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BBC Future sur Twitter : "Would you put your grandparents in a self-driving #car? #WCIS14 @BBC_Autos #Futurist... Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. Tomorrow’s robots – hard-working, loyal companions. Thinking Futures — Integral Futures. A Methodological Interlude: Alternative Futures and Deductive Forecasting. The "Manoa School of Futures Studies," led by Jim Dator at the University of Hawaii, has been training students (including me) in the theories and methods of futures studies for almost 40 years.

A Methodological Interlude: Alternative Futures and Deductive Forecasting

The prevailing philosophy of the program is that "the future cannot be predicted, because 'the future' doesn't exist. " Instead futures research and forecasting should be directed toward developing and understanding 'alternative futures.' These alternative futures are a way to categorize our individual and collective "images of the future. " Understanding our images and beliefs about the future is part of the process to help us make wiser decisions today, and to install a sense of empowerment and responsibility towards future generations.

A Methodological Interlude: Alternative Futures and Deductive Forecasting. Portraits. Membres de la Délégation sénatoriale à la prospective. The Finnish Society for Futures Studies. Everyone is interested in what the future of mankind will be like.

The Finnish Society for Futures Studies

Through the choices each of us makes, we determine whether tomorrow's world will be a better place for humans to live. Association of Professional Futurists - Home. Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies. The Finnish Society for Futures Studies. General Education Research Group. The General Evolution Research Group The General Evolution Research Group (GERG) began with a secret meeting in Budapest in 1984 of scientists from both sides of the Iron Curtain during a critical juncture in the Cold War.

General Education Research Group

Spurred by the mounting threat to our species of rapid nuclear proliferation and overkill, the purpose was to see if it might be possible to use the chaos theory then coming into vogue to develop a new general theory of evolution that might serve as a road map for our species out of the mounting chaos of our times to the reassuring order of a better world. GERG in Florence, 1986. From left to right circling the table clockwise: Eisler, Corliss, Chaisson, Laszlo, Varela, Csanyi, Banathy. Empty chair is where Loye was sitting before he got up to take these photos.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. THE CLUB OF ROME ( Generalitat de Catalunya. Foresight. L'Institut du Benchmarking. Le Benchmarking. CEPS - Centre d'Etude et de Prospective Stratégique. Leading Through Understanding. Catalogue en ligne. Thésaurus IAMMESPAGNE ; CATALUNA ; TUNISIE ; ALIMENTATION HUMAINE Seulement pour les aspects d'alimentation, pour les documents sur la nutrition de l'homme utiliser NUTRITION HUMAINE, pour les aspects généraux utiliser SCIENCE ALIMENTAIRE Type et quantité d'aliments prescrits normalement pour un animal ou une personne.

Catalogue en ligne

Pour les régimes spécifiques,utiliser REGIME ALIMENTAIRE THERAPEUTIQUE Représentation ou simulation d'un processus ou d'un système au niveau local, régional ou national, pour la quantité d'aliment ingéré par un individu, utiliser PRISE ALIMENTAIRE. ANRT - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie. Foresight. Home. Cap Sciences. Le projet métropolitain. Conseil, formation, coaching : prospective, méthode des scénarios, créativité. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. The World Economic Forum. Shaping the Future of Natural Resources. Welcome to WFSF. Xjenza - The Malta Council for Science & Technology. Xjenza - The Malta Council for Science & Technology. The EU-funded project eFORESEE "Exchange of foresight relevant experiences for small European and enlargement countries" was based on the process being adopted by Malta and Cyprus in order to establish foresight exercises which were intended to help in the coordination of national RTD and innovation efforts, support capacity building and integrate these countries into the European Research Area.

Xjenza - The Malta Council for Science & Technology

Shaping Tomorrow. Wissen für die Wirtschaft von morgen. Futuribles. Futuresconference. Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. Fondation pour la recherche stratégique. Un Future Forum Report 2008 Mp Pc. Etude prospective et stratégique.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Etude prospective et stratégique

Le site est la vitrine des réalisations et des projets de la Société Internationale des Conseillers de Synthèse (SICS). Nous sommes une société anonyme : comment, autrement que sous la forme commerciale, préserver notre indépendance et la continuité de notre action ? La SICS a été créée en 1947 et c’est le 10 mai 1957 que nous avons créé, autour du philosophe Gaston Berger, le Centre international de prospective. Trois générations se sont succédées depuis, poursuivant la démarche initiée par Gaston Berger, inventeur de la prospective. Cette démarche, nécessairement généraliste (les prospectives spécialisées n’ont de sens et d’utilité qu’en aval), consiste à : • viser l’action : la prospective est une science de l’action, • prendre en compte la complexité du monde actuel, l’éclairer par cette perspective sur l’avenir qu’offre « le clair d’avenir », SICS-Société Internationale des Conseillers de synthèse - Bibliothèque. Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.

