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Robot Operating System

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Publish arrays to a topic on the command line. Asked Jun 13 '11 Hi all, I am new to ROS and experimenting with several things.

publish arrays to a topic on the command line

Now I have the following problem: I want to define a topic where the type contains arrays of strings and floats. So I wrote a file Arrays.msg that contains string[] name float32[] value and a simple Subscriber node: import roslib; roslib.load_manifest("playground")import rospy from playground.msg import Arrays def callback(data): print "test" def main(): rospy.init_node("array_test_node") sub = rospy.Subscriber("array_test", Arrays, callback) rospy.spin() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Now my question is: How do I publish a list of strings and floats on the command line? Rostopic pub /array_test playground/Arrays -- ["Foo"] [1.1] and it publishes the correct message on /array_test. Rostopic pub /array_test playground/Arrays -- ["Foo", "Bar"] [1.1, 2.2] but I get the following error message: What would be the correct command for publishing these arrays on the command line?



A problem of linking external libraries. Asked Sep 23 '11 Hi All, I encountered a problem while linking a ROS program against some external libraries.

a problem of linking external libraries

I am trying to link my ROS program against Xenomai libraries. Catkin — catkin 0.4.4 documentation. Catkin is a collection of cmake macros and associated code used to build some parts of ROS as of the Fuerte release.

Catkin — catkin 0.4.4 documentation

Installation The buildspace has one install target, which creates an FHS compliant (or as close as we can get) filesystem under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX via make install. This install target obeys DESTDIR for ease of packaging. Projects specify what should be installed and where in the usual cmake fashion, via the install() macro. Resources, assets, launchfiles, etc get installed to share/PKGNAME/. Main trickery Dependency ordering of stacks During the cmake run the main source directory is scanned for stacks to build. Generation of find_package infrastructure Each project calls catkin_project() which generates find_package files; this is for other packages to use.

Python path forwarding Environment generation.

My Nodes

Projekte > ros > Listen > ros-users Archive. Image_geometry/Tutorials/ProjectTfFrameToImage. Projecting a TF frame onto an image (C++) Description: This tutorial shows how to use image_geometry together with tf to project a tf frame onto a live image stream.


Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE In this tutorial we will write a node that projects one or more tf frames to image coordinates and draws them on the image: Although this is a mathematically simple operation, this tutorial is complex in that it integrates several different software components: OpenCV, tf, bag files, image_transport and of course(!) Image_geometry. Preliminaries First begin downloading the sample data: plug_on_base.bag (750 MB).

Create a scratch package to work in and manipulate the example code. cheatsheet. Robot_pose_ekf. Package Summary The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine measurements from wheel odometry, IMU sensor and visual odometry. The basic idea is to offer loosely coupled integration with different sensors, where sensor signals are received as ROS messages. Robotic Open Platform - About Robotic Open Platform. Robotic Open Platform - About Robotic Open Platform. Rosjava - An implementation of ROS in pure Java with Android support. Google I/O 2011: ROS Cloud Robotics.

ROS Simulation

Willow Garage. IDEs. This page collects experience and advice on using integrated development environments (IDEs) with ROS.


Please contribute. On ROS Answers there is a thread about Which IDE(s) do ROS developers use? That might have further hints not yet entered here. Reusing your shell's environment For building and running ROS programs from inside IDEs, the ROS enviroment has to be set up. Likewise, you can enhance your IDE's launcher icon to load your shells environment. Eclipse's built in C++ indexing capabilities have gotten quite good in recent versions. Installing Eclipse To use this tutorial, users should not "sudo apt-get install eclipse". Go to eclipse web site Click on "download now" from the top-right corner Download eclipse for C/C++ developers Extract eclipse into a folder of your choice Creating the Eclipse project files For a rosbuild package CMake can produce Eclipse project files automatically.

However, currently, a small hack is required for generating these project files in the right folder. Rinzo Eclipse XML Editor (for Launch-Files)

ROS Scientific Papers

ROS Documentation. My (Roomba 564 Base) Turtlebot Additions. ROS Audio. ROS for Pioneer. ROS (Robot Operating System) Robot Operating System (ROS) is a software framework for robot software development, (see also Robotics middleware) providing operating system-like functionality on a heterogeneous computer cluster.

ROS (Robot Operating System)

ROS was originally developed in 2007 under the name switchyard by the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in support of the Stanford AI Robot STAIR[2][3] project. As of 2008, development continues primarily at Willow Garage, a robotics research institute/incubator, with more than twenty institutions collaborating in a federated development model.[4][5] ROS has two basic "sides": The operating system side ros as described above and ros-pkg, a suite of user contributed packages (organized into sets called metapackages) that implement functionality such as simultaneous localization and mapping, planning, perception, simulation etc.
