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Moon phase energy. Moon Phases Calendar Current, past, and future Moon phases can be explored below in this Moon Phases calendar.

Moon phase energy

Moon or Lunar Phases Something new is born; or the "seeding" of something new. We are acting with spontaneity, from a place of instinct. All information has not been revealed to us yet. Keywords: Initial urge; Instinct; Projection A time for collecting information, making contacts and learning more about our plan or project. Keywords: Activation; Striving; Future Issues emerge that require taking action or making adjustments. Keywords: Clearing; Action; Building. Moon Phase Horoscopes. The moon and its position within our celestial sky holds a powerful frequency that affects our day to day beingness here on Earth.

Moon Phase Horoscopes

The moons electro-magnetic frequency as it waxes and wanes each month effects our physiology, our emotional/mental responses and spiritual potential. The energy from the New Moon up to the Full Moon is gradually building in strength and intensity; thus the New Moon is a great time to set your intentions, write down goals or begin new projects for the forthcoming cycle. Consider sitting in ceremony or personal meditation and affirming to the Universe your intentions & inner-most heartfelt desires for the cycle.

From Full Moon to the New Moon the energy is gradually decreasing in strength and intensity… thus is a time to release and let go of any areas in your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. All times are Queensland Australian Eastern Standard Time (QAEST – Qld time with no daylight savings) unless otherwise indicated. Activity timing with moon astrology. Datesearch - Moon Sign Calendar. Monthly lunar activity guide. Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit.

Monthly lunar activity guide

The guide is updated the first of each month. Two other astrological factors to consider when planning your activities is whether Mercury is retrograde motion when planning travels, automobile transactions, contracts, new studies, mail, electronics, communications, publishing, health, activities with neighbors, co-workers & domestic pets, in addition to checking on your personal power days. Some people also check whether the Moon is Void of Course during the time of the event that they are planning. The Moon's Void of Course can minimize productivity or reduce effectiveness of events.

Email us through the "Contact" link in the menu on the left to obtain information about ordering your own personalized Daily Activities Guide. Check out your "personal power" days for April. Mercury's Retrograde is: Not active this month. Sneak a Peek at Next Month. Moonsign activities. ARIES, Moon of initiative and action Energetic and fiery Suitable energy for taking on challenges, participating in competitions, performing daring feats, arduous exercises, physical work, to begin new ventures, or to perform action for its own sake.

Moonsign activities

Purchase of sporting gear, protective gear, hats, tools, stoves, firewood, machinery, cars, bikes, leather objects. The mood is decisive, enterprising, impulsive, militant, spirited, visionary. Honest, direct expression of feelings, strong instinct, but somewhat insensitive. In the garden Aries is traditionally considered too hot, dry and barren for growing anything. Healing Herbs: Burdock, Gotu Kola, Red Clover. Moon zodiac calendar. Below is a table for three months of Lunar Ingress with dates, times (UTC), and zodiac signs.

Moon zodiac calendar

The current month is blue, last month's is red and next month's is purple. Knowing when the Moon will be in your sign can give you an advantage for planning events and activities. A printable Transiting Ingress calendar is also available (Planet Calendars in the menu to the left of this page). This table is developed using UTC timezone. The Void of Course calendar in the menu will also show the monthly Moon Sign dates and times for Pacific Standard Time. Today is April 21, 2014 2:03 pm UTC The Moon enters (ingresses) into the next zodiac sign approximately every two to three days. To adjust the times for your timezone, add or subtract the number of hours your timezone is from 0 UT. Links are provided below for timezone calculators and Moon Sign information.