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Open Culture + Wearables This panel will in­ves­ti­gate the in­flu­ence and im­por­tance of open cul­ture on wear­ables pro­duc­tion, dis­sem­i­na­tion and tech­no­log­i­cal craft­ing. Unit­ing prac­ti­tion­ers in the field of wear­ables who have worked on and with on­line plat­forms, open work­shop events, pub­li­ca­tions, hack spaces, uni­ver­sity class­rooms and media labs to ad­vance the pro­lif­er­a­tion of the craft of wear­ables, the panel will pre­sent case stud­ies for the spe­cific in­te­gra­tion of open cul­ture in the pro­duc­tion and dis­sem­i­na­tion of wear­ables. Dates: Mon­day, 19 Sep­tem­ber, 2011 - 13:00 - 14:30 Move­ment by 2nd year Fash­ion & Tex­tile stu­dent at the Royal Acad­emy of Art in The Hague Knit and Cro­chet 3lec­tro­mode – Asym­met­ri­cal Mod­ern 001 Chair: Valérie La­m­on­tagne This panel will in­ves­ti­gate the in­flu­ence and im­por­tance of open cul­ture on wear­ables pro­duc­tion, dis­sem­i­na­tion and tech­no­log­i­cal craft­ing. Paper Ab­stracts by Valérie La­m­on­tagne by Dr.

NEXT Berlin | Leading. European. Digital Institute for the Unstable Media Technology [KONTEJNER] - Home KONTEJNER is inviting all artists, inventors, scientists, geek tech lovers and all other passionate tech heads to enter the open call and apply their works for presentation at the fourth edition of Device_art! The call for proposals is open until May 2nd 2012. The term device_art refers to art production based on various aspects of technological devices and mechanisms: the creative usage of analogue/digital, high/low technologies, also including devices, gadgets, machines, robots and tech oriented performances. Device_art is a comparative research project which, alongside local production, presents a particular international device art scene. Call for proposals is open until May 2nd 2012 (for artists and applicants residing in Croatia only) applications should be submitted to:e-mail: kontejner@kontejner.orgor via regular mail addressed to: KONTEJNER, Kušlanova 2/I, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia exhibition location: Zagreb, Prague time period: October and December, 2012

art ARS Electronica | Ars Electronica Festival Am 18. September 1979 beginnt das allererste ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL. Ein Pilotprojekt, das die heraufziehende digitale Revolution zum Anlass nimmt, nach der Zukunft zu fragen und diese Recherche an der Schnittstelle von KUNST, TECHNOLOGIE und GESELLSCHAFT ansiedelt. Mit dieser bis heute gültigen Philosophie legen der damalige Intendant des ORF-Landesstudios Oberösterreich HANNES LEOPOLDSEDER, Elektronikmusiker HUBERT BOGNERMAYR, Musikproduzent ULRICH RÜTZEL und der Kybernetiker und Physiker HERBERT W. FRANKE den Grundstein für die Erfolgsgeschichte der Ars Electronica. Binnen weniger Jahre entwickelte sich die Linzer Veranstaltung zu einem der wichtigsten internationalen Festivals für Medienkunst. Bestritten 1979 noch 20 KünstlerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen das Programm des Festivals, beteiligen sich mehr als drei Jahrzehnte später mehrere Hundert KünstlerInnen, Netzwerk-NomadInnen, TheoretikerInnen und TechnologInnen aus aller Welt.

Socially Responsive Communication and Art: Kolektiv/Festival/Network/Community Memefest Kolektiv Imagination/Intervention/Investigation Memefest Kolektiv is interested in creating situations that have the potential to engage people in transformative social relations through communication, design and art. We are based in Slovenia and Australia. The loose Kolektiv enjoys its many different roles and integrates education, curatorial and editorial work, publishing, investigation, organization of events, facilitation and production of various media including communication in the public sphere, theory, photography, design and art. The most known project we create every year is the International festival of Socially responsive communication and art. Memefest network: Memefest Kolektiv collaborates with a wider network of people from around the world. The "Festival of Socially Responsive communication and Art," nurtures and rewards innovative and socially responsible approaches to communication. Communication we are interested in is focusing on response-ability.