Welcome to Our Historic Site. Global Futures Studies & Research by The Millennium Project. Association of Professional Futurists - Home. Tomorrow is built today. African Futures Institute. The African Future Institute (AFI) was established in 2004 to sustain prospective thinking in Africa by optimising on the achievements of the African Futures project (set up in 1992 by the United Nations Development Program). The list of the major documents produced by African Futures is available on the AFI website. The AFI is a pan-African non-governmental organization registered as such in South Africa.

Headquartered in Cape Town, its mission is to serve as "an African platform for prospective thinking to facilitate the formulation by African countries of endogenous development models and approaches to achieve social justice, safeguard the dignity of their people and win the 21st century battle". African Futures. In the first part of this article, the author describes the political context surrounding the high-risk presidential elections that will take place in six countries in West Africa in 2014-2015.

African Futures

It considered in particular, the anticipated intensity of electoral competition in each country, one of the three elements of risk he’ll use, to assess the likelihood of violence. In this second part, he examines the current security context of the different countries and the institutional environments that will oversee the electoral process. This essay was originally written in French and translated by African Futures. All issues of misinterpretation or mistranslation are therefore solely the editors’ responsibility. Prospective 2100 - Au service de la prospective mondiale. Kaat Exterbille - Speakers Academy® Kaat Exterbille est une experte du « Management du futur ».

Kaat Exterbille - Speakers Academy®

Elle aide les entreprises à moderniser leurs processus organisationnels. Thenextwave. Foresight Entities’ Survivability. Against the common belief that the success or failure of foresight entities is determined by the strategies they take or their management ability in running a business, I want to highlight that larger forces in the environment, typically unseen by managers, allow some foresight entities to succeed and others to fail.

Foresight Entities’ Survivability

In recent years, a growing number of futurists and think tanks have emerged in the foresight field, but few of them have succeeded against tsunamis of social change on regional and global levels. If a futurist or a foresight think tank happens to be in the right place at the right time, the chances for success are much higher, regardless of the manager's ability. IMPAKT – critical and creative views on contemporary media culture. - Author: impakt Monday, 8 October 2012 Is all science fiction western?

IMPAKT – critical and creative views on contemporary media culture

Is there non-western science fiction? If so, what is its nature? Does it follow the form and content of western science fiction, or is it rendered different by its own local civilizational historical processes and considerations? Whoweare. Team ‹ Adaptive EdgeAdaptive Edge. Nicole is a strategist, future thinker and facilitator of complex change projects across sectors and systems. She founded Adaptive Edge in 2004 to create cutting-edge, collaborative approaches to tackling the critical long-term challenges facing her clients. Over the last 15 years, Nicole has worked in over a dozen global industries and sectors. Clients include leaders from Fortune 100 companies, governments, and civil society organizations.

She learned her unique craft at Global Business Network (GBN), a pioneering think-tank in San Francisco, best known for its network of important future thinkers and future-thinking organizations. Nicole is also a teacher, writer and social entrepreneur. Foresight Entities’ Survivability. About. The Futures Agency offers workshops, think-tank events & seminars, keynotes, presentations & provocations, such as Think-tank events (1-3 days), seminars, workshops and executive team seminars (from 3 to 7 hours i.e. 1 single day). These sessions are completely customized for each client, and are generally geared towards companies that are looking to identify, wire-frame and co-create new business opportunities, manage disruptive developments or other radical change, respond to the urgent need for much quicker innovation, speed up the development of new ideas, or otherwise face crucial strategic decisions that may require immediate action.

The Futures Agency is structured as a virtual organization with global reach, deep knowledge and domain expertise, and extensive experience as strategic advisors. Most engagements are led by Gerd Leonhard, Founder and CEO of the Agency, or by one of the partners depending on availability and the type of project involved. The Sceptical Futuryst. Foundation For the Future (FFF) > Web Presence. Welcome to WFSF. General Education Research Group. Prospective institute & think tank.