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Dancing with Life: How Agility Makes You Personally and Collectively Gain Freedom and Elegance in a Complex World (2018) by Gilles Carlier d'Odeigne. Guiding Principles for an Adaptive Organization. Categories: Agile, Cultural Agility, culture, Leadership, Outcomes Management, Outcomes-focused Agility, Resilience, servant leadersip, Strategy, Sustainability, Value Management This is a bit of a different post for me.

Guiding Principles for an Adaptive Organization

My partner and I have crafted a set of Guiding Principles for an Adaptive Organization which I invite you to comment on in this thread. The final version will be posted for download at under a Creative Commons license. All contributions whose comments are used in some way (meaning either directly or caused us to think about something differently) will be recognized in the final release. So what would you change, drop or add? Here are the principles (we thought ten was a nice round number): These principles support one another equally in achieving mastery as an adaptive organization. Adaptive Space: How GM and Other Companies are Positively Disrupting Themselves and Transforming into Agile Organizations (2018) by Michael Arena. 5 trucs ultra simples pour bien exprimer votre reconnaissance.

Être reconnu, c'est se sentir beau et fort...

5 trucs ultra simples pour bien exprimer votre reconnaissance

(Photo: David E Strickler pour Unsplash) BLOGUE. Distanciation de deux mètres, masque, visière,... Vous comme moi, cela fait maintenant des mois que nous ne côtoyons plus les autres comme auparavant. Des mois que nous sommes «coupés» les uns des autres: si jamais nous avons le malheur de frôler quelqu’un ou de manipuler une poignée de porte juste après autrui, vite, nous filons nous désinfecter des traces qu’il a pu laisser sur nous.

Résultat? Alors? Clémentine Sebaux est une coach française qui vit à Dinard, en Bretagne - mon petit coin de pays natal! Listen Léon? Autrement dit, l’app Listen Léon est un moyen simple de pallier le manque actuel de reconnaissance au travail, de réinjecter de la bienveillance au sein de nos organisations. Mieux, Listen Léon peut permettre à l’entreprise de gagner en efficacité. On le voit bien, la reconnaissance est au coeur de nos organisations. 7 Amazing Facts About Emotions You Should Know. 3.

7 Amazing Facts About Emotions You Should Know

Emotions function to guide us to survive and thrive. Emotions focus our attention and motivate us toward a specific course of action. Each emotion has a purpose. Thought Leader Spotlight: Jean-Claude Monney, Former Chief Knowledge Officer at Microsoft Services. The social safety net is not ready for the next tech revolution. Here’s why. Will robots, artificial intelligence and the technology revolution mean the end of the American workforce?

The social safety net is not ready for the next tech revolution. Here’s why

Recent studies suggest yes – with the most dystopian of views foreshadowing the disappearance of the middle class, replaced by machines, forcing the government to provide basic services and funding for generations of a new underclass. The reality is that no one can predict the future, and if history is any indicator, creative disruption often brings a new series of innovations that create economic growth and ultimately jobs. In the last half of the 21st century, computers replaced many of the tasks performed by human hand, but at the same time, new jobs were created in the computer industry.

Indeed, employment as a computer specialist grew 95 times as a proportion of total employment between 1960 and 2000, from 12,000 to 2.5 million jobs. First, in 1970, 72% of college students were 25 or younger. Third, one of the many benefits of all this innovation is longer life-spans. Share. The world is changing. Here’s how companies must adapt. Although we have only seen the beginning, one thing is already clear: the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the greatest transformation human civilization has ever known.

The world is changing. Here’s how companies must adapt

As far-reaching as the previous industrial revolutions were, they never set free such enormous transformative power. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming practically every human activity: the way we make things; the way we use the resources of our planet; the way we communicate and interact with each other as humans; the way we learn; the way we work; the way we govern; and the way we do business. Its scope, speed and reach are unprecedented.

Think of it: Just 10 years ago, there was no such thing as a smartphone. Today, no one leaves home without it. Just a few decades ago, the internet connected computers at just a few sites. Enormous power entails enormous risk. That's why the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not just about technology or business; it's about society. Share. Take 5: How to Adapt to Changes in Your Industry. The times, they are a-changing. Brick-and-mortar retailers are on life support, while tech giants like Alphabet, Facebook, and Amazon set their formidable sights on the transportation, television, and grocery industries. All the while, income inequality is growing, the American population is aging, and labor market participation is down. The planet is warming. And, of course, the robots are coming. Is your organization ready to weather a shifting economy? 1. A strong corporate culture can be a boon for morale and efficiency.

How to develop adaptability in the workplace: New research.