroads in the next few months. Application Performance Management & Monitoring. Demonstration HTML Test Page. Web Pages 2. Free Web & Mobile Prototyping (Web, iOS, Android) and UI Mockup Tool.

DevDocs/HTML. HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the most basic building block of a webpage and used for creating and visually representing a webpage. It determines the content of a webpage, but not its functionality. HTML adds "markup" to standard English text. Hyper Text refers to links that connect Web pages to one another, making the World Wide Web what it is today.

By creating and uploading Web pages to the Internet, you become an active participant in the World Wide Web once your site is online. HTML supports visual images and other media as well. UserTesting: Usability Testing Made Easy. The 23 Best Business Tools Built By Startups. You might not realize it, but some of the best new tools available for business owners today are being made by startups.

Here are 23 tools and apps I love and use that could make your business better: 1. Readdle. 47 Amazingly Cool Free Applications for Doing Data ScienceData-Mania by Lillian Pierson. PlagSpotter - Online Duplicate Content Checker Tool. A Free Web & Mobile App for Reading Comfortably — Readability. DownThemAll! Continuous Improvement, SWOT analysis, Goals tracking. Visualization And Organization Tools. Over-Graph, Social Media Management. Firebase - Build Realtime Apps. Zapier, où le chaînon manquant entre tous vos services web... Mar132015 Bizarre bizarre, 2 vendredis 13 qui se suivent... et le même rédacteur de garde. CloudWeaver. Tools. Free Online OCR - convert scanned PDF and images to Word, JPEG to Word.

100 outils web gratuits pour tout faire sur Internet. Dans un passé qui n’est pas si lointain, nous utilisions de nombreux logiciels de bureau. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. 20 Autres outils SEO gratuits et indispensables. Keyword suggestion tool — Google suggest scraper — Übersuggest. The Joel Test Updated For Programmers. A while back—the year 2000 to be exact—Joel Spolsky wrote a blog post entitled: “The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code.” Many software engineers and developers use this test for evaluating a company to determine if a company is a good company to work for. In fact, many software development organizations use the Joel Test as a sort of self-test to determine what they need to work on. Here is what the Joel Test looks like, in case you aren’t familiar:

Business Management. Testeur de résolution d'un site - tester resolution affichage taille ecran page site testeur de résolution d'un site design screen size extensible resolution d'un site test page kit graphique resolution 800*600 taille ecran apparence tester la résolution. Diffusez votre veille sous la forme d’infographies. TextWrangler. TextWrangler TextWrangler is an all-purpose text and code editor for Mac OS X, based on the same award-winning technology as BBEdit, our leading professional HTML and text editor. We will be eventually retiring TextWrangler from our product line, and so we encourage anyone interested in TextWrangler to download and use BBEdit instead. We’ve put together a handy chart comparing BBEdit and TextWrangler, to help you out.

Should I upgrade to BBEdit? BBEdit is TextWrangler’s elder sibling. Segments avancés Google Analytics : tutoriel et exemples. Tools - Cool Infographics. Adioma creates information graphics out of your textual data, using timelines, grids and icons. Create impressive charts from spreadsheets.

Assemble into dashboards, embed in websites, or simply share a link. A Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation Cacoo is a free online drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site map, flowchart, mind map, wire frame, UML diagram and network diagram. Crowdsourced Analytics Solution Marketplace - Make Sense of Big Data Free interactive charts created online in seconds ChartGo is an online graph maker tool. Simply choose your settings, enter your data and hit create. 7 outils en ligne pour avoir une vidéo professionnelle. Soople. Outils de présentations. 5 raisons d'adopter un style vestimentaire...

La boîte à outils pour start-ups - Entrepreneuriat. Mail-in-a-Box. StarDust - The digital testing company. Top Internet Marketing Tools. Shows server headers for a webpage. The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a small desktop program you can install locally on your PC, Mac or Linux machine which spiders websites' links, images, CSS, script and apps from an SEO perspective. It fetches key onsite elements for SEO, presents them in tabs by type and allows you to filter for common SEO issues, or slice and dice the data how you see fit by exporting into Excel. The Page Speed family of tools is designed to help you optimize the performance of your website. Page Speed Insights products will help you identify performance best practices that can be applied to your site, and Page Speed optimization tools can help you automate the process. Monitorez votre performance digitale ! Learn how CrowdCurity bug bounty platform works. IP PBX. Zapier – like IFTTT but with way more connections.

Restlet - Api. - spécialiste du traitement de données.